
What are the functions of the iron tree flower?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the functions of the iron tree flower?

Iron tree is the common name of cycad, iron tree can be seen everywhere in our country, let's take a look at the role of iron tree flower.

The value of iron tree is very high, iron tree in addition to having a good ornamental value but also has a high medicinal value, iron tree body is a treasure, we can use the leaves of iron tree to play a pain and detoxification effect, can also use iron tree words to play a kidney benefit.

The role of iron trees in feng shui:

1, prosperous house: iron tree symbol of unyielding, unswerving, longevity and wealth, good luck, iron tree means strong, can supplement the blood of the house, is an ideal prosperous home feng shui plants, can be placed in the balcony and living room and other places, can prosper the house, but the family has zodiac dragon, dog, rabbit people should not be cultivated.

2. Prosperity: The most important position of the living room is called financial position in feng shui, which is related to the rise and fall of the family's wealth, career, reputation, etc., so the layout and decoration of financial position cannot be ignored. The best position of the financial position is the diagonal orientation of the living room entrance, suitable for the vigorous growth of plants, which can make the family's wealth continue to flourish and the fortune is more prosperous. Iron tree is a vigorous growth of green plants, decoration in the home financial position, again appropriate, but there is a prosperous feng shui role, but note that can not be cultivated with hydroponics.

3, block evil disaster: iron tree in feng shui has the role of evil, can put the iron number in the door or kitchen door and other places, can block evil disaster.

Effects of Iron Tree:

The leaves of iron tree have medicinal value, but the seeds and shells of iron tree have adverse effects that can induce tumors. Experiments have proved that iron tree can induce tumors, but in fact this is not due to the poison carried by iron tree itself. The production formula of this toxin is because after oral administration, it dissolves with a substance of bacteria in our intestinal tract, forming methyl groups that react with active substances such as nucleic acids, which causes the formation of iron tree toxins.

Leaf: astringent hemostasis, detoxification pain. For all kinds of bleeding, gastritis, gastric ulcer, hypertension, neuralgia, amenorrhea, cancer.

Flower: regulating qi and relieving pain, tonifying kidney and consolidating essence. For stomachache, spermatorrhea, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea.

Seed: calms liver, lowers blood pressure. For hypertension.

Root: Qufeng activating collaterals, tonifying kidney. For tuberculosis hemoptysis, kidney deficiency toothache, lumbago, leucorrhea, rheumatism joint numbness pain, traumatic injury.

Effects of Iron Tree Flowers:

1, treatment of tuberculosis hemoptysis, threatened abortion, menorrhagia, hematuria, hemorrhoids bleeding, enteritis bacillary dysentery, rheumatism bone pain, traumatic pain: red leaf iron tree dried flowers three to five money, decoction.

2. Cough and hemoptysis: 15-30 grams of iron tree flower, proper amount of rock sugar, candle soup.

3. Menstruation closure or menorrhagia: iron leaves burn, grind, 3-6 grams per serving, yellow wine delivery.

4. Iron tree contains iron tree element and new iron tree element A and B, which have anticancer activity. The leaves are astringent and have the effect of stopping bleeding. Flowers are antitussive and analgesic. The root is used as a tonic and found to have anticancer effects.

5, women ovarian tumor, stomach cancer, vomiting nausea: about 90 to 120 grams of iron tree leaves, red dates 7-10, boiled soup service, a course of one month.

The above is what I summarized for everyone's role in the role of iron tree flowers, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.