
Planting technique of bergamot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bergamot planting technology, