
How to fertilize guava

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize guava

Guava blossoms all the year round, the fruiting period is longer, so the nutrition consumption is higher, so in order to achieve high yield, important measures in fertilization, only to meet the nutritional needs of fruit trees, can we obtain high yield and increase income. So how to fertilize guava? Let's take a look.

1. Characteristics of fertilizer requirement

According to the study, for every 100 kg of guava fruit trees, it is easy to consume 1.83 kg of nitrogen, 0.39 kg of phosphorus, 1.63 kg of potassium and 0.9 kg of calcium. Among them, the most demand is nitrogen, potassium and calcium, and what is needed is calcium fertilizer. Unlike many crops, guava has a high demand for calcium, even far more than phosphorus. Therefore, attention should be paid to the application of calcium fertilizer in production, and the nutritional requirements of guava are closely related to its variety, yield, pruning and other factors.

2. Fertilization for young trees

The main purpose of fertilization for young trees is to promote their growth and form a high-yield crown rapidly. generally, base fertilizer needs to be applied before planting, which is mainly farm manure such as compost, manure, human and animal manure, and should be fermented and mature before application. In general, if there is no farm manure, you can apply 10-15 kg of nitrogen, potassium and calcium fertilizer per plant, or 1 kg of calcium superphosphate. In addition to applying base fertilizer, topdressing should also be applied in time when combining and pruning, mainly farm manure, reducing the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, generally twice a year. From August to September, 20-30 kg of rotten farm manure and 0.5 kg of compound fertilizer were applied to each plant, and 2 kg of compound fertilizer was applied to each plant from May to June.

3. Fertilization for fruit trees.

Guava can blossom structural steel in one season a year, and the fertilization of structural trees should be determined by flowering and fruiting stage. Fertilization should be applied 3-4 times a year, usually when new buds germinate in February-March, and flower fertilizer should be applied once in March-April to provide sufficient nutrition for fruit flowering. Apply strong fruit fertilizer when the fruit expands in May, once fertilized every January-February, promote the fruit to expand, and pay attention to winter fertilizer in winter, can restore the tree potential as soon as possible, and lay a solid foundation for high yield in the coming year. Generally, paying attention to organic fertilizer in spring can increase the content of soil organic matter, improve soil fruit and enhance root activity, while flower fertilizer and strong fruit fertilizer mainly apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer to promote plant growth.

The above is an introduction to how to fertilize guava. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.