
How to apply Fertilizer to Flowers in Family farming

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the root growth of potted flowers and trees is limited and the intake of nutrients is less, it is necessary to have sufficient fertilizer to ensure its normal growth and development. But it is not that the more fertilizer, the better, requiring timely and appropriate amount. It is understood that there are many examples of flower deaths caused by the use of fertilizer or improper watering by family flower lovers.

As the root growth of potted flowers and trees is limited and the intake of nutrients is less, it is necessary to have sufficient fertilizer to ensure its normal growth and development. But it is not that the more fertilizer, the better, requiring timely and appropriate amount. It is understood that there are many examples of flower deaths caused by the use of fertilizer or improper watering among family flower lovers. They are eager for flowers and trees to grow, so they often fertilize, water, or apply unripe fertilizers. As a result, it backfired, resulting in poor growth and even death. In general, sufficient attention should be paid and necessary measures should be taken when the following situations occur.

1. The growth of flowers and trees is thin, the plant is underdeveloped, the leaf color is abnormal and pale, or the spots are white, which are the symptoms of lack of fertilizer, so nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in time, and some barnyard manure and fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium should be applied appropriately.

two。 The growth of branches and leaves is particularly luxuriant, and in a short period of time, the buds grow, the buds are small, and the development stops, resulting in falling buds and falling flowers. This is caused by improper use of fertilizer and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. If potted rose is applied too much nitrogen fertilizer in spring, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, overgrown and do not blossom. On the other hand, citrus has the phenomenon of continuous flower drop and fruit drop. The remedy is to stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and use some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

3. Soon after fertilizing the flowers and trees, it was suddenly found that the plants withered and the leaves hung upside down, which was caused by the application of unripe fertilizer or overly concentrated fertilizer. In severe cases, flowers and trees die quickly. With the application of this kind of unrotten fertilizer, it is fermented in a basin to produce warm heat, which burns the roots to death. Or although fermented, but due to excessive concentration of fertilizer, causing reverse osmosis, resulting in the death of flowers and trees. If the above situation is found, some clear water should be irrigated to dilute its concentration. In more serious cases, it is necessary to change the basin and soil in time, trim the roots properly, and intensively trim the branches and leaves on the ground, place the basin in the shade, and often spray water to facilitate recovery.

Application method: there are two kinds of fertilizers for potted flowers: base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer. Base fertilizer is used when mixing mud on the basin or in winter, mainly including cake fertilizer, bone meal, hair, poultry feet and so on. Topdressing is applied during the growth period of flowers and trees, usually once every half a month, not too much, so as to "apply more thin fertilizer", that is, the mature fertilizer is mixed with water, or combined with watering. For the fruiting potted flowers, they can be stopped for a short time before and after flowering. Flowers and trees that like acid soil, such as camellia, rhododendron, Michelia, etc., had better be mixed with 1% ferrous sulfate when fertilizing to promote luxuriant branches and leaves.

In general, potted flowers should be fertilized in the growing period to achieve timely and appropriate amount. If you encounter plum rain or continuous rain, you can sprinkle a small amount of cake fertilizer powder on the surface of the potted soil for flowers and trees to absorb slowly. According to the needs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in different development stages of flowers and trees, appropriate application should be made, such as more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in the period of long branches and leaves, and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied to flowers and trees that bloom and bear fruit. There are a lot of phosphorus and potash fertilizers in the family, such as bottle water for washing milk and eggshell liquid, which are good phosphate fertilizers for watering potted flowers. Plant ash is a kind of potash fertilizer, which can promote stem growth and enhance the ability of cold tolerance and overwintering. Fertilization should be less in summer. Some cold-fearing flowers and trees should stop fertilizing after October. The soil should be loosened properly before fertilization to facilitate the absorption of flowers and trees. Chemical fertilizer is also a kind of rapid topdressing, and all kinds of fertilizer powder or tablets are sold on the market. These powders or tablets are both hygienic and convenient, and most of them are compound fertilizers containing a variety of nutrients, which can be used. However, it must be applied in strict accordance with the nature, composition and content of the chemical fertilizer, and must not be too concentrated so as to avoid fertilizer damage.

We should pay attention to these points in how to fertilize the family growing flowers.

Family flower cultivation, fertilization methods must be mastered, so that your flowers can grow healthily, and fertilization is a care of flowers, take care of the process of flowers, the following with the editor to see how to fertilize family flowers?

1. Base fertilizer: the base fertilizer must be rotten. I usually mix 1 part of a mixture of broken bones, carrion, dried mahjong and chopped soybeans, 1 part of rotten leaf soil bought by the market and 1 part of sandy soil, add an appropriate amount of insecticide and carbendazim, put it in a plastic bag and ferment it as a base fertilizer. The nutrition is comprehensive and the fertility is moderate and long-lasting.

