
How do you plant seeds?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Osmanthus seeds are often used when the female parent traits are not strictly maintained. (1)Cleaning and disinfection of seeds In order to reduce diseases and improve emergence rate, seeds should be cleaned and disinfected before sowing. Wash the seeds with water first

How to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds, sowing and propagation sweet-scented osmanthus is often used under the condition that the character of the female parent is not strict.

(1) seed cleaning and disinfection

In order to reduce the disease and increase the emergence rate, the seeds should be cleaned and disinfected before sowing. Wash the seeds with clean water, then soak them in 0.5% potassium permanganate or 1% bleach solution for 20 minutes, remove them and rinse with clean water to dry.

(2) seed germination.

In order to improve the emergence rate and uniformity of seedling emergence, pre-germination of sterilized seeds should be carried out. The seeds can be soaked in about 50 ℃ of warm water for 4 hours, filtered and put into baskets and other aerated containers, covered with wet cloth or hay, placed in an environment of 18 to 24 ℃ to accelerate germination. When the seed stratification has a certain thickness, the seeds should be turned frequently to keep the temperature and humidity of the upper and lower layers consistent. Half of the seeds can be sown after the mouth of the seed is cracked and the radicle is exposed.

(3) sowing time

Because of its strong vitality and high germination rate, sweet-scented osmanthus seeds can be sowed in autumn in October of that year or in spring in the following year.

(4) sowing method

Sweet-scented osmanthus is generally sown by strip sowing method. The width of the seedling bed is 12 cm, the depth of the groove is 3 cm, and the row spacing is about 20 cm. The thickness of the covered soil should not exceed 2 times the seed diameter, and then cover the soil with a thin layer of straw. Then use a watering pot to water the soil thoroughly. These are the methods of how to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds.

How to plant sweet osmanthus seeds? Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

Osmanthus fragrans is an important landscaping plant in China, which integrates greening, beautification and fragrance. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow green in four seasons, with luxuriant branches and luxuriant leaves; sweet-scented osmanthus can be dusty and thick, so it has a very good ornamental value. In the process of planting sweet-scented osmanthus, the method of seed propagation is usually used. So, how to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds? The planting methods of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds are introduced as follows.

Picture: sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

I. pre-sowing treatment of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

1. Seed modulation: after sweet-scented osmanthus seeds are harvested, they should be modulated immediately. The outer seed coat of ripe fruit is soft, which can be washed with water immediately, remove empty seeds and small seeds floating on the water surface, pick out impurities, and then dry them indoors. Be careful not to dry in the sun, because there is no waxy layer on the seed coat of sweet-scented osmanthus, it is easy to lose water and dry up, thus losing physiological activity.

two。 Seed storage: sweet-scented osmanthus seeds have the characteristics of physiological post-ripening, which must be accelerated by proper storage in order to sow and raise seedlings. Osmanthus fragrans seeds are generally stored in two ways: sand storage and water storage. ① sand storage is to cover with wet sand layer upon layer, the best place to store seeds is in a cool and ventilated place, and pile them on the land or sandy land, not on the cement ground; ② water storage is to pack the seeds in breathable bags that are not easy to rot, fasten the mouth of the bag and put it in cold water, preferably in running water. Check frequently to see if the seeds are dehydrated or moldy. The seed bag stored in water should not be out of the water. In summer, the seed bag should be kept away from the hot water layer of the water surface, so as to prevent the seed from germinating and rotting by heat.

3. Inspection and disinfection of seeds: ① test. Seed testing should be carried out before sowing, and empty and spoiled seeds should be removed. Then use a knife to randomly cut a number of full seeds to observe whether the kernels are fresh and have the ability to live. Generally speaking, the kernels of good seeds are milky white and sterilized by ②. First wash the seeds with clean water, then soak them in 0.5% potassium permanganate or 1% bleach solution for 15-20 minutes, then filter out the residue of the disinfectant solution, rinse the seeds with clean water and dry and sow the seeds; or soak the seeds in 0.5% formalin solution for 15 minutes, seal the seeds for half an hour, then rinse with water to dry and sow the seeds.

