
What is the flower language all over the sky?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What is the flower language all over the sky?

The full sky star is a kind of plant with strong vitality, so do you know what the flower language of the full sky star is? Perhaps some friends do not have a special understanding of this. Today, I will give you a brief introduction. Let's learn about it together.

A brief introduction to the full sky star

1. The name of the star is based on the stars of flowers. Flowers full of stars are like stars all over the sky, like smoke and clouds, hazy and beautiful are the characteristics of the stars. When the stars are in bloom, the flowers are extremely prosperous, evenly distributed, simple and snow-white in color, light, comfortable and delicate.

2. The full sky star is native to the coast of the Mediterranean. Like to grow up in a warm, humid and sunny environment, with the characteristics of tolerance to shade, cold and drought. And the growth rate is very fast, and the survival rate is very high. From this we can see that the vitality of the stars is extremely strong.

Floral words full of stars

The words of flowers all over the sky are thoughts, youth, dreams and sincere love. It contains the meaning of pure, distant and romantic. Giving a handful of stars means that I miss you, you are pure, give me a dream, I really like you, I am very happy to have you, I want to give you romance. And we watch love together, let me care for you, miss you, I don't want to be your supporting role, you are my true love and you have a pure heart.

Legends full of stars

In Greece, there are two very close sisters. They live happily together every day and have no secrets from each other. Until one day, a young man came to this small mountain village. he was seriously injured and fell on the side of the road. And the sister of the two sisters saved the teenager. When the teenager was in a coma, he only remembered a pair of gentle eyes staring at him, hoping that he could survive strongly. The younger sister asked the elder sister to take care of the teenager and then sent for a doctor herself.

During this time, the teenager woke up and mistakenly thought that her sister had saved him. That night, my sister said to her sister, "I fell in love with that young man." In this way, my sister watched them become lovers and live happily together every day. Looking at her sister's happy appearance, her sister hid her love for the teenager again and again.

Until one day, Ares tracked down the teenager and came to this small mountain village. He forced the teenager to show up with the lives of the whole village. Her sister was afraid and begged the teenager to leave the mountain village. At the moment when the teenager agreed to his sister's request, the younger sister confused the teenager and then dressed up as a teenager. She was killed by Ares.

The whole mountain village was stained with blood, but the girl's soul hung in the night sky. She erased the memory of the teenager with her last strength and prayed for her sister to give the teenager happiness. After learning about this, the flower god melted her scattered soul into the meadow where the teenager fell down. As a result, the grass was covered with mottled white petals, that is, the stars.

How to raise the stars?

The main results are as follows: 1. using stem tip culture, the propagation coefficient is high, the root growth condition is good and the seedling quality is good. Cut flowers are produced by tissue culture seedlings, the flower branches are tall and straight, the color is pure and the quality of cut flowers is high.

2. Before planting, the soil should be ploughed 40-50 m deep, enough organic fertilizer should be applied, and some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added appropriately. Acid or neutral soil should be properly applied with lime to adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. As a high border, the surface of the border is 30 to 40 meters high.

3. Water management should be strictly controlled, excessive wet growth becomes weak, stagnant water will cause root rot death. Watering should be controlled when the plant grows to 30 centimeters, especially at the budding stage and drier at the flowering stage.

This is the end of the introduction to the language of stars in the sky. I believe that after reading it, we all have a certain understanding of the stars in the sky. I hope the relevant knowledge points introduced today can be helpful to everyone.