
What kind of flowers are suitable for breeding on the east-west balcony?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The varieties of winter and spring flowers that ① places on the balcony railings are: Milan, wax plum, tulips, orchids, daisies and so on. Summer flowers are: Dragon claw flower, evening fragrant jade, hanging bamboo plum, Michelia, hibiscus, canna, Zhu Dinghong, white orchid, day lily and so on.

① put potted flowers on balcony railings.

Winter and spring flowers are: Milan, wax plum, tulips, magnolia, daisies and so on. Summer flowers are: Dragon claw flower, evening fragrant jade, hanging bamboo plum, Michelia, hibiscus, canna, Zhu Dinghong, white orchid, day lily and so on. Foliage flowers suitable for all seasons are: cycad, Luohansong, five-needle pine, Nanyang fir and so on.

The arrangement of both ends of the balcony of ②

The variety selection is roughly the same as the balcony of the Southern Dynasty, and semi-shade-tolerant roses can also be used.

The arrangement of ③ balcony close to the living room surface

The method is the same as the balcony of the Southern Dynasty, and neutral flowers such as rhododendron, primrose, cyclamen, cold spray and so on can be placed.

Top of ④ balcony

Hanging basin four-color hanging bamboo plum perennial herbs. Stem trailing or lanceolate, long-ovate, leaf tip pointed, green, with fuchsia and silver-white longitudinal stripes, the back of the leaf is fuchsia. Blossom white and rose flowers. Small potted plants are suspended with hanging pots, with overhanging branches and graceful features. Jade Sedum is also known as green grape. Succulent evergreen herbs with short grape-shaped plants. The long spindle-shaped fleshy leaves grow densely, and the stems and leaves are thick, green and glossy, and the spikes bend downward like an animal's tail, making a balcony hanging basin, which is very elegant.

⑤ facing the planting trough from east to west

The choice of plants is that the primrose flowers are golden yellow and have first leaves. They are called four friends in the snow with plum blossoms, daffodils and camellia when they blossom from February to April. Planted in the flower bed, its branches are drooping and soft, easy to tie into shape, if used as a pot pile is full of ancient interest. Half a lotus flower has a wide variety, rich colors and gorgeous luster, with a florescence from June to August. Planted in the flower bed, rows of dense flowers, forming a beautiful flower belt, will be lovely.

Which flowers are suitable for breeding on the balcony of the Southern Dynasty?

Which flowers are suitable for breeding on the balcony of the Southern Dynasty?

Layout outside the balcony of ①

Place potted flowers on the railing table outside the balcony. Generally choose upright varieties, with a small number of branches relatively soft trailing varieties between them, let its branches droop, can add beauty to the location. The winter and spring flowers cultivated in the south facing the balcony are: calla lily, pansy, calendula, pedicel begonia, daffodil, chrysanthemum, carnation, rose, osmanthus, kumquat, pomegranate, jasmine, cactus, gladiolus, dahlia, five-colored pepper leaf fruit and so on.

The arrangement of both ends of the balcony of ②

One end can be set up a ladder frame, the flowerpot for three-dimensional placement, potted flower varieties can be selected from the above flowers according to the size of the ladder frame and the degree of liking yin and yang. The other end is provided with a wind shield frame to plant vine climbing plants. Such as: triangular flowers, hard bones Lingxiao, wisteria and other evergreen or semi-evergreen vines, suitable for all seasons.

The arrangement of ③ balcony close to the living room surface

Flower racks can be set up to place some shade-resistant small potted flowers, such as crab claw orchid, arrow lotus, asparagus, bell flower, spring orchid, fern, fern, African violet and so on.

The layout of the top of the ④ balcony

Hanging basket is a way of plant three-dimensional configuration. Can be hung on the wall, can also be suspended in the air, its planting and management methods are roughly the same.

When selecting soil, the hanging basket should consider its characteristics of ventilation, easy drying and being in the room. It must be a light special culture soil with good drainage and strong ability of water and fertilizer conservation. Because the hanging basket is suspended in the air, the permeability is good, it is easy to dry, it is better to choose drought-tolerant plants, and choose drooping vines in shape to create a three-dimensional effect.

The hanging basket should choose color flowerpots or light plastic flowerpots that coordinate with your balcony tone, use special culture soil, spread slow-acting chemical fertilizer evenly in the soil, and then plant flowers and plants. After planting, the gondola should be placed in the shade to manage, watering carefully so as not to dry the soil. The sagging plants begin to grow upward after 2-3 days, flourish after 1 week, and cover the surrounding soil after 2 weeks.

The wall-hanging gondola is planted in a semicircle because it is leaning against the wall and cannot be planted at the back of the hanging basin. Spring hanging basket primroses. The plant is not large, bright color, beautiful shape, open during the Spring Festival, for China's traditional indoor flowers, like shade and fear of strong light, like warm, humid, cool summer, strong vitality, the flowers are planted in the gondola, the tone is particularly bright, but also particularly luxuriant.