4. Sprouting treatment: in order to enable the seeds to germinate quickly and neatly, the sterilized seeds can be soaked in warm water of about 50 ℃ for 4 hours, then taken out and put into baskets, covered with wet cloth or straw, and germinated at a temperature of 18-24 ℃. When half of the seeds are cracked or the radicles are slightly exposed, the seeds can be sown. In the process of accelerating germination, the seeds should be turned frequently to keep the temperature and humidity of the upper and lower layers consistent, so that the buds can sprout neatly.

Picture: Osmanthus fragrans

2. Sowing methods of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

From February to early April of the following year, sowing and raising seedlings can only be carried out when the seeds are white. The strip sowing method is generally used, that is, to make horizontal or longitudinal grooves on the seedling bed, with a width of 12 cm and a depth of 3 cm, and sow a germinated seed every 6-8 cm in the trench. When sowing, the navel of the seed should be placed on the side so as not to bend the radicle and young stem and affect the growth of the seedlings. In Guilin area, it is usually sown with wide strips, with a row spacing of 20-25 cm and a width of 10-12 cm. Sowing 20 kg per mu can produce 25000-30000 seedlings. Cover the fine soil immediately after sowing, and the thickness of the soil should be no more than 2-3 times the transverse diameter of the seed; smooth the border surface after covering the soil to avoid stagnant water; cover with a thin layer of straw to prevent the cover grass from being blown away by the wind; then spray water fully with a fine-eye spray can until the soil is drenched. Grass mulching and water spraying can keep the soil moist, avoid soil hardening, and promote early germination and emergence of seeds.

Picture: Osmanthus fragrans

III. Post-sowing management of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

The management work after seed germination should keep up in time in order to cultivate robust seedlings. For the growth and development of seedlings, the following six points should be done in the specific operation:

1. Uncover the grass and shade: when the seeds are germinated and unearthed, the grass should be properly uncovered on a cloudy day or in the evening. Uncover the grass too early to reach the purpose of covering the grass; too late, it will break the buds or form tall seedlings. Weeding should be carried out in stages, and a part of the covered grass can be left between the seedling rows to keep the seedbed moist, reduce water evaporation and prevent the growth of weeds. After uncovering the grass, entering the summer high temperature season, we should set up a shed to shade the sun in time, keep the transmittance of the shade about 40%, cover it in the morning and uncover it in the evening, cover it in sunny days and uncover it in rainy days, and store the Reed curtains for sunshade in the first and middle of September.

two。 Loosen the soil and weed: loosen the soil in time, the depth is 2-3 cm, it should be shallow rather than deep, in order to prevent root injury. Weeding can be combined with loosening the soil, and strive to remove early, small, except. In addition, weeds on ditches, trails and ridges should also be removed to clean the nursery and eliminate breeding places for diseases and insect pests.

3. Intermediate seedlings and supplementary seedlings: sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings are more shady, the growth rate is slow, generally do not need inter-seedlings, appropriate densification and thinning can be done. Do not damage the root system of the retained seedling when moving the seedling, and irrigation should be carried out after the seedling transfer, so that the seedling root is closely combined with the soil.

4. Irrigation and fertilization: drought resistance and seedling protection must be paid attention to in the dry season in summer and autumn, and irrigation should be carried out in the morning or evening. To adopt the method of rapid irrigation and drainage, the water should be watered thoroughly and evenly, and the ditch drainage should be strengthened in the rainy season to avoid the harvesting of seedlings. One month after the seedlings were unearthed, the seedlings entered the period of vigorous growth. Should be irrigated once a month mature thin barnyard manure liquid or nitrogen fertilizer. The concentration is mixed with 10 kg of manure liquid or 150-200 g of urea or 300-400 g of thiamine per 100 kg of water. With the growth of seedlings, the concentration of fertilization can be increased appropriately. After entering autumn, stop topdressing to prevent seedlings from overgrowing and freezing injury. When topdressing, do not attach the fertilizer to the seedlings to avoid damaging the seedlings.

