
[how to maintain the rich tree] the maintenance method of the rich tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [how to maintain the rich tree] the maintenance method of the rich tree

Many friends do not have a special understanding of the maintenance methods of rich trees, and there are always some problems in the process of breeding. So, how should we maintain the wealth tree? Today, let's give you a brief introduction. Let's take a look at it.

The effect of indoor wealth tree

First of all, as a common family potted plant, the main reason for its popularity is its beauty and beautiful appearance. And rich trees can sprout and plant their own seeds, so they can also be molded into different shapes according to their own preferences when they are young.

Secondly, the rich tree has a very good purification effect, such as formaldehyde in the air and harmful substances such as sulfur and benzene, which can be absorbed and purified. It should be noted that the rich tree absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide at night, and the plant is also larger. Therefore, it is best not to put it in the bedroom.

Finally, the rich tree also plays a good role in attracting money in fengshui because of its auspicious name. This is also the reason why some business places are chosen.

The culture method of rich tree

1. Sunshine should be appropriate.

Rich tree culture should be placed in an indoor sunny place, should pay attention to the leaves facing the sun, can not make it shaded for a long time, otherwise it will distort the branches and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves of the rich tree every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

2. Appropriate watering

The rich tree has a strong adaptability to water, generally in outdoor flooding or no watering indoors for more than ten days, and there will be no waterlogging and drought, but watering is still an important link in the breeding of rich trees. If the amount of water is too little, the development of branches and leaves will stagnate; if the amount of water is too large, the roots may rot and die; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic.

3. How to apply fertilizer

The demand for fertilizer of rich trees is greater than that of other flowers and trees, and the proportion of fertilizer soil can be 1/3 when changing pots. Fertile soil includes humus fallen leaves, mixed bones, mixed bean cake dregs and so on. These fertile soils are highly effective and easy to obtain. However, care should be taken to make it fully mature so as not to "burn" the leaves. It is worth noting that during the growth period of the rich tree (that is, from May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or flower fertilizer should be applied every 15 days to make it deep-rooted and luxuriant.

4. Temperature and humidity

Rich tree culture has higher requirements for temperature and humidity, if the temperature is too low or humidity is not enough, there may be fallen leaves, serious branches will be bald, not conducive to ornamental, but also may cause plant death.

Maintenance methods of rich trees

Rich trees prefer warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environments, and the optimum temperature for growth is 18-30 ℃. The temperature in winter must reach more than 5 ℃, otherwise frost injury is easy to occur. In the middle of winter, as long as the temperature is above 18 ℃ and there is plenty of sunshine, it can grow as usual.

When the room temperature is lower than 8 ℃, wet, dry and not ventilated, the leaves are prone to waterlogged patches and fall off in bronze color. When the temperature was below 5 ℃, all the leaves fell, the twigs lost water and withered, and in serious cases, the whole plant withered. Usually enter the house in November for the winter, and then leave the room after "Grain Rain". Rich tree maintenance, rich tree has a strong adaptability to water, in outdoor flood watering or indoor more than 10 days without watering, there will be no waterlogging and drought.

The basin soil in winter should avoid dampness, and it is appropriate to have a slight tide, otherwise the leaf tip is easy to scorch, and even the leaves fall off. If the room temperature is about 12 ℃, water can be watered once a month. The rich tree grows faster and has a well-developed root system, and its pots are changed every two years in late autumn or early spring. Do not water before changing the basin, when the basin soil shrinks and separates from the basin wall, take the soil to take out the plant, remove some hardened persistent soil, replace it with fertile culture soil, and replant it. The rich tree in the outdoor full sunlight environment, the leaf node is short, the leaf is wide, the leaf color is dark green, the stem base is fat.

This is the end of the relevant introduction to the maintenance methods of the rich tree. I believe that after reading it, everyone will have a certain understanding of the rich tree. If there are friends who want to cultivate rich trees, you can refer to the relevant knowledge points that I introduce to you.