
How do Milan flowers reproduce?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to reproduce Milan flower, the propagation of Milan flower mainly has cutting and high-altitude striping and other methods. The main results are as follows: 1. Cutting propagation is generally carried out from June to August. The cuttings should choose the Lignified branches of the year, which are 10 to 15 centimeters long, cut off the lower leaves, and leave only 2 or 3 leaves at the apex.

How to reproduce Milan flower, the propagation of Milan flower mainly has cutting and high-altitude striping and other methods.

1. Cuttage propagation

It is usually carried out from June to August. The cuttings should choose the woody branches of the year, which are 10 to 15 centimeters long, cut off the lower leaves, and leave only 2 or 3 leaves at the apex. Use a sharp knife to cover the length of the cuttings with glass or plastic film. To maintain a certain temperature and humidity, it can take root after about two months. If the cuttings are dipped in neacetic acid or indole butyric acid aqueous solution, the rooting can be accelerated and the survival rate can be improved.

Propagation methods of Milan Flower Cuttage Propagation

Cuttings can be cut with hardwood or cuttings.

First, hardwood cuttings need to choose one-to two-year-old branches of Milan as cuttings, cutting the cuttings into several segments, each of which is about 8-10 cm in length, which is carried out in April and May.

For cuttings, it is necessary to choose the semi-lignified branches of the same year, and the length of cuttings is 10 cm. Plain sand, peat soil or perlite can be used as cutting substrate.

Second, when cutting, you should first make holes in the substrate, and then insert the cuttings into the cuttings. If you want to combine the cuttings closely with the substrate, you can press them gently with your hands. After watering, shade maintenance is carried out.

Striping propagation

Striping reproduction can be carried out from May to September, and it is best to choose the time in the rainy season, when the survival rate is relatively high. The high-voltage method is mainly used for pressing.

First, the preparation work before high pressure: fertilize and irrigate Milanshu in the first 20 days of high pressure to make the plant grow healthily and exuberantly. Prepare appropriate amount of binding rope, moss, ring peeling knife or grafting knife, plastic microfilm strips, branch shears and syringes.

2. High-pressure technology: 1. Soak the moss in water for an hour, then take it out. 2. Select the healthy plant, peel the branch around, and gently scrape the cambium with the grafting knife to make it break, in order to make the new plant take root. 3. Wrap the moss with a plastic microfilm and tie it in the ring peeling mouth.

Third, tending and management after high pressure: strengthening fertilizer and water management, fertilizing and watering in time. Carry out pest control and spray specific pesticides for pest control in a timely manner. After the root system of the new plant grows, the plant with good growth can be selected for pruning and transplanting.

The above is the breeding method of Milan flower!

Milan flower map: how to raise Milan flowers / how to propagate Milan flowers business cards Milan flowers alias: tree orchid, four seasons Milan, broken Milan, Milan classification: shrub flower genus: plant angiosperm dicotyledonous class disease-free azadirachaceae rice orchid is in full bloom: spring and autumn Milan alias tree orchid, four seasons Milan, broken Milan, azadirachtidae. Evergreen shrubs or small trees; branchlets apically covered with stellate rust-colored scales; pinnately compound leaves alternate, 5-12 cm long, 3-7 leaflets, rachis narrowly winged, leaflets shortly stipitate, Obovate to oblong, 2-7 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, apex obtuse, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous; panicles axillary, 5-10 cm long, slightly evacuated. Flowers orange-yellow, extremely fragrant, ca. 2 mm in diam. Bisexual pedicel slightly short and thick, calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, oblong; berries subglobose, 10-12 mm long, flowering between summer and autumn. Introduction of Milan Flower Culture methods and precautions Milan alias tree orchid, four seasons Milan, broken Milan, neem family Milan genus. Evergreen shrubs or small trees; branchlets apically covered with stellate rust-colored scales; pinnately compound leaves alternate, 5-12 cm long, 3-7 leaflets, rachis narrowly winged, leaflets shortly stipitate, Obovate to oblong, 2-7 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, apex obtuse, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous; panicles axillary, 5-10 cm long, slightly evacuated. Flowers orange-yellow, extremely fragrant, ca. 2 mm in diam. Bisexual pedicel slightly short and thick, calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, oblong; berries subglobose, 10-12 mm long, flowering between summer and autumn. The morphological characteristics of Milan flowers are evergreen shrubs or small trees, much branched. Young branches apically with stellate rust-colored scales, glabrescent. Leaves odd-pinnate, alternate, rachis narrowly winged, leaflets 3mur5, opposite, Obovate to long elliptic, apex obtuse, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous, entire, veins obvious. Inflorescences of Milan panicles axillary. The flowers are yellow and fragrant. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes rounded. Corolla 5-merous, oblong or suborbicular, longer than calyx. Stamens filaments United into a tube, shorter than petals. Pistil ovary ovate, densely yellow hirsute. Berry, ovoid or globose, with stellate scales. Seeds with fleshy aril. Milan blossoms from July to August, or blossoms all the year round. The ecological habits of Milan flowers prefer warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, slightly shade-tolerant, loose and fertile slightly acidic soil is the best, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃. Milan likes to be warm, sunny and fat. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. Under normal circumstances, when there is plenty of sunshine and a high temperature (about 30 ℃), the flowers will have a strong fragrance. If it is put in shade in summer and a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer is applied at the same time, it is one of the main reasons why Milan does not blossom or blossom less and has a light fragrance. Therefore, during the period of growth and development, Milan needs to be maintained in a sunny place outdoors, and it is necessary to pay attention to applying more liquid fertilizer containing more phosphorus, and it is best to apply crushed bones, fish bones, chicken bones and so on. Often auxiliary application of more phosphorus-containing chemical fertilizer or fermented rice water, etc., are conducive to pregnant buds, and blossom more, golden color, fragrance. Milan likes to be moist and should be watered properly during its growth. If too much watering, easy to lead to rotten roots, leaves withered off; flowering period too much watering, easy to cause falling flowers and buds; watering too little, it will cause leaf edge withered, withered buds. Therefore, when the summer temperature is high, in addition to watering water 1 / 2 times a day, branches and leaves are often sprayed with clean water and sprinkled to the ground to improve air humidity. At the same time, fertilization should also be appropriate. As Milan blossoms more often in a year, after each blossom, we should fertilize 2-3 times of fully mature thin liquid fertilizer in time, so that it can blossom continuously and have a strong aroma. Milan likes acid soil, so it is appropriate to choose rotten leaf soil as the main culture soil in pot cultivation. During the peak growth period, 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution is sprayed once a week, and the leaves are green and flowers are numerous. Cultivation techniques of Milan flowers potted Milan seedlings should pay attention to shade and avoid strong light exposure. After the seedlings grow new leaves, fertilize once every 2 weeks, but the amount of water must be controlled and should not be too wet. In addition to the midsummer noon shade, there should be more sunshine, so that Milan not only blossoms more times, but also has a rich fragrance. The area north of the Yangtze River must be moved into indoor maintenance in winter. Pots use loose, well-drained and well-ventilated soil. The basin was changed once in 1 ~ 2 years, and fertilized once in 1 ~ 2 weeks during the growth period. There are many gardens in the south, and potted plants in the north should be planted in places where the outdoor sun can directly shine in spring, summer and autumn. The winter moves into the room where there is direct sunlight, and the overwintering temperature is above 10 ℃. After flowering, the adult mother plant will produce a small red fruit oval like the fruit of Kudong tree. When the fruit is reddish brown, soak the fruit in warm water and peel off the fleshy peel, then sow the seeds in the sand basin with picking, and germinate after sowing in summer and autumn for about one month. Seedlings can not blossom until 2023, unlike those propagated by high-altitude striping method. Overwintering Milan is native to the tropics and is not resistant to low temperatures. Generally, during the period from Frosts Descent to the Beginning of Winter, you will move into the room and put it on the sunny windowsill or desktop. The indoor temperature should be kept at 8-10 ℃, with no less than 5 ℃. If the temperature is too high, tender shoots will grow, reducing adaptability and cold resistance. The plant should not be close to the stove or hearth; the temperature and humidity can be adjusted by using a plastic cover, but one or two cracks need to be cut at the top of the cover to avoid excessive temperature and humidity and affect normal growth. The basin soil should be watered when it is dry, but not fertilized. When the weather changes suddenly and the indoor temperature drops below 5 ℃, special measures should be taken to keep warm, such as moving the potted flowers under the table at night, covering the table with cloth curtains and padding grass curtains to keep warm; you can also cover the pots with plastic bags and remove the cover curtains the next day when the sun comes out and move the potted flowers back to the same place from under the table. Where you put it in Milan, you should not open windows for ventilation, so as not to damage the plants by the cold wind. Milan is propagated by cuttings, high branches, or sowing, preferring warmth and plenty of sunshine. The pressing strip is mainly high-altitude pressing, and the annual Lignified branches are selected in the plum rain season, and the ring peeling is 1 cm wide at the base of 20 cm. Apply it to the girdling site with moss or peat, then fasten it up and down with thin film, and it can take root in 2-3 months. The cuttings were cut about 10 cm from June to August, inserted into peat, and began to take root 2 months later. Disease control and pest control of Milan flower 1. Aphids spray plants with cigarette butts or pepper water. It can also be sprayed with 800 times liquid of mifepril. If the quantity is small, it can be brushed off manually with a small brush. Other control methods refer to the rose in fact. 2. The beetle was sprayed with 500 times of Jieshi liquid. When the quantity is small, it can be brushed off manually with a brush. Other control methods refer to Magnolia grandiflora. 