5. Pest control: the continuous cropping nursery of sweet-scented osmanthus is prone to brown spot and blight, resulting in a large number of withered and yellow leaves, or root neck and root cortex rot, resulting in the death of the whole plant. At the same time, aphids are also easy to occur in the seedling stage. Therefore, the work of pest control can not be ignored.

6. Timely transplanting: sweet-scented osmanthus 1-year-old seedlings 20-30 cm high, transplanted in early spring of the following year. When the height of 2-year-old seedlings is about 60 cm and that of 3-year-old seedlings is about 1 m, retransplantation is required. When it is used as a shade tree or trunk road tree, it is generally required to cultivate 8-10 years, with a height of 2-3 meters and a diameter of 8-10 cm, which is conducive to post-planting maintenance and management.

[conclusion] to do a good job in seed propagation of sweet-scented osmanthus is the basis of successful planting of sweet-scented osmanthus, which should be paid attention to. The planting method of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds is introduced to you above. Do you understand it?

How to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds _ planting techniques of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

Osmanthus fragrans, Oleaceae, evergreen shrubs or small trees, 1.5 to 8 meters high. The crown is round, semicircular and oval, and the crown can cover 600 square meters. But how to plant sweet-scented osmanthus seeds, the following is what we have done for you, I hope it will be useful to you.

Characteristics of Osmanthus fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans are native to the eastern part of the Himalayas in southwest China, and are also distributed in India, Nepal and Cambodia. Wild sweet-scented osmanthus grows in southwest China, Sichuan, Shaanxi (south), Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui. It is widely planted in the Huaihe River basin and south. Its suitable area can reach the lower reaches of the Yellow River in the north and Guangdong and Hainan in the south.

Like warm and humid climate, resistant to high temperature but not very cold, for subtropical tree species. Sweet-scented osmanthus leaves are luxuriant and evergreen, with a long age, blooming in autumn and overflowing with fragrance. Osmanthus fragrans are the ornamental flowers and fragrant trees of Chinese specialty. The areas of concentrated distribution and cultivation of sweet-scented osmanthus in China are mainly the vast tropical and northern subtropical areas from north of Lingnan to Qinling Mountains and south of Huaihe River, which is roughly equivalent to 24 °~ 33 °north latitude. The area has good hydrothermal conditions and suitable precipitation, the soil is mostly yellow brown soil or yellow cinnamon soil, and the vegetation is mainly subtropical broad-leaved forest. Under the gestation and influence of the above conditions, sweet-scented osmanthus grew well and formed five famous sweet-scented osmanthus commodity production bases in Xianning, Hubei, Suzhou, Jiangsu, Guilin, Guangxi, Hangzhou, Zhejiang and Chengdu, Sichuan.

Osmanthus fragrans have less strict requirements on soil, except for alkaline soil and low-lying land or soil with too heavy viscosity and poor drainage, Osmanthus fragrans can generally grow, but the slightly acidic sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage is more suitable.

Species of sweet-scented osmanthus

Jin Gui

Osmamthus fragrans var. Thunbergii, the flowers of cinnamon are golden, the smell is strong and the leaves are thicker.

Jin Guipin population: blossoms in autumn, lemon yellow to golden yellow, there are "big flower Jingui", "big leaf yellow", "Huangchuan Jingui", "late Jingui", "round leaf Jingui", "Golden Gui" and other varieties.

Silver cinnamon

Osmanthus fragrans var. Latifolius, Cinnamomum cassia flowers are white, slightly yellowish, with strong smell and thin leaves.

Silver cinnamon population: it blossoms in autumn, with pure white, milky white, yellowish white and light yellow, with "seed silver cinnamon" (seed), "Jiulong cinnamon", "early silver cinnamon", "evening silver cinnamon", "Baijie" and other varieties.


