
The Home function of Banana Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Home function of Banana Tree

Banana tree evergreen large perennial vegetation, in the summer when its leaves will pull out large yellow flowers, let's take a look at the banana tree's home role.

Musa tree (green sky, fan fairy, Gan Jiao, Tianju, Banjiao) Musaceae, Musa genus. Evergreen large perennial. Stems 3-4 m tall, unbranched, clustered. Leaves large, up to 3 meters long, about 40 cm wide, was long elliptic, with thick main veins, parallel veins on both sides, light green leaf surface, leaf back pink white. In summer, large pale yellow flowers emerge from the foliage.

"Fushu like trees, quality is not wood, high Shu Chui shade", is the predecessor of plantain shape, quality, posture image description. Plantain is most suitable for planting in a small courtyard corner or window wall, rockery bank. It is not suitable for planting in rows. It should be scattered or planted in groups. The shade is like a cover. It makes people feel cool in summer.

General banana tree is to use the split to reproduce, when the end of autumn when its leaves will slowly wither, this time we need to cut off dead leaves for him, and to protect the roots. Bind its remaining stalk with straw from the base of its stalk upwards.

Then in early April of the next year, the straw on it will be removed. When it keeps up with many young plants, it can be divided and propagated. Remember to apply some organic fertilizer into the pit as its base fertilizer when transplanting.

It will be best planted in the corner of a small courtyard or by a wall in front of a window, or next to a rockery. However, it is not suitable for planting as a row, it is best to scatter or plant a few trees in clusters, so that it will be green, even in the hot summer days will make people feel cool.

medicinal value

Plantain and banana belong to a family, similar in appearance, but the fruit can not be eaten, there is a certain medicinal value. Sweet smell, cold, non-toxic.

functional indications

1) All poison. Mash it with plantain root and apply it to the affected area.

2. Fluid red rubella. The treatment is as above.

3. Wind-fire toothache and insect toothache. Take a bowl of banana root juice, fry hot gargle.

4, thirst, joint trouble heat. With plantain root pound juice, drink at any time one, two close.

5, blood pain. With plantain root, eclipta grass, etc., decoction. Take it twice a day.

6. The initial onset of swelling. Bake plantain leaves, grind into powder, and apply ginger juice.

7. Heartache. Burn the banana flower to preserve its nature and grind it to the end. Two coins per serving, salt soup sent down.

Reproduction by ramets. When the banana leaves wither in late autumn, cut off dead leaves and protect the roots. The remaining stalks were wrapped with straw from the base of the stalk upwards. In early April of the following year, the straw will be removed, and when many young plants grow on the roots, it is feasible to divide and reproduce. When transplanting, organic fertilizer is applied into the pit as base fertilizer.

Yellow leaves should be cut off at any time during growth to burn nutrients and affect beauty. The same place, planting too long, easy to produce love full no longer phenomenon, should change planting site. You don't have to be very careful.

The above is what I summarized for you the banana tree home role of the entire content, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.