
How to water aloe? Do you need to water it often?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to water aloe? Do you need to water it often?

Aloe is resistant to drought, but afraid of stagnant water, it is easy to cause aloe leaf atrophy, branch and root rot and even death in the case of over-wet drainage of basin soil. In order to make aloe grow leafy and thick, timely and appropriate watering is very important. The optimum humidity of aloe is 45% 85%, and the watering of aloe is related to the season. In winter, the growth of aloe is inhibited due to temperature, so boil water as little as possible, generally watering once every 15-20 days, if necessary, foliar spraying can be adopted to keep the basin soil properly dry, which is beneficial for aloe to survive the winter safely; in spring, when the temperature is 15-25 ℃, water is watered once in 5-7 days. High temperature in summer, large evaporation, generally 2-3 days watering once, in addition, every morning and evening can spray water to the leaves, in order to avoid hot summer sun exposure. As the climate is different in different regions, aloe watering should be flexible.

Aloe vera should be watered at the right time. Too much water will make its roots rot, and brown patches or brown rot will appear on the leaves. If the water supply is stopped at this time, it will slowly recover. If it is short of water, it will be dying and its leaves will wither.

The correct watering method is: when watering, it is best not to water from the top, but from the side or root, do not let the water pour on the leaves, so as not to damage the leaves due to high water temperature.

The interval of watering and the time of watering depend on the season and weather. Water it in the morning in spring and autumn, and it is better to water it once a week. If the weather is very clear and dry, it should be watered every 5 days. If it is the rainy season, water it every 10 days or so. In summer, it is best to water once a day, should be watered in the evening, let the water slowly infiltrate at night. Do not water in the morning, because it is easy to burn the roots, and evaporate quickly, can not achieve the purpose of watering. It is appropriate to water once every 10-15 days in winter. Choose to water it at noon when the temperature is high. If aloe vera is not put into the greenhouse in the cold winter, some people advocate that it should not be watered all winter, for fear that the moisture will easily freeze and hurt aloe vera.

Aloe vera basin soil to keep moist, too much water is disadvantageous to aloe root system, because aloe has the characteristics of drought and fear of waterlogging, when watering, gently irrigate along the edge of the basin but not hard, lest the basin soil is easy to harden and affect the permeability of the basin soil. when the basin soil is hardened, the soil should be loosened at the right time, with a depth of about 1.5 meters. Except that sufficient watering is needed in summer and water is often sprayed on the leaf surface, watering should be controlled in other seasons, otherwise potting soil is easy to cause stem and leaf rot. Because its fleshy leaves can store a lot of water, aloe is very drought-resistant. When you see the soil surface in the basin becomes dry, you can water it again. Too much watering or stagnant water in the basin will cause rotten roots.

April-June and August-September are the best growth periods of aloe. If the soil is too dry, its growth and development will be affected, so it should be fully watered during this period. It is usually watered after it is fully dry, and thoroughly watered. After this period of time, to properly control watering, so that the soil is not too wet, so that do not dry do not water, watering less, so as not to rot roots. Avoid watering at noon. Watering should be appropriate, if there is wet soil 2 meters below the topsoil, it can not be watered. At the beginning of planting, the soil should be a little drier, not watered, and then watered in half a month. After the slow seedling stage, water is watered every 2-3 days in summer, 6-7 days in spring and autumn, and no watering in winter. Aloe leaves are succulent, with a moisture content of up to 98.5%, and have amazing drought resistance. If aloe is uprooted and dried in a ventilated place, even if there is no water supply, aloe can still use the water in the body to carry out weak life activities and can maintain for more than half a year. At the same time, if it is replanted in the ground to restore water supply, the plant can grow again.

Aloe has different requirements for water in different development stages. At the seedling stage, the transpiration leaf area is small and the demand for water is also less, but its root system is weak and its distribution in the soil is shallow, so it is very sensitive to the change of water. Therefore, keeping the soil moist is very beneficial to the growth of seedlings. At the adult stage, the demand for water of aloe increased relatively, and the ability of drought tolerance was also significantly enhanced.

Aloe avoid stagnant water in the soil, which can cause rotten roots and leaves for more than 10 hours, and cause the death of the whole aloe plant. The soil water holding capacity should be 50% and 60%.

Different seasons are closely related to the watering of potted aloe. When entering the winter, the indoor temperature is relatively low, generally about 10 ℃ (the room temperature of some buildings can reach more than 20 ℃), the growth of aloe is inhibited, so it should be watered as little as possible every 15-20 days. Winter should be watered around noon, because the temperature is higher at this time, watering will not lead to cooling.

In winter, it is common to pour diluted liquid fertilizer water instead of pure water. If the room is relatively dry and the room temperature is relatively high, in addition to often using foliar spraying to keep the leaves green, we should also pay attention to shortening the watering interval.

In spring, as the temperature rises, the number of watering can be increased appropriately, generally not dry, but watered thoroughly, so that the cultivated soil in the basin is dry or not wet. When the temperature is 15-25 ℃, it is suitable to water once every 5-7 days.

In summer, the temperature is high and the evaporation is large, so it takes 2-3 days to water. In addition, water can be sprayed to the leaves 1-2 times every morning and evening to keep the leaves clean and green and increase ornamental. In summer, we should try to avoid noon sun exposure, in order to reduce the loss of soil moisture. If you encounter torrential rain and continuous rainfall, it is easy to accumulate water in the potted aloe basin on the balcony, so you must pay attention to timely discharge. If there is stagnant water in the basin, and then exposed to the hot sun, it is easy to cause various diseases in the leaves and roots of potted aloe, and even cause plant death.

In autumn, the watering requirement of aloe is basically similar to that of spring. In order to make the basin soil dry and wet, sometimes it is better to water less and make up watering after the basin soil is short of water, but do not make the basin soil oversaturated for a long time, resulting in insufficient oxygen in the aloe root and difficulty in breathing, resulting in the death of aloe plants.

Generally at about 10 ℃ (some buildings can reach more than 20 ℃ at room temperature), the growth of aloe is inhibited, so it should be watered as little as possible every 15-20 days. Winter should be watered around noon, because the temperature is higher at this time, watering will not lead to cooling.

In winter, it is common to pour diluted liquid fertilizer water instead of pure water. If the room is relatively dry and the room temperature is relatively high, in addition to often using foliar spraying to keep the leaves green, we should also pay attention to shortening the watering interval.

In spring, as the temperature rises, the number of watering can be increased appropriately, generally not dry, but watered thoroughly, so that the cultivated soil in the basin is dry or not wet. When the temperature is 15-25 ℃, it is suitable to water once every 5-7 days.

In summer, the temperature is high and the evaporation is large, so it takes 2-3 days to water. In addition, water can be sprayed to the leaves 1-2 times every morning and evening to keep the leaves clean and green and increase ornamental. In summer, we should try to avoid noon sun exposure, in order to reduce the loss of soil moisture. If you encounter torrential rain and continuous rainfall, it is easy to accumulate water in the potted aloe basin on the balcony, so you must pay attention to timely discharge. If there is stagnant water in the basin, and then exposed to the hot sun, it is easy to cause various diseases in the leaves and roots of potted aloe, and even cause plant death.

In autumn, the watering requirement of aloe is basically similar to that of spring. In order to make the basin soil dry and wet, sometimes it is better to water less and make up watering after the basin soil is short of water, but do not make the basin soil oversaturated for a long time, resulting in insufficient oxygen in the aloe root and difficulty in breathing, resulting in the death of aloe plants.