Osmanthus fragrans var. Aurantiacus, cinnamon flowers are orange in color, moderate in smell, thick in leaves and dark in color.

Cinnamon population: autumn flowering, dark flowers, orange, orange to scarlet, there are "big flower cinnamon", "tooth cinnamon", "cinnamon cinnamon", "broad leaf red" and other varieties.

Osmanthus fragrans var. Semperflorens, four Seasons laurel, also known as laurel. The flowers are white or yellowish in color, the aroma is lighter and the leaves are thin. It blossoms for years.


Four seasons cassia population: four seasons blossom, there are "laurel", "cinnamon", "big leaf Buddha top bead", "tooth leaf four seasons cinnamon" and other varieties.

There are some varieties worthy of popularization and application in each variety group, such as "Japanese cinnamon" and "big leaf Buddha top pearl" in the four seasons cassia population, which are small shrubs with a height of 0.5m and 1.5m. "Japanese cinnamon" flowers are yellowish, and each node of the same branch blossoms one after another, almost every day, so it gets its name. Now there are a large number of mother plants in Cangxi, Sichuan. The flower of "big leaf Buddha top bead" is milky white to pure white, the inflorescence is dense, the terminal inflorescence is unique, and the florescence is continuous from spring to autumn. They are of high ornamental value, which can be planted in pots or planted in open fields.

All localities can choose different species or varieties to breed according to different needs. For example, for the purpose of flower picking, it is appropriate to choose high-yield types with numerous and dense flowers, such as "Huangchuan Jin Gui", "Jin Gui", "seed Silver Cinnamon", "Big Flower Cinnamon", "Orange Red Cinnamon" and so on. For the purpose of watching flowers and smelling fragrance, it is appropriate to choose "big flower cinnamon", "seed cinnamon", "cinnamon cinnamon", "golden cinnamon", "round petal golden cinnamon" and so on. For shrubs, potted plants and bonsai, it is appropriate to choose "Japanese cinnamon", "big leaf Buddha top bead", "laurel", "four seasons cinnamon", "Jiulong cinnamon", "willow leaf cinnamon" and so on. "big leaf yellow and silver cinnamon", "golden cinnamon", "big leaf dangui", "Dadan golden cinnamon", "orange red cinnamon" are suitable for tree or garden.

Planting techniques of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

After soaking the sweet-scented osmanthus seeds in warm water for 24 hours or cold water for 48 hours, the leeward garden with loose and exquisite drainage was sowed in the basin soil and surrounded by a layer of fine sand of 2 cm to 3 cm. Spray once and cover with glass or other entanglements (such as straw). Remove the entanglements after the sweet-scented osmanthus seeds germinate. Give it some air. And beware of direct sunlight.

The soil temperature should be 18-30 degrees when sweet-scented osmanthus seeds germinate. The soil temperature is too low. Forever carve sown soil, wet, will cause sweet-scented osmanthus seeds can not germinate and fail.

The moisture in the soil is uneven. Accidentally get too wet. I have done it by chance. In addition, sweet-scented osmanthus seeds have germinated. The soil water content is not enough after the root system has protruded the seed coat. The root system could not absorb abundant water, which led to the drought of root hair and the failure of sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings in the soil. At this time, too much water content in the soil will inevitably lead to insufficient air content so that the new root can not breathe. The time is too long to cause failure after the abandonment of the world.

Fine sand humus soil, non-fertilizer rotten leaf soil, vermiculite, perlite and other loose substrates should be selected if the sowing medium is not suitable. A matrix that is permeable and well drained. The dense crossing of sowing substrate is too high. Sticky, sweet-scented osmanthus seeds are difficult to unearth after germination. If you take too long, you will become infarcted and die.

Sweet-scented osmanthus seeds placed too long, also known as the next year seeds Chen sweet-scented osmanthus seeds. The seeds of Osmanthus fragrans have entered the dormant period after drying. In reality, they still consume their own stored nutrients in a slow psychological hook. Water can be used up and can't sprout again.