
Maintenance methods of family potted flowers in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The main work of summer maintenance of potted flowers is shading, watering, ventilation, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and so on. 1. Shading and shading maintenance due to the different ecological conditions of the origin of flowers, different kinds of flowers have different requirements for light. General light-loving flowers

The main work of summer maintenance of potted flowers is shading, watering, ventilation, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and so on.

1. Shading and shading maintenance

Due to the different ecological conditions of the origin of flowers, different kinds of flowers have different requirements for light. General light-loving flowers, such as peony, sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, plum blossom, poinsettia, variegated wood, kumquat, pomegranate, etc., should be kept in a sunny place after leaving the room in spring. In the middle of summer, Milan, jasmine, magnolia and Fusang should be moved to half-shaded places for maintenance; hulk, gentleman's orchid, evergreen, camellia, rhododendron, gardenia, four seasons begonia should be kept in a cool place with good ventilation and shade of about 50%. If they are exposed to strong light for a long time, they will wither and yellow, or even die; cyclamen, hanging upside down, etc., when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, the leaves will be dormant and should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. The hairpins of Orchidaceae, Araceae and Liliaceae need to be maintained in low light or scattered light with a shade of about 80%.

Attention should be paid to the cooling of flowers in summer. Cooling measures should be taken, one is to avoid shade, the second is to pay attention to ventilation, and the third is to sprinkle water on the ground around noon to achieve the purpose of cooling.

2. Moderate watering

Due to the high temperature in summer, the vast majority of flowers have a large demand for water and should have adequate water supply. Generally, it is necessary to water twice a day in summer, once at seven or eight o'clock in the morning in sunny days, and once again at six or seven o'clock in the afternoon. Dormant and semi-dormant flowers, such as orchids, inverted golden bells, geraniums, cyclamen, four seasons crabapple, arrow lotus, etc., should be watered less. In addition, it is not advisable to water too much during flowering to avoid falling flowers and buds. For some flowers that like shade and humidity, such as orchids, azaleas, camellia, calla lilies, etc., we should often spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpots to form a moist and cool microclimate. Watering time should be early or late, never watering at noon, so as not to cause harm to the plant.

3. Appropriate amount of topdressing

The fertilization of potted flowers in summer varies according to the type of flowers. Acid-loving soil flowers, such as camellia, rhododendron, magnolia, gardenia, etc., can be applied alum fertilizer every 10 days or so (15% mature oil residue solution plus 0.3% ferrous sulfate); foliage flowers use more nitrogen fertilizer; flowers and fruits watch flowers apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; dormancy or semi-dormant flowers should not be fertilized. After September, most flowers should stop fertilizing to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves. Topdressing should be "thin fertilizer frequently", "light rather than thick", generally every 7-10 days to apply mature thin oil residue liquid fertilizer, the concentration is 10%-15%, or compound chemical fertilizer, fertilization should be carried out in the evening. Be careful not to splash fertilizer and water on the leaves when fertilizing, so as not to burn the leaves. Loosen the soil before fertilization and water it the next day.

4. Trim and reshape

Summer pruning is mainly for coring, wiping buds, thinning flowers, thinning fruits, cutting off residual flowers, and so on.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

The high temperature and humidity in summer is the period when fungi, bacteria, virus diseases and all kinds of pests occur in large numbers, so prevention and control should be done in time.

Maintenance methods of family potted flowers in winter

The central problem of pot flower conservation in winter is to create suitable environmental conditions according to the growth and development characteristics of all kinds of flowers so that they can survive the winter safely and lay a good foundation for better growth and development in the coming year. For a small number of flowers that bloom in winter and early spring, conservation management should continue to be strengthened to make them grow normally so that they can blossom at that time.

1. Enhance the light

Potted flowers have been moved indoors in late autumn or early winter, and the characteristics of different flowers should be taken into account when placed indoors. Flowers that bloom in winter and spring, such as cyclamen, crab claw orchid, daffodil, camellia, poinsettia, etc., as well as flowers that like strong light and high temperature, such as Milan, jasmine, gardenia, white orchid, etc., should be placed on or near the windowsill where there is plenty of sunshine; for flowers that prefer semi-shade in summer and light in winter, such as gentleman orchids and inverted golden bells, they should also be placed in the sunny place. Flowers that like warmth and semi-light, such as asparagus, begonia, rhododendron, etc., can be placed far away from the windowsill; evergreen flowers that like sunlight but can withstand low temperatures, or flowers that are dormant, such as sweet-scented osmanthus and oranges, can be placed in cool places with scattered light higher than 0 ℃.

Indoor flower cultivation should also pay attention to ventilation. In the high temperature or sunny weather at noon, open the window, ventilation, can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, is conducive to the robust growth of flowers.