2. Topdressing: topdressing is very random, usually rice washing water, meat washing water, water from milk bags, expired beer, etc., can be poured directly into the basin soil after a week, and the concentration can be adjusted according to the different conditions of each basin. In the vigorous growth season in summer, you can wipe the leaves with diluted fat water or beer to make them more ornamental. Potted flowers should pay attention to the bottom fertilizer, there are usually 9 less than 1 bottom, the bottom fertilizer is usually stable and long-lasting, while the concentration and fertility of topdressing is usually not easy to grasp, it is often easy to affect the appearance of flowers and reduce ornamental. In addition, for the bacteria which are easy to breed pests in the decay and application of home-made fertilizer, attention should be paid to the regular use of insecticide and carbendazim in time to ensure the health of the plant.

3. Pay attention to the following points when applying fertilizer:

(1) attention should be paid to the types of flowers in fertilization. Different kinds of flowers have different requirements for fertilizer. For example, sweet-scented osmanthus and camellia like pig manure and avoid human feces and urine; southern flowers such as rhododendron, camellia and gardenia avoid alkaline fertilizers; flowers that need to be re-cut every year need to increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to facilitate the germination of new branches; flowers dominated by foliage can pay more attention to nitrogen fertilizer; flowers with large flowers (such as chrysanthemum and dahlia, etc.) need to apply an appropriate amount of complete fertilizer during flowering in order to make all flowers bloom and look beautiful. For flowers that mainly watch fruit, fertilizer and water should be properly controlled in the flowering period, and sufficient complete fertilizer should be applied in the strong fruit stage in order to achieve the desired effect; bulb flowers, apply more potash fertilizer to enrich the bulb roots; fragrant flowers, enter the flowering stage, apply more phosphorus and potash fertilizer to promote the strong smell of flowers. # p# subtitle # e #

(2) fertilizing should pay attention to the season. Winter temperature is low, plant growth is slow, most flowers are in a state of stagnant growth, generally do not apply fertilizer; spring and autumn are in the peak period of flower growth, root, stem, leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, young fruit expansion, all need more fertilizer; summer temperature is high, water evaporation is fast, it is also a peak period of flower growth, the concentration of topdressing should be small, the number of times can be more.

(3) the application of organic fertilizer must be fully mature, and raw fertilizer should not be used. In addition, there are many valuable opinions on how to fertilize potted flowers. For example, data from Jiangsu and other places point out that fertilization depends on growth, fixed amount, and adhere to the "four more, four less, four no", that is, more application of yellow and thin, more application of pregnant buds before germination, more application of pregnant buds, more application after anthesis, less application of sturdiness, less application of germination, less application of flowering, less application in rainy season, no application of only growth, no application of new planting, no application of summer heat, no application of dormancy.

(4) at the same time, it is also pointed out that there are three taboos in potted flower fertilization: first, avoid concentrated fertilizer, second avoid hot fertilizer (high soil temperature at noon in summer, fertilization is easy to hurt roots), third avoid sitting fertilizer, apply basic fertilizer at the bottom of the pot when planting flowers, and not put the root directly on the fertilizer, but add a layer of soil to the fertilizer, and then plant the flowers in the pot.

How to fertilize the family to grow flowers

Types of fertilizers

1. Organic fertilizer: it is a kind of complete fertilizer, which contains not only nitrogen, phosphorus and three important elements needed most for flower growth, but also trace elements and growth stimulating hormone, which plays an important role in promoting its growth. The application of organic fertilizer can also improve soil structure and increase soil water retention capacity. Therefore, more organic fertilizer should be applied in fertilization.

2. Inorganic fertilizer: made by chemical synthesis or natural ore processing. The effect of fertilizer is fast, and it is often used as foliar spraying fertilizer.

Fertilizer selection during fertilization

1. For foliage-based, nitrogen-based fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times during the growing period.

2. For flowers and plants that are mainly watching flowers and appreciating fruits, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied when branches and leaves grow. Apply once every 10 days; when flower buds differentiate and form flower buds to the growth stage before flowering, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers dominated by phosphorus are applied 1-2 times.

Fertilization method:

1. Base fertilizer: organic fertilizer, bone powder, calcium superphosphate and so on are directly mixed into the culture soil. This method is called base fertilizer. The amount of organic fertilizer should not exceed 10% of the cultivated soil, and the inorganic fertilizer should not exceed 1%.

2. Topdressing: in the period of flower growth and development, the fertilizer applied according to different needs is called topdressing. Its concentration is very low, such as urea, diamine and so on need to be dissolved by adding water 10-1000 times. The clarification solution of organic fertilizer is diluted by more than 10 times of water before use.

3. Foliar fertilization: also known as extra-root topdressing. Liquid fertilizer is sprayed on the leaf surface with a sprayer, and the fertilizer dissolved in water enters the plant directly through the leaf stomata and stratum corneum, which is called foliar topdressing.

The method of home-made organic fertilizer:

1. Soak the liquid fertilizer in a container to put the vegetable leaves, pericarp, chicken fish bone viscera, eggshell, etc., add water, cover, rot, mature and ferment (about 2-3 months) (if the temperature is high, the time can be shortened), add water to dilute the supernatant, and use it as topdressing.

2. Waste composting will mix the above wastes with soil, add a small amount of water, spray insecticides, and put them into containers for sealed fermentation, which can be used as base fertilizer or topdressing.