3. The red spider sprayed the plant with 1000 times of dichlorvos or 2000 times of dimethoate. Other control methods refer to begonia. 4. Soot disease is easy to occur with high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation. [control method]: improve the environment, rinse the leaves and branches with water, or spray with 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times. Other prevention and control methods refer to the rose. Daily maintenance of Milan is produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan and Southeast Asia and other places, is a subtropical tree species. Like the mild and humid environment. Because Milan is a southern plant, it is difficult to grow it indoors in Beijing, especially in the city. Care should be taken. Your Milan leaves, due to not on the scene, may be caused by many reasons, such as soil pH, water pH, fertilizer problems. Here are some technical points of Milan's farming in the north as follows: Milan is planted with peat, rotten leaves and sandy soil in the north. Families can use (old) gentleman orchid soil and plain noodle sand soil mixed with cooperative cultivation soil. Do not use the basin too large, do not add alkaline fertilizer to the soil, and pad the drainage layer at the bottom of the basin. After the seedlings are planted, they are first maintained in the shade. Spray water on the leaves and around the ground every day when the sky is dry to keep the environment moist. Wait for the new leaves to grow and then move to the shade, and then gradually adapt to the strong light, the flowers are more fragrant. The flower seedlings on the pot in spring will start to be fertilized before and after the Beginning of Autumn. It is better to use thin organic liquid fertilizer. From the second year, organic liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days in the peak growing season. If the mixed solution of 0.1% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied alternately, the flowers and leaves will be more luxuriant. The basin soil should always be kept moist, do not miss the drought, but do not accumulate water for a long time. If it is placed indoors to strengthen ventilation, it should be rotated to the outside in about 15 days. Sufficient sunshine should be seen when moving into the room in winter, and the minimum room temperature should not be less than 8 ℃. Control water and ban fertilizer, and pay attention to the opening and closing of doors and windows to avoid cold wind and smoke pollution. Prevent the harm of shell insects and coal fouling disease. In North China, after the dry wind from late April to early May, it will be moved to outdoor maintenance. Milan can change the basin every two years. Milan should start pruning and shaping from the seedlings and retain a section of the trunk 15 cm to 20 cm high. Do not let the trunk branches emerge from the soil, but should branch and prune above the trunk 15 cm high to make the plant look plump. The lower branches of perennial plants often grow old and die. Therefore, the north should be cut every other year in high temperature season to promote the adventitious buds in the lower part of the main branch to germinate and grow new lateral branches, so as to keep the tree well-proportioned, strong, leafy and flowering. Variety classification of Milan there are four small evergreen trees or shrubs of Milan (Aglaia odorata), much branched, with branchlets often covered with small brown stellate scales, panicles axillary at the tip, golden flowers, small flowers and rich fragrance. Taiwan Milan (A.taiwaniana) has larger leaves and smaller flowers, and its flowers often bloom with the growth of new branches. Large evergreen shrub of A.elliptifolia having twigs often covered with brown stellate scales and large leaves. Milan of the four Seasons (A.duperreana) blossoms all the year round and blossoms most in summer. The family potted plant should choose the general Milan, its florescence is long, the inflorescence is dense, the flower fragrance is like the quiet orchid, the cultivation is more common. Under the condition of family cultivation, as long as the minimum indoor temperature in winter can be maintained at least 5 ℃, it can survive the winter safely. Even if there are some fallen leaves on the top of the branches, after pruning and changing pots after the beginning of spring and strengthening the management of water and fertilizer, new leaves can be produced quickly and bloom again. Or on a particularly cold night, cover the plant with two layers of plastic bags to keep warm, and then open the bag to get some air after the temperature rises at noon the next day? If there are conditions, you can also install an electric heater indoors to warm Milan, which is put indoors, with excellent results. Milan is native to southern Asia and is widely grown in the tropics of the world. Milan is distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan, and there are many potted plants in the north. The function, use and life value of Milan Milan is people's favorite flowers and plants, and the flowers are in full bloom in season. As an edible flower, essence can be extracted. Such as Milan scented tea. Potted Milan potted plants can be displayed in the living room, study and porch, fresh and elegant, comfortable. Milan is also an excellent scenic tree in the southern courtyard. The cultural background of Milan flower is said to be a symbol of bravery and passion. There is also a legend about this. In the old legend, there is a kind of flower that blooms red in half of the year and blue in the other half of the year. When the sun rises, it will shine fiery red, while when the moonlight is shining, its light is shrouded in a faint blue halo. It is so magical that it is given the title of Warrior Flower, it has become synonymous with bravery and upward, soldiers have to wear it to show bravery before going out to battle, and its name is handed down from generation to generation. But one day, people found that it had changed, and there were blue and red flowers on the same stem at the same time. The two flowers shone in the sun and rippled in the moonlight at the same time, with the same depth and affection. So people began to argue about who is the real brave flower, but every time soldiers go to battle, they still wear it, but some people like to wear blue flowers, some people like to wear red flowers. The flowers of these two colors always appear in the sun and moonlight at the same time, on the heads of brave soldiers, wherever courage and passion are needed. This kind of flower is called Milan flower. Milan flower language: if there is love, life will blossom. Pictures of Milan flowers