
Techniques of soil culture of rich bamboo

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Techniques of soil culture of rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is familiar to everyone, right? Often you can see a rich bamboo next to the TV cabinet in every household. Let's take a look at the soil cultivation method of rich bamboo together.

Bamboo like shady, humid, high temperature, shade resistance, waterlogging resistance, fertility resistance, cold resistance; like semi-shady environment. Suitable for growth in good drainage sandy soil or semi-muddy sand and alluvial clay, suitable growth temperature of 20-28℃, can withstand 2-3℃ low temperature, but winter to prevent frost.

Summer and autumn high temperature and wet season, the growth of bamboo is very favorable, is the best period for its growth. It is not strict with light requirements, suitable for growth in bright scattered light, too strong light, exposure will cause yellow leaves, chlorosis, slow growth and other phenomena. Therefore, in the field planting, should build 1.7-1.8 meters high shade net shade, with 75% shading rate is appropriate, to create a semi-yin and yang, scattered light environment.

Especially from April to September, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, insolation or drought, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves rough, scorched, weak, and the leaves lack luster, reducing the ornamental value. During the growing season, the soil should be kept moist regularly, and water should be sprayed on the leaves to increase the humidity of the air. Winter should pay attention to cold, frost prevention, temperature below 10℃ leaves will be yellow wilting. At this time, the soil should be dry and wet, but should not be dry, should not be too wet, to reduce watering and stop fertilization.

Soil cultivation method:

1. It can choose loose soil, fertile rice fields, sloping cultivation.

2. Suitable for growth in sandy soil, but in winter to prevent frost.

3. The soil should always be kept moist; in case of heavy rain, the accumulated water should be drained to prevent lodging.

4. Bamboo growth, root long bud strong, can be inserted in the sand bed or semi-muddy soil.

Leaf yellowing is caused by cultivation management disorders, there are several situations and solutions:

1. Yellow water: indicates too much watering, so we should assume some clay.

2. Drought yellow: leaf tip yellow fall off, indicating that water is not enough, you need to irrigate enough water.

3. Lack of fertilizer yellow: leaf color becomes pale, showing yellow goods light green, indicating insufficient fertilizer, fertilizer needs.

The role of rich bamboo in home life

First, home beautification, placing plants at home has become fashionable, but most people choose flowers or trees, choose bamboo is relatively small, but it is undeniable that planting a bamboo can give people a sense of freshness.

Second, the good moral, I believe that many people cultivate rich bamboo is to seek a good moral, hope that their future life can be "flowers bloom rich, bamboo peace", life becomes more and more beautiful.

Third, it can show a noble pursuit and give itself and others a special meaning, especially bamboo has represented a kind of integrity since ancient times and can show a kind of backbone.

Fourth, air purification, bamboo absorption of exhaust gas and release of oxygen function than the relative flowers and trees, even more, so the air has a strong purification effect.

The above is the reason why I summarized the yellow tip of the spider leaf for everyone, and how to deal with the yellow tip of the spider leaf. I hope this article can help everyone. Please continue to pay attention to us.