2. Control fertilizer and water

In winter, due to low temperature, most flowers enter dormancy or semi-dormant state, metabolism is very slow, the need for fertilizer and water is very little, so, in addition to autumn, winter or early spring flowering flower species, such as gentleman orchid, poinsettia, cyclamen, melon leaf chrysanthemum, camellia, etc., should continue to water and fertilize, general potted flowers should be strictly controlled fertilizer. Stop fertilizing the dormant or semi-dormant flowers; do not water the potted soil if it is not too dry, especially the potted flowers that are shade-resistant or put in a colder place indoors, but also reduce watering to avoid rotten roots and fallen leaves caused by too much watering. Plum blossom, kumquat, rhododendron and other woody potted flowers should also be strictly controlled in winter so as not to cause overgrowth and affect flower bud differentiation. For cactus and succulent plants, water and fertilizer should be strictly controlled in winter, fertilizing as little as possible, watering less, generally about once a month.

3. Keep warm and protect against cold

Most of the flowers and trees native to tropical, subtropical and warm temperate zones have the characteristics of being warm and afraid of cold. The suitable temperature for growth is between 20 and 25 ℃, and grows slowly below 10 ℃. When the temperature drops below 5 ℃, it will stop growing, and when the temperature drops to 0 ℃, it will suffer frost injury. In the area north of the Yangtze River, the temperature is low in winter and there is a cold snap from time to time, so in order to make the potted flowers safely through the winter, cold prevention measures must be taken. According to the overwintering temperature requirements of all kinds of flowers, they can be kept in an appropriate place indoors for maintenance. Potted flowers are usually divided into three categories, and different cold protection measures are taken to keep warm.

The main results are as follows: (1) the flowers with strong cold resistance, such as brown bamboo, cycad, orchid, sunflower and so on, can survive the winter safely without heating and the temperature is above 0 ℃.

(2) the flowers with weak cold resistance, such as rubber tree, duck foot wood, pocket coconut, tortoise back bamboo, sea taro, spring feather, red back cinnamon, etc., can be placed indoors without heating and the temperature above 5 ℃ to survive the winter safely.

(3) the flowers requiring higher overwintering temperature, such as Guangdong evergreen, horsetail iron, arrow leaf taro, green apple, tiger tail orchid, bamboo taro, white crane taro, loose tail sunflower, fish tail sunflower, etc., had better be put in the room with heating equipment and keep the temperature above 10 ℃.

If you live in a building, you can build a simple greenhouse with a bamboo bow on the south balcony. The requirement of the shed is low in front and high in back. It is covered with double-layer plastic film above and around, and the bottom is tightly compacted with bricks. Under normal circumstances, the temperature of this small plastic greenhouse can be maintained above 7: 8 ℃. If the temperature in the shed rises during the windless and sunny day, the thin corner of the plastic facing south can be opened around noon and properly ventilated and cooled when it exceeds 20 ℃. After winter, low-temperature-tolerant flowers, such as pomegranate, fig, oleander, kumquat, peony and sweet-scented osmanthus, can be put in the shed to survive the winter. If you live in a bungalow, you can build a semi-underground simple greenhouse in the sunny part of the courtyard, which can keep the temperature above 5 ℃ in winter.

The essence of the conservation of family potted plants in summer every summer is a difficult time for many flowers. The rainy season of high temperature, extreme heat and stagnant water is difficult for flowers to tide over. Summer is not only the peak period for the growth and development of most flowers and trees, but also the key period for management. As the owner of Huahua, do you have the heart to make them feel so uncomfortable without heartache? Don't worry, the popular garden network teaches you how to take care of delicate flowers in summer. The first thing to pay attention to is that plants can not be exposed to high temperature for a long time. Different flowers and even different periods of the same flower have different requirements for light. Many shade-loving flowers are not adapted to the strong light environment in midsummer, so the light should be filtered out by 50% to 80%. The flowers that need to be filtered are orchid, evergreen, asparagus, camellia, southern bamboo, gardenia, rhododendron, magnolia and so on. In addition, some flowers are afraid of high temperature and are prone to bad health and dormancy in high temperature weather. Put the plant on a ventilated balcony or spray water on the leaves to lower the temperature. The flowers that need to be cooled are orchids, calla lilies, geraniums, begonia and so on. Secondly, Rain Water is sufficient in summer, and it is easy to accumulate water in the flowerpot, so we should pay attention to timely drainage, otherwise the soil is easy to harden, and the anoxia in the pot soil will cause flowers to suffocate to death. Fleshy root flowers are particularly afraid of stagnant water in the basin, such as orchids, dahlias, cactus and so on. Third, the summer high temperature and rainy, air humidity is too large, a single ventilation condition is not good, it is easy to occur diseases and insect pests, red spiders, aphids, white spot disease and so on. Therefore, we must pay attention to the continuous rainy season, we must strengthen ventilation. In addition, the stalks of some spiders are too high and can easily be broken in a storm, so they must be prepared to prevent lodging before heavy rain. Finally, it is necessary to control watering for some flowers such as string red and zinnia in summer, otherwise it is easy to grow branches and leaves without blooming. At the same time, it can also be used to remove buds and buds and other methods to prevent excessive growth of branches and leaves.

