
What is a Milan flower?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is a Milan flower?

Milan is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the neem family, native to southern Asia and now widely grown in the tropics of the world. Next, let's take a look at the introduction of Milan.

The Milan flower is much branched and dense, and the young branches show star-shaped rust-colored scales at the top, and then fall off. Leaves odd-pinnate, alternate, rachis narrowly winged, leaflets 3-5, opposite, Obovate to long elliptic, apex obtuse, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous, entire, veins obvious. And the panicle of Milan is axillary, and the flowers are yellow and fragrant. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes rounded. Corolla 5-merous, oblong or suborbicular, longer than calyx. Stamens filaments United into a tube, shorter than petals. Pistil ovary ovate, densely yellow hirsute. After that, the Milan flower will also produce berries, which are oval or spherical with star-shaped scales. Seeds with fleshy aril. Milan flowers bloom from July to August every year, and some bloom all the year round.

Milan flowers prefer warm, humid and sunny environment, less cold-resistant, slightly shade-tolerant, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-25 ℃. And the soil for cultivating Milan flowers should be loose and fertile slightly acidic soil, and the temperature in winter should not be lower than 10 ℃. And when Milan is in the period of growth and development, it needs to be maintained in a sunny place outdoors, and it is necessary to pay attention to applying more liquid fertilizer containing more phosphorus, and it is best to apply crushed bones, fish bones, chicken bones, etc., often supplemented with chemical fertilizer containing more phosphorus or fermented rice panning water, which helps Milan to conceive buds, and blossoms more, golden in color and fragrance.

Culture methods of Milan flower

Milan likes warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, slightly shade-tolerant, the soil is the best in loose and fertile slightly acidic soil, and the winter temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees, growing in sparse forests or shrubs at low elevations all the year round.

Temperature: the temperature suitable for Milan to grow is 20 to 25 degrees, which is usually taken as the standard, and when the flowering time comes, if the temperature is kept at about 30 degrees, the flowers will have a strong fragrance.

Fertilization: Milan prefers fertilizers, but it is necessary to apply more liquid fertilizers that contain more phosphorus, and it is best to use crushed bones, fish bones, chicken bones and other fermented alum fertilizer, often supplemented with chemical fertilizers containing more phosphorus or fermented rice water.

Potted soil: pottery pots are generally used in aquaculture Milan, while the soil can choose loose, drained and well-ventilated soil, such as culture soil dominated by rotten leaf soil. If you change the basin, you can do it once a year or two, and you don't need to pay too much attention to the basin soil at other times.

Matters needing attention in Milan Flower Culture

1. After Milan has just been watered once, it should be watered less in half a month to promote new roots.

two。 Potted Milan, usually need to turn the pot to change the soil once every two years, do not break the soil, remove part of the old soil in the rootless place, cut off the rotten roots. When adding new soil, appropriately add some phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer, not too much. After putting on the basin, keep it in a cool place and move it to the sunny place after about a week. It is more appropriate to change the soil about a week after leaving the house in spring.

3. Milan is afraid of the cold and it is more difficult to survive the winter. When the temperature is below 12 ℃, the dormancy period should be stopped and watering should be reduced.

4. In the coming spring, you can't leave the house until the temperature is stable, so as not to freeze the plants to death in spring.

5. Just bought Milan may be due to its growth environment is different from the indoor environment, such as temperature, light and so on, so it is easy to lose leaves and wither.

The above is what I summed up for you what is the whole content of Milan, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.