
Efficacy and function of perilla leaves side effects of perilla

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of perilla leaves side effects of perilla

Perilla leaf is not only a good medicine, but also a very good food. What are the effects and effects of perilla leaves? What is the way to eat perilla leaves?

The efficacy and function of perilla leaf

1. Anti-cancer

Perilla oil can significantly inhibit the incidence of cancer caused by chemical carcinogens, reduce the tumor volume and prolong the time of tumor occurrence. Perilla oil was used to feed rats with colorectal cancer induced by chemical carcinogens. the results showed that perilla oil could reduce the activity of mucosal ornithine decarboxylase and the sensitivity of colonic muscle to tumor promoter-phospholipid membrane of colon epithelial cells. effectively inhibit colon cancer.

2. Anti-allergy

According to the test, perilla leaf is rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron and so on, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which can play a normal role in immune function and alleviate allergic reactions such as allergic dermatitis and pollinosis. The study also found that the efficacy of Fructus thunbergii is similar to that of perilla leaves, and it can also be used in the treatment of skin diseases.

3. Bacteriostasis

Perilla oil has obvious inhibitory effect on naturally polluted mold, and its inhibitory effect on mold is obviously better than that of Nipagin acetic acid, and it has the characteristics of low dosage, safety and not affected by pH value.

4. Reducing blood lipid

α-linolenic acid in perilla oil can significantly reduce the content of triglyceride in blood and inhibit the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol. Animal experiments show that perilla oil can regulate blood lipids in hyperlipidemic rats.

5. Anti-thrombus

It is proved that perilla oil can inhibit the free radical of platelet and serotonin, thus inhibit the occurrence of thrombosis and has antithrombotic effect. Unsaturated fatty acids such as α-linolenic acid can reduce the level of platelet AA and inhibit the production of thromboxane A1, which can weaken platelet activity, effectively control and inhibit platelet agglutination in blood vessel wall, and thus reduce the formation of thrombus.

6. Raise blood sugar

The results showed that perilla oil 0.35ml/kg could increase the blood sugar of rabbits, and the blood sugar-raising effect of perilla oil was stronger than that of perilla oil after perilla aldehyde was made into oxime.

7. Cure verruca vulgaris

According to reports, disinfect the skin around the warts (if the warts protrude, you can cut off the skin), take the washed fresh perilla leaves and rub the warts for 10-15 minutes at a time, dressing once a day.

8. Perilla leaves have good medicinal efficacy, but we should know that when using perilla leaves, we should also pay attention to some taboos of perilla leaves, such as people with deficiency and cold should not take it, otherwise it will reduce the body resistance, hypertension friends should not eat. At the same time, experts remind that it is one-third of the poison, so when eating perilla leaves, we should pay attention to it and should not eat it for a long time.

The empirical prescription of Perilla frutescens

1. Eat less and bloat: 30g fresh perilla, 2 eggs. Add water to the pot and boil, beat the eggs into a bowl, break them up, put them into the pot, boil and add perilla, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate and salt to taste. With the effect of dispelling cold in the middle, it is more suitable for eating less belly distension, like hot diet and so on.

2. For vomiting, chest tightness, nausea, Rhizoma Cyperi, perilla leaves 12g each, licorice 6g, orange peel 6g, made into powder, 3G each time, three times a day.

3. For vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating fish and crabs, abdominal pain, 30 to 60 grams of this product alone, fry it with water.

4. Wind-cold nasal obstruction: 15 g of perilla leaf, 10 g of Notopterygium notopterygium, 10 g of Schizonepeta tenuifolia, 6 g of ginger, 10 g of Fangfeng and 10 g of cassia twig. Take it twice a day after frying in water. It has the function of relieving surface and dispelling cold, and can treat exogenous wind-cold and cause nasal congestion and runny nose, body soreness and other diseases.

5. Restless fetal movement: perilla stem, mulberry parasite 12g, Atractylodes macrocephala 6g, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 3G, Dipsacus 9g. Take one dose a day after frying in water.

6. Chronic gastritis: perilla stem 12g, Chuanhuanglian 6g, bergamot 6g, Fructus Aurantii, green skin, Bupleurum, tangerine peel, patchouli 10g, Evodia rutaecarpa, raw licorice 3G each. Take one dose a day after frying with water, 10 days as a course of treatment. This prescription can relieve the liver and qi and relieve the pain in the stomach.

Edible method of perilla leaf

1. Fresh leaves are raw and mixed, bleached with warm salt water and monosodium glutamate in the container and put into the plate, add a small amount of cooked oil to eat immediately, delicious taste, endless aftertaste, and conducive to the absorption of various vitamins.

2. Deep-fry: add a small amount of flour, salt and monosodium glutamate to the egg white, mix it with porridge, put the leaves facing up and the back facing down, fry them in warm oil until moderate, then eat with pepper and salt.

3. Perilla leaves include sashimi, dipped in seasoning, or mixed with shrimp and crabs to eat the right amount of raw perilla leaves, which has the function of detoxifying and warming the stomach.

4, hot pot instant-boiled food: and seafood, meat, etc., put into the hot pot, slightly hot to eat do not take too long, and then drink its soup, delicious.

5. Fresh leaves are eaten raw with spicy root or sweet noodle sauce, which is extremely fresh, natural and nutritious.

A brief introduction to Perilla

English: Perillae Frutescentis alias: perilla leaf, white perilla, red perilla, chicken crown perilla medicine: Xin, warm efficacy: relieve cold, wide qi, detoxification of fish and crab main treatment: cold cold, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness vomiting, fish and crab poisoning caused by abdominal pain vomiting usage: fried clothing, 5 to 9 grams attention: should not be fried for a long time

Perilla is the stem and leaf of perilla, an annual herb of Labiatae. Its leaf is called perilla leaf, and its stem is called perilla stem. Harvest in summer and autumn. Yin is dry and useful.

Slightly hot can be eaten not for too long, and then drink its soup, the taste is delicious.

5. Fresh leaves are eaten raw with spicy root or sweet noodle sauce, which is extremely fresh, natural and nutritious.

A brief introduction to Perilla

English: Perillae Frutescentis alias: perilla leaf, white perilla, red perilla, chicken crown perilla medicine: Xin, warm efficacy: relieve cold, wide qi, detoxification of fish and crab main treatment: cold cold, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness vomiting, fish and crab poisoning caused by abdominal pain vomiting usage: fried clothing, 5 to 9 grams attention: should not be fried for a long time

Perilla is the stem and leaf of perilla, an annual herb of Labiatae. Its leaf is called perilla leaf, and its stem is called perilla stem. Harvest in summer and autumn. Yin is dry and useful.