
Can you eat wild strawberries, green plants?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can you eat wild strawberries, green plants?

Can wild strawberries be eaten? I believe there are not many people who can say it in detail. Wild strawberries are common wild plants in our lives, but can wild strawberries be eaten? Let's go and see it together!

Wild strawberries, also known as raspberries, have yellow flowers. Perennial herb whose leaves, along with other medicinal plants, make tea to relieve tension and diarrhea, fruit to replenish iron and is a soothing laxative, and leaf decoctions to astringe pores. Strawberry nutrition is rich, rich in a variety of effective ingredients, each 100 grams of fresh fruit meat contains vitamin C 60 mg, higher than apples, grapes. Pulp contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein, organic acids, pectin and other nutrients. In addition, strawberries are also rich in vitamins B1.B2.C, PP and calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, chromium and other essential minerals and some trace elements. Strawberry is an important source of essential cellulose, iron, potassium, vitamin C and flavonoids.

Can wild strawberries be eaten?

Of course, wild strawberries can be eaten, I believe many of the post-80s friends have eaten wild strawberries when they were young, that sour, red and tender, a bite full of juice, not to mention how delicious, and wild strawberries also contain a variety of trace elements that are good for human health, can be said to be the most delicious wild fruit in spring.

Of course, a similar fruit growing with wild strawberries is inedible. This fruit looks very similar to wild strawberries, but its appearance is red and white, and it is not soft and juicy. Pay attention to distinguishing when picking wild strawberries.

Wild Strawberry Effect

Wild strawberries are rich in nutrients, rich in a variety of effective ingredients, each 100 grams of fresh fruit meat contains vitamin C 60 mg, higher than apples, grapes. Pulp contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein, organic acids, pectin and other nutrients. In addition, strawberries are also rich in vitamins B1.B2.C, PP and calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, chromium and other essential minerals and some trace elements.

The fruit can be used to add flavor to liqueur, relieve gastritis and hepatitis, remove dental calculus or macula, and strengthen teeth and gums. The crushed fruit is applied to the skin to treat sunburn and also has the effect of a lotion to lighten dark spots or freckles. Wine made from fruit steeped in wine refreshes and relaxes the mood.

In the West, eating strawberries is highly regarded as fashion, they regard strawberries as a panacea for cardiovascular diseases and cancer, so eating strawberries regularly is beneficial to health. According to relevant data, vitamin C in strawberries can block the production of nitrosamine, a strong carcinogen in the human body, and can destroy the specific enzyme activity produced when cancer cells proliferate, so that "cancerous" cells reverse to normal cells.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that strawberries have great medicinal value, its sweet taste, cool nature, with cough clearing heat, Liyan Shengjin, spleen and stomach, nourishing blood and other effects. Medical research shows that strawberries have unique effects on heart and brain, especially for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage and atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that strawberries have anti-cancer effects. Ellagic acid extracted from strawberry roots, leaves and fruits contains high anticancer activity, which can effectively protect human tissues from carcinogens, thus reducing the occurrence of cancer to a certain extent.

The above is what I summarized for you green plants wild strawberries can eat all the content, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.