Summer hanging basket he's impatiens. Mixed with varieties of different colors, the leaves are emerald green. The flowers are large, up to 4cm in diameter and bright in color. The flowers are white, pink, pink, rose, purple, scarlet and complex. Suitable temperature, good management can blossom all the year round, can withstand high temperature and drought. Mixed with a variety of impatiens planted in the gondola, when all kinds of flowers bloom bright, the scenery is overflowing. The leaf is afraid of the strong summer sun, so it is appropriate to hang in the shade at the top.

There is a planting groove under the edge of the ⑤ balcony.

The planting trough is generally 20 cm wide and 40 cm deep, planting all kinds of flowers and green plants to form a flower belt, as beautiful as the decoration on the house. A variety of 2012 or perennial flowers can be selected in the planting trough. How to impatiens, petunia, marigold, rhododendron, gardenia, geranium and other flowers with long flowering period, bright colors and beautiful flowers, as well as perennial green orchids, Tianmeng, ferns, such as kidney fern, Phoenix tail fern, iron fern, Boston fern, bird's nest fern and so on. Potted plants or hanging plants full of vitality are planted alone or mixed to form a colorful trim to make the periphery of the house beautiful and colorful.

Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to the city is densely populated, residents mostly live in buildings, high-rise residents grow flowers, can only use balconies or windowsills. If there is no planting trough, specially arrange a place to grow flowers, or make a flower pot rack by yourself, which can be divided into several layers, with light-loving plants in the upper layer and shade-tolerant flowers in the lower layer. You can also extend a board to the balcony and fix it with steel bar or angle iron. Baffles or fences should be set around the board to prevent flowerpots from falling, and several hooks can also be set up on the balcony and eaves to install flowerpots into flower baskets made of rattan, bamboo or wicker. This method uses the space, does not occupy the balcony use area, not only plays the three-dimensional greening fruit, but also very beautiful.

Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to some hanging balcony facilities, must be checked regularly to ensure safety. The planting trough can be made of wood, etc., and the flowers can be caught directly in the trough. The groove can also hang out toward the place. On the balcony can build a small scaffolding, plant climbing plants, such as pineapple, lead, etc., can block the summer sun exposure, but also beautify, green balcony. There are many differences between growing flowers on the balcony and planting flowers in the courtyard on the ground. in order to raise them well, we must pay attention to the following points: matters needing attention for breeding potted flowers on the balcony 1. The light that affects the lighting of the balcony is the orientation of the balcony. Planting those flowers and trees on the balcony is better, according to the orientation of the balcony, as well as the local climatic conditions, the habits of flower varieties to decide. South-facing balcony, strong light, plant heat absorption, transpiration is also large, it is appropriate to plant sunny and drought-resistant flowers. Such as succulent plant cactus, cactus, gemstone flowers and so on. It is also like Petunia and Clematis. Scutellaria barbata, night incense, rose, pomegranate, June snow, a string of red, iron tree and so on. The north balcony includes the corridor, because there is no direct sunlight, it is not suitable to plant sunny flowers, but can only grow shady and neutral flowers. Such as the four seasons begonia, asparagus, Tianmen winter, hanging bamboo plum. Duck foot grass, tortoise back, hanging orchid, ivy and so on. Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to 2, water and humidity balcony due to good ventilation conditions, dry air surface, so watering is the key. Pay attention to watering and spraying water to the leaves and the ground. The flowerpot should be large, because the soil is divided, the water is stored, and it is not easy to dry, or put the flowerpot into a shallow water basin, and the water can be supplied continuously because of the capillary appointment. You can also put a basin of water around the potted flowers to make them evaporate naturally and improve the local microclimate. The potted flowers on the balcony should pay attention to the appropriate density, slightly denser, because more potted flowers can evaporate water together to increase the humidity of the surrounding air. Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to 3, the temperature balcony is generally the cement floor and walls, when the sun shines, due to the reflection of cement, the temperature rises, especially toward the west balcony, when the sun is partial in the afternoon, the balcony is full of sunshine and the temperature rises obviously. this kind of radiation is disadvantageous to growth, therefore, water can be sprinkled on the balcony, and part of the heat can be brought when the water evaporates. Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to 4, the wind is flowing air, plant growth needs this environment, however, too strong wind is often harmful to plants. When the wind is too strong. The windproof plate can be installed appropriately. Breeding balcony potted flowers should pay attention to 5, other such as the purchase of flowers and trees, we should pay attention to the capacity of the balcony, plant size and balcony direction, color and so on. I sincerely hope your balcony will bring you unlimited interest. Matters needing attention in cultivating potted flowers on balcony