
Teach you how to graft crab claw orchid with high survival rate

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Teach you how to graft crab claw orchid with high survival rate

Grafting, we have all heard of it, maybe some people have actually put it into practice, so have you ever done grafted crab claw orchid? Crab claw orchid, a common cactus plant, has a lot of love to raise it in our life, so we are interested in its grafting methods. So how to graft crab claw orchid, the survival rate of the plant is higher? Now let's take a look at the grafted crab claw orchid.

The time of grafting crab claw orchid

Usually, crab claw orchids are grafted from late March to mid-June, or from mid-September to mid-October. However, it is better for everyone to stay in the past, that is, in late spring and early summer, because the weather is warmer and the light and temperature are easier to control, which is more conducive to the growth of plants. in this way, the chances of survival of crab claw orchids are also higher. And choose grafting at this time, the affinity of plant scion and sticky wood is strong, the plant is not easy to rot or freeze injury, the survival rate is naturally high. In addition, just after spring, the state of plants still maintain the vitality of spring, naturally very strong.

The method and process of grafting crab claw orchid

1. Preparation of grafted sticky wood scion

Grafting crab claw orchid is relatively simple. After confirming the time of grafting, you can start grafting. First of all, choose a sunny day for grafting, and then choose the sticky wood needed for grafting. Generally speaking, the grafted crab claw orchid should choose cactus sticky wood. This kind of plant has strong trunk and strong support, and the grafted crab claw orchid is also more beautiful. Take the branches of one-year-old cactus as sticky wood, remove the cactus from its mother and insert it into a sand bed, and cultivate it into grafted sticky wood. Select the top annual shoot as the scion on the robust mother plant of crab claw orchid, cut off 1/3 of its lower part with a blade, then disinfect it with alcohol, and cut the lower part of the scion into a wedge with a blade, which is the best.

2. The grafting process of crab claw orchid

Cut a knife at the top of the prepared sticky wood, the width and depth of the knife edge should be slightly larger than the scion, and then quickly put the scion in the cut of the sticky wood. After the scion is inserted into the incision, because there is a lot of sticky and slippery fluid inside the sticky wood incision, the scion is easy to slide and will change its position if it is not careful, so the scion and the incision should be fixed immediately by hand. then put the pre-prepared cactus and thorns across the rootstock scion, so that it is connected and fixed together. Basically, crab claw orchid is grafted, but it is best to check carefully to see if there are any problems you have noticed.

3. Maintenance and management of grafted crab claw orchid

After the completion of the grafting of crab claw orchid, we should not think that this is over, this is only the initial work of the grafting has been done, and the maintenance and management in the later stage has just begun. First of all, we need to put the newly grafted potted flowerpot in a cool place where it can escape the wind and rain and be ventilated, and because the plant has just been separated from the plant, it is easy to wilt because it loses too much water, so it should be watered appropriately to keep the potted soil slightly moist, but when watering, we must pay attention to the sticky interface not to touch water, otherwise the wound is vulnerable to infection. Reduce the survival rate of plants. Under such meticulous care, the crab claw orchid can survive in about half a month.

Conclusion: grafting crab claw orchid is not only a grafting method and process can be finished, if the plant can survive better, it is also very important to choose the grafting time and do a good maintenance management after grafting.

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Conclusion: grafting crab claw orchid is not only a grafting method and process can be finished, if the plant can survive better, it is also very important to choose the grafting time and do a good maintenance management after grafting.

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