
Recommended Culture methods of Fugui Bamboo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recommended Culture methods of Fugui Bamboo

Rich bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, likes a warm environment, can also withstand shade, and is afraid of bright light. Next, let's take a look at the culture of rich bamboo.

Usually cultured rich bamboo should be placed in a place with bright light, but pay attention to avoid sunlight in summer, and more sunshine should be seen in winter and spring, which is conducive to the full performance of leaf color. In the process of planting, garden soil plus a small amount of river sand can be used as culture soil, plus a small amount of baked and mashed eggshell as base fertilizer to promote the growth of rich bamboo.

If the rich bamboo is cultured in water, the leaves at the base of the cuttings need to be cut off before the bottle is inserted, and the base is cut into an oblique mouth with a sharp knife to facilitate the absorption of nutrients and water. Change water every 3-4 days before rooting, do not move or change direction within 10 days, white fibrous roots can be produced in about 15 days. Water should not be changed frequently after taking root, and it should be added in time after the moisture is reduced.

In the process of water culture, a small amount of compound flower fertilizer or nutrient solution should also be supplied in time. However, fertilization can not be too much, so as not to cause "burning seedlings" or cause overgrowth. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the plant growth is thin and the leaf color is yellow, which will also affect the ornamental effect.

Some netizens often report that the poor management of rich bamboo causes physiological diseases such as leaf fading, loss of luster and rotting roots. Now you can refer to the above information to adjust the cultured rich bamboo and gradually restore the health state of the rich bamboo.

Matters needing attention in raising rich bamboo in water

First: when we buy back the bamboo stem, we should remove the leaves at the base, and then cut the base into a bevel, which can increase the absorption of nutrients. It is necessary to change the water 3 to 4 days before rooting, in which two small pieces of charcoal can be put to rot. Do not move the rich bamboo position casually within half a month. It is not good for the bamboo that has not taken root. After half a month, you can basically see the white fibrous root.

Second: if we choose aquaculture after growing roots, then we should not change water frequently at this time. Water with well water is the best, if it is tap water, it is necessary to precipitate for a day, water should be clean, there can be no grease, dirty water, hard water may lead to rotting roots.

Third: if you want soil culture, wait until the roots grow more before transplanting into the soil. Sandy loam was used in pot soil, 3-4 plants per pot. Then pour some water every day to keep the soil moist.

Fourth: although the rich bamboo likes the shady and wet environment, the lighting is also fastidious, and the place where it is placed had better be exposed to scattered sunlight, not next to the TV, where fans and air conditioners can blow, so as not to cause the leaves to wither.

Introduction of matters needing attention in Fugui bamboo culture:

1. Rich bamboo likes a humid environment. When the air is too dry, it will cause leaf tip scorch. At this time, you should often spray water to the branches and leaves. If there are conditions, it is best to spray a small amount of flower fertilizer solution on the leaves every month.

2. Put the rich bamboo in an indoor ventilated and transparent place to facilitate photosynthesis and promote the formation and accumulation of organic matter.

3. It may be that part of the working procedure of bamboo rod is neglected in the process of collection and processing. There is no strict sterilization, disinfection, mildew removal, resulting in congenital deficiencies. Or because of improper nursing, the branches are infected with bacteria.

4. The curing agent can be used properly.

5. Change the water every 10 days and rinse the dirt from the bamboo head. After the growth is stable, the amount of water is reduced due to water evaporation, as long as the water quality remains the same, do not change the water, often changing water will also cause withered leaves. Some water can be added on the original basis.

6. if dead branches are found, they should be removed in time, and water should be changed in time to avoid infection of other bamboo branches.

7. In the process of maintenance, the amount of light is too little, and the bamboo branches are lack of light.

8. After planting for a period of time, the bottom of the bamboo will take root, and when there are too many roots, it should be pruned. In fact, these roots have little effect on the growth of rich bamboo, and cutting off the old roots is more beneficial to the growth.

9. It is the problem of water quality for breeding rich bamboo. Usually, urban tap water is released for two days to precipitate impurities and release toxic gases before it can be used for aquaculture.

10. If the weather is cold, you should guard against the cold and don't let the cold wind blow directly.

The above is all the contents of the rich bamboo culture methods that I have summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.

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