
What are the side effects of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the side effects of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea is the most commonly drunk tea, many people know that Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea is very effective and good for the body, but few people have in-depth understanding of it, such as the side effects of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea and its composition.

Efficacy and function of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

The efficacy of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

1. Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea can refresh your eyes. Chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, which is an important substance to maintain eye health. Chrysanthemum tea can make people clear-headed and bright, especially for liver fire and dry eyes caused by excessive use of eyes. People who often feel that their eyes are dry, drinking some chrysanthemum tea is very good.

2. Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea can compete for strong physique. Vitamin C and vitamin E in chrysanthemum tea, especially tea polyphenols, have strong antioxidant activity, can scavenge oxygen free radicals in the human body, resist radiation and enhance immunity.

3. Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea can ease the sequelae of using computer. Long-term use of computers will affect health, eyes are in a state of tension, visual fatigue will also cause aqueous humor operation is blocked, more likely to lead to glaucoma. At the same time, xerophthalmia, cataract, corneal ulcer and retinal exfoliation are also common eye diseases for long-term computer users. Drinking chrysanthemum tea can improve eye discomfort and relieve the above symptoms.

The effect of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

A, it has a good effect of tonifying essence qi and lowering blood sugar, especially conducive to the treatment of diabetes.

B. at the same time, Chinese wolfberry can inhibit fat deposition and promote hepatocyte regeneration, so it can protect the liver to a certain extent.

C, it can reduce the cholesterol in the blood and prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

D, it can enhance human immunity, promote hematopoiesis and prevent anemia.

E, Chinese wolfberry can see clearly, so it has the name of "bright-eyed grass son" in the folk.

F, it has the effect of soothing wind and clearing heat, detoxification and eyesight.

J, chrysanthemum can lower blood pressure, and has a good effect on chest tightness, palpitation, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, limb numbness and so on.

H, chrysanthemum has the effect of removing blood stasis and eliminating fat, cooling and reducing blood pressure, weight loss and weight loss, which is suitable for patients with obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension.

Side effects of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

1. Patients with hypertension should not drink Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea. Chinese wolfberry warm body effect is quite strong, suffering from high blood pressure, temperament is too impatient, it is best not to eat Chinese wolfberry. If the physique is weak, often catch a cold, the resistance is poor, then it is best to eat every day.

2. People who are sick should not drink Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea. People with weak physique and poor resistance should eat more Chinese wolfberry at ordinary times, but people who have a cold and fever, inflammation and diarrhea had better not eat it.

3. Do not drink Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea and other drinks. Different physique should choose different herbal tea, random drinking not only can not achieve health care effect, but sometimes cause side effects. Fire, it is necessary to identify the deficiency and reality of Prunella vulgaris, chrysanthemum tea and so on have the effect of clearing away heat, clearing the liver and eyesight, for these two kinds of fire are symptomatic and fire-fighting. However, it should be noted that due to the bitter cold sex, people with weak body should not drink more.

Preparation method of Lycium barbarum scented tea

Production method of Chinese wolfberry red jujube chrysanthemum tea:

A handful of Chinese wolfberry, three to four red dates, and a few chrysanthemums

Production: wash, put into a warm cup, pour into hot water, cover tightly, soak for 15 minutes and then drink.

Efficacy: red jujube has warm taste, tonifying middle and replenishing qi, nourishing blood and calming nerves; wolfberry flavors are sweet and flat, nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing liver and eyesight, eliminating fatigue; chrysanthemum taste sweet and bitter, cool, clearing heat and dispelling wind, clear eyes and detoxification, enhance physique.

Note: hot and humid people should not eat red jujube, but only soak Chinese wolfberry, chrysanthemum or change red jujube into black tea, which can also have the effect of eyesight, nourishing liver, tonifying blood and anti-fatigue. Red dates should be enucleated so that they will not be too hot and dry, so they can be drunk frequently. If you feel the taste is light, add some rock sugar or honey appropriately.

