
The cause of yellowing of Guanyin leaves how to deal with the yellowing of Guanyin leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cause of yellowing of Guanyin leaves how to deal with the yellowing of Guanyin leaves

Dripping Guanyin is a common ornamental plant, which has a good effect on increasing indoor air humidity. Next, let's take a look at the reasons for the yellowing of Dripping Guanyin leaves.

Reasons for yellow leaves:

1, red spider, flower friends can look at whether the surface of the leaves of Guanyin dripping white spots, as well as wax texture, rough to the touch, no sense of light, if so, that is the red spider trouble, the solution can be washed twice with soap, each time two days apart, you can.

2, if the soil is too poor, lack of nutrition, will also lead to yellow leaves, therefore, timely increase nutrition to the soil, apply some nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer and organic fertilizer, it is necessary.

3. Dripping Guanyin is more suitable for warm and humid climate. Due to the low temperature in winter and long-term outside, it is easy to frostbite and turn yellow leaves. At this time, it should be placed in a room with constant temperature and sufficient light.

4, the accumulation of dust on the leaves more, will hinder the light absorption of the leaves, and cause the leaves yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the leaves regularly and scrub them with clean water.

5, long-term non-watering, will also cause the leaves to turn yellow due to drought. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the soil moist from time to time, and pay attention to watering thoroughly when watering, not just wetting the soil surface.

What about the rotten water?:

Dishui Guanyin basin soil requirements are not strict, but poor permeability of the clay soil easy to accumulate water, it is easy to occur the phenomenon of root rot, so should choose good drainage, fertile, acidic basin soil.

The phenomenon of rotten roots often occurs in hydroponic water culture, which is due to the loose stem tissue of Dishui Guanyin. If the water quality is poor, it is easy to cause rotten roots and stem rot. The treatment method is to keep the bottle water clean, combine with changing water or nutrient solution, and clean the mucus on the tubers and roots, and cut off the rotten roots. There are also netizens experience that, put the beard-shaped root of Dripping Guanyin in water, and the root of spherical part is separated from water for cultivation. Once the spherical root is found to be rotten, cut off and washed as soon as possible, and continue to keep the separation from water is a better way to prevent the rotten root of Dripping Guanyin.

The cultivation method of Dishui Guanyin:

Dishuiguanyin is an ornamental flower plant that likes warm, moist and abundant sunshine. Its blooming period is from February to April, and its dormant flowering period is from November to May and June of the following year.

Dishui Guanyin growth temperature of 20-30℃, the lowest can withstand 8℃ low temperature. Dripping Guanyin likes a semi-shady environment and should be placed in an environment that can both shade and ventilate.

Dripping Guanyin is particularly wet, the growing season not only requires the pot soil to be moist, but also requires the air humidity to be not less than 60%, the summer high temperature to strengthen the water spray, winter control watering, spray warm water once a week to keep its leaves dark green, otherwise easy to lead to dripping Guanyin rotten roots.

Dishui Guanyin available rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand plus a small amount of retting cake fertilizer mixed with nutrient soil cultivation, the other can also be cultured in water. Dishuiguanyin likes fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer should be applied every half month from March to October, and the proportion of nitrogen element can be increased appropriately. Fertilization should be stopped when the temperature is lower than 15℃.

The above is the reason why I summarized the yellow leaves of Guanyin, and how to deal with the yellow leaves of Guanyin. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.