
Characteristics of Gladiolus flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Characteristics of Gladiolus flowers

Acorus tatarinowii, also known as Acorus calamus, is native to Europe and western Asia. Like water and dampness often grow in the water or shallow water, then let's take a look at the characteristics of Acorus tatarinowii!

Acorus calamus is a perennial herb, the rhizome is relatively stout, the diameter is generally up to 2.5 meters; the branches are more obvious, yellowish brown; the fibrous root is yellowish white. Its basal leaves are gray-green, broad sword-shaped, up to 60 cm in length and 1-3 m wide, and the flower tip is relatively sharp.

The flower language of Acorus tatarinowii is "the blessing of believers". That is, the letter of happiness and admiration of believers; because of the different varieties of calamus, it also represents marriage in Germany, is regarded as divine grass, and gives it humanization.

The flower stem of Acorus tatarinowii is stout, 60-70 cm high, 4-6 mm in diameter, with distinct longitudinal ribs, upper branches, cauline leaves shorter and narrower than basal leaves; bracts 3-4, membranous, green, lanceolate, 6.5-8.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, apex acuminate.

Flowers yellow, 10-11 cm in diam.; pedicel 5-5.5 cm long; perianth tube 1.5 cm long, outer perianth lobes ovoid or Obovate, ca. 7 cm long and 4.5-5 mm wide, claws narrowly cuneate, central sunken trench, with dark brown stripes, inner perianth lobes smaller, oblanceolate, erect, 2.7 cm long and ca. 5 mm wide.

Stamens ca. 3 cm long, filaments yellow-white, anthers black-purple; style branches yellowish, ca. 4.5 cm long, ca. 1.2 cm wide, apical lobe semicircular, margin sparsely dentate, ovary green, trigonous-columnar, ca. 2.5 cm long, ca. 5 mm in diam.

Efficacy and function of Acorus tatarinowii

1. Acorus calamus has dignified shape, pleasant aroma and simple cultivation and management. it has been loved by people since ancient times. it is not only a good choice for indoor potted plants, but also a good beauty to decorate the courtyard and rockery. Modern people generally use it to plant on both sides of the waterscape for viewing. In addition, the leaves and inflorescences of Acorus calamus can also be used as flower arrangement materials, the effect is good.

two。 The roots, stems and leaves of Gladiolus can be used as medicinal materials, but because of the wide variety of Gladiolus, the efficacy is also different; Gladiolus tastes bitter, but it has a good effect of enlightening and resolving phlegm, expelling qi and expelling phlegm, detoxification and insecticidal.

3. The fragrance of the flower diameter of Acorus tatarinowii is relatively rich, which can not only keep Johnson fit, but also treat abdominal distension, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and other diseases. According to the records of ancient books, in ancient times, the rhizome of Acorus calamus was generally used as a good medicine to dispel dampness and detoxification.

Reproduction: commonly used ramet and sowing reproduction. Ramets can be carried out in early spring, autumn and after anthesis. Rhizome segmentation, each segment should have 2-3 buds. Generally, the ramets are divided once in 2-3 years. Sowing, summer seeds mature, sowing immediately after harvest, not dry storage. It takes 3 years for seedlings to begin to see flowers.

Cultivation: it should be planted in the shallow water by the lake or by the pond, or in the water tank. The soil needs to be fertile. Pay attention to the water and wet conditions and the adjustment of water level during the growing period. After anthesis, the underground rhizome gradually enters the dormant period, but it is not suitable for drying. It can be slightly dry in winter, the water level is maintained below the rhizome, and the root still has sufficient humidity.

Diseases and insect pests: White silk disease and iris disease are common, which are sprayed with 50% topiramine 500 times and 25% verapamil EC 400 times respectively.

Application: Acorus calamus blossoms from April to May, the flowers are big and beautiful, bright yellow, as well as variegated leaves and double petals, which have high ornamental value. Especially suitable for water wetlands, lakeside, poolside planting, the landscape is elegant and interesting. It can also be used as a cut flower.

The above is the whole content of the characteristics of the gladiolus flowers that I summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.