How to maintain summer dormant flowers such as daffodils, cyclamen, golden bells and tulips will enter dormancy or semi-dormancy in summer, when metabolism is slow and growth stagnates. There are also big rock tree, four seasons crabapple, geranium, freesia, arrow lotus, calla lilies and so on. Therefore, summer maintenance should be aimed at the physiological characteristics of the above flowers, take corresponding measures, careful nursing, in order to make it smoothly through the dormancy period. Put the dormant plant in a cool and ventilated place to avoid bright light and Rain Water, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and even lead to the death of the whole plant. To strictly control watering, at this time too much watering, basin soil is too wet, very easy to rot roots. Watering too little, it is easy to make the root shrink, and it is appropriate to keep the basin soil slightly moist. Stop fertilization, dormancy period because the physiological activity is very weak, do not need fertilizer, so can not apply any fertilizer. Otherwise, it is easy to cause rotten roots, rotten balls, and even the death of the whole plant. In addition, for cyclamen, tulips and other bulb flowers, the bulbs can also be dug up after summer dormancy and stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place. The key points for the maintenance of family potted plants in summer the main points of summer maintenance of family potted flowers are watering flowers with luxuriant branches and leaves and consuming a lot of water in summer, so flowers should be fully watered every morning and evening in summer. Summer is different from other seasons, there are many places to pay attention to flower cultivation, because the weather is dry, flowers and plants raised outdoors should be watered more, and flowers such as green pineapple and hanging orchid should not be directed in the sun, otherwise they are easy to burn leaves or cause leaf yellowing. This kind of flowers and plants should be watered less in summer in order to ensure their normal growth. The summer temperature is high, the water evaporation is fast, and the transpiration is exuberant, so Qingqin watering, the amount of water and the number of times are flexibly controlled according to weather conditions, plant species and other conditions. The best time to water is in the early morning or evening, avoid watering at noon in hot summer. The best water quality is Rain Water or pond water. If tap water is used, it should be stored in a water tank or storage tank for 24 hours to raise the temperature and let the chlorine out. Pay attention to ventilation indoor flowers, when the temperature is more than 30 ℃, we should pay attention to ventilation, open the window, let fresh air flow into the room, heat prevention and cooling. For the flowers placed in the air-conditioned room, because the indoor humidity is low, the position of the flowers is as far away from the air outlet as possible, when not using the air conditioner, you should open the window to increase indoor air circulation and let the flowers absorb more fresh air. The key point for the maintenance of family potted plants in summer is to build a shelf to shade potted flowers, and put Reed curtains to cover them in summer, so that they can safely survive the hot summer. Most potted flowers, such as snow in June, camellias, rhododendrons and orchids, cannot stand the direct light of summer, so they should be placed in a shady shed or in the shade of trees. The shade shed can be made of bamboo curtain, grass curtain, shade net and so on. At the same time, at noon, water should be sprayed to the nearby ground and shady shed to cool down and increase humidity, which is conducive to summer prevention of flowers and trees. Moisturizing and cooling in summer can cover some grasses on the basin soil, so that the sun does not directly illuminate the basin soil, so as to reduce the temperature of the basin soil, and also make the water of the basin soil not evaporate too quickly; you can also spray the leaves of flowers with a sprayer, and sprinkle it around at the same time. Reduce the temperature and increase humidity. This is very good for some flowers that like to be cool. Fertilization in summer potted flower fertilization should be carried out according to the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, more and less, and avoid excessive concentration, so as not to cause excessive branch growth or plant wilting. Fertilizers should be used in a reasonable way, and pay attention to adjust the pH. The concentration of chemical fertilizer is generally 0.2%, 0.5%, and topdressing should be strictly controlled at noon in midsummer. The key points for the maintenance of family potted plants in summer are pruning flowers and trees in spring and winter. According to the specific conditions of flowers and trees, summer also needs proper pruning. Flowers and trees that bloom in summer, such as jasmine, Fusang and rose, should be pruned in time to prevent nutrient consumption, and flowers and trees with strong germination such as June snow and banyan should be pruned and reshaped in time; in order to maintain nutrients, excess buds, buds and overdense branches should be removed in time. Disease and pest control summer temperature is high, Rain Water is more, is the frequent season of diseases and insect pests. During the flower growing period, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and other pests generally occur; 40% omethoate and 90% dichlorvos 1500-2000 times can be sprayed; if white powder or anthrax occurs, Bordeaux solution, 50% topzine or 65% Dysen zinc solution can be used for control.