Production method of Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea:

Ingredients: 10 grams of Chinese wolfberry and 10 grams of Hangzhou chrysanthemum.

Practice: brew the material with boiling water.

How to eat: when drinking tea, always take it.

Efficacy: clear eyesight, prevent eye disease.

As the saying goes: "three points of medicine, seven points of care, very defensive." We can see the importance of keeping in good health. In the consciousness of many people, only the elderly need to keep in good health, but in fact, it is a long way to go. The sooner you embark on this road, the more you will benefit.

Drink some Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea in autumn

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dryness is the main qi of autumn. Dry, easy to hurt fluid, such as dry mouth and nose, itchy skin, withered, etc., which has a lot to do with autumn dryness. The nature of Chinese wolfberry fruit Ganping non-toxic, into the two meridians of the liver and kidney, it has a good effect of nourishing the kidney, moistening the lungs and clear eyes. Chrysanthemum can help the human body replenish qi, replenish strength, remove dryness and detoxify. Modern medicine has proved that chrysanthemum has a good conditioning effect on modern people's chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, sub-health and so on.

Chrysanthemum Chinese wolfberry tea is made from chrysanthemum and Chinese wolfberry. Each time, use 10 grams of Hangzhou white chrysanthemum and Chinese wolfberry, add to the teapot, add hot water, and drink after 10 minutes.

Although Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea has a good nourishing and therapeutic effect, it is not suitable for everyone to take. People with weak physique and poor resistance should eat more Chinese wolfberry at ordinary times, but the effect of warming the body with Chinese wolfberry is quite strong, so people who have a cold and fever, inflammation and diarrhea had better not eat it.

Taboo on drinking Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

Don't overeat any tonic, and Chinese wolfberry is no exception. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate for healthy adults to eat about 20 grams of Chinese wolfberry every day; if you think of the effect of treatment, the best taste is about 30 grams a day. Now, many animal experiments on the toxicity of Chinese wolfberry have proved that Chinese wolfberry is a very safe food, which does not contain any toxin and can be eaten for a long time.

Uncomfortable people: Chinese wolfberry is not suitable for all people, because it warms the body is quite strong, so it is a cold and fever, body inflammation, diarrhea, high blood pressure patients had better not eat.

Dry, easy to hurt fluid, such as dry mouth and nose, itchy skin, withered, etc., which has a lot to do with autumn dryness. The nature of Chinese wolfberry fruit Ganping non-toxic, into the two meridians of the liver and kidney, it has a good effect of nourishing the kidney, moistening the lungs and clear eyes. Chrysanthemum can help the human body replenish qi, replenish strength, remove dryness and detoxify. Modern medicine has proved that chrysanthemum has a good conditioning effect on modern people's chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, sub-health and so on.

Chrysanthemum Chinese wolfberry tea is made from chrysanthemum and Chinese wolfberry. Each time, use 10 grams of Hangzhou white chrysanthemum and Chinese wolfberry, add to the teapot, add hot water, and drink after 10 minutes.

Although Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea has a good nourishing and therapeutic effect, it is not suitable for everyone to take. People with weak physique and poor resistance should eat more Chinese wolfberry at ordinary times, but the effect of warming the body with Chinese wolfberry is quite strong, so people who have a cold and fever, inflammation and diarrhea had better not eat it.

Taboo on drinking Chinese wolfberry chrysanthemum tea

Don't overeat any tonic, and Chinese wolfberry is no exception. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate for healthy adults to eat about 20 grams of Chinese wolfberry every day; if you think of the effect of treatment, the best taste is about 30 grams a day. Now, many animal experiments on the toxicity of Chinese wolfberry have proved that Chinese wolfberry is a very safe food, which does not contain any toxin and can be eaten for a long time.

Uncomfortable people: Chinese wolfberry is not suitable for all people, because it warms the body is quite strong, so it is a cold and fever, body inflammation, diarrhea, high blood pressure patients had better not eat.