
The reason for the yellowing of desert rose leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The reason for the yellowing of desert rose leaves

Desert rose, its mysterious name and gorgeous flowers all attract everyone's enthusiasm for breeding. However, in the process of breeding, we often encounter the phenomenon of desert rose leaves yellowing. Let's talk about the reasons why desert rose leaves turn yellow.

The reason for the yellowing of desert rose leaves

One: have not yet adapted to the environment

Newly bought desert roses are in the adaptation period, and the phenomenon of a small amount of yellow leaves is very common, and it is normal to wait for it to adapt itself after a period of time. If there are a large number of yellow leaves, or even dying, then it may be for other reasons, continue to look down.

Second: root rot

Plant roots need to breathe, keep the soil loose, the flowerpot is airtight, it is easy to cause root rot, once the root rot plants naturally can not absorb enough nutrients. The solution is to remove the rotten part and loosen the soil. If all the roots rot, it will be hopeless.

Three: too much watering

From the name of the desert rose, we can see that it is more drought-resistant and should not be watered too much each time, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellowing leaves. Control watering after removing rotten roots.

Four: the temperature is too low

Desert roses will be dormant when the temperature is low in winter. the leaves turn yellow, dry and even lose leaves in order to reduce water evaporation and nutrient consumption. it is a mechanism of self-protection, so don't worry. If you want desert roses to come alive in winter, move into the greenhouse.

Five: lack of light

Desert rose is a sunny plant, sufficient light can ensure its normal growth. If you put it in the shade now, let it bask in the sun.

Six: poor ventilation

Poor ventilation will inevitably lead to yellow leaves of the plant, and in serious cases, the whole plant will rot and die. The solution is to take it to a "breeze", that is, to move to a well-ventilated location, such as balconies, windows, and so on.

Seven: excessive fertilization

On the one hand, excessive fertilization will make the soil impervious, on the other hand, the concentration of extracellular solution is too high, and the root cells lose water and die. The result is root rot until death. Therefore, fertilizers should be in the right amount, and remember not to apply too much.

Eight: insect pests

The main pest of desert rose is shell insect, which causes all leaves to fall off, plant growth point necrosis and even plant death when it occurs seriously. As soon as it is found that it is immediately wiped with water with cotton swabs, it can also be sprayed twice with 40% omethoate EC 1000 times or 50% fenitrothion EC 1000 times during spawning and incubation period.

Nine: diseases

Desert rose is mainly caused by leaf spot and root rot. When the leaf spot is serious, it can cause a large number of leaves to fall off. It can be controlled with 25% carbendazim wettable powder and 50% topiramate 1000 times. Root rot often causes root rot and death, which can be irrigated with 50% topiramine wet powder or 1000 times agricultural streptomycin.

Next, let's take a look at the cultivation of desert roses.

First, desert roses are mainly propagated by sowing and cutting. It is better to sow in spring, and the method of spot sowing is used to facilitate the management after emergence. Be sure to disinfect the substrate before sowing. After emergence, pay attention to the substrate in the sowing plate should not be too wet, otherwise the roots may rot and cause a large number of seedlings to die. It is better to have a vigorous growing season. Cut the branch into about 10 cm, soak the lower end in water and dilute the mucus at the cut to prevent cementation from affecting the hairy root. It can be inserted into the sand bed or directly into the sterilized cultivation substrate, and it can take root in about 15-30 days. In reproduction, it is recommended to use sowing method to propagate, so that the plant rhizome can naturally expand to form a good plant shape. On the other hand, it can not be planted in the seedling, and it will greatly reduce the ornamental value.

Second, in addition, in the cultivation, the desert rose branches are easy to grow, which affects the beautiful plant shape, so the plant shape can be changed by grafting. All the branches can be cut off according to a certain shape at a certain height of the plant, and then the upper end of the cut branches can be grafted by split grafting. The plant shape of the grafted plant is beautiful, and the flower branches are compact and ornamental after flowering.

Third, desert roses are more resistant to drought, not too much water each time, if more water, it is easy to cause root rot, at the same time, the branches are too long, it is more troublesome to prune. When it is hot in summer, it can be watered according to the soil condition. It is usually watered once every two or three days, and no water can be accumulated in the basin. As the temperature drops in winter, desert roses also enter a semi-dormant period, so properly control watering, keep the soil dry and water once a week. Proper drought is very beneficial to the growth of desert roses.

Fourth, desert roses prefer phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is usually replenished once a month or so. During the peak growth period in summer, sufficient fertilizer and water are needed so that the flowers can be luxuriant and bright. In addition, combined with the annual basin change, you can also properly apply some long-term base fertilizer in the basin, such as rotten bean cake, bone meal and so on. Desert roses prefer phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and are usually replenished once a month or so. During the peak growth period in summer, sufficient fertilizer and water are needed so that the flowers can be luxuriant and bright. In addition, combined with the annual basin change, you can also properly apply some long-term base fertilizer in the basin, such as rotten bean cake, bone meal and so on.

Fifth, the pruning of desert roses is also very important. If you do not pay attention to the usual pruning and let it grow, it is easy to lose its ornamental value. After flowering is the best time for pruning, you can make a choice according to your personal preference. Note: if you have more branches, you will blossom more. If you want to get more flowers, you must find ways to keep more ramets.

At the same time, the branches are too long, so it is troublesome to prune them. When it is hot in summer, it can be watered according to the soil condition. It is usually watered once every two or three days, and no water can be accumulated in the basin. As the temperature drops in winter, desert roses also enter a semi-dormant period, so properly control watering, keep the soil dry and water once a week. Proper drought is very beneficial to the growth of desert roses.

Fourth, desert roses prefer phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is usually replenished once a month or so. During the peak growth period in summer, sufficient fertilizer and water are needed so that the flowers can be luxuriant and bright. In addition, combined with the annual basin change, you can also properly apply some long-term base fertilizer in the basin, such as rotten bean cake, bone meal and so on. Desert roses prefer phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and are usually replenished once a month or so. During the peak growth period in summer, sufficient fertilizer and water are needed so that the flowers can be luxuriant and bright. In addition, combined with the annual basin change, you can also properly apply some long-term base fertilizer in the basin, such as rotten bean cake, bone meal and so on.

Fifth, the pruning of desert roses is also very important. If you do not pay attention to the usual pruning and let it grow, it is easy to lose its ornamental value. After flowering is the best time for pruning, you can make a choice according to your personal preference. Note: if you have more branches, you will blossom more. If you want to get more flowers, you must find ways to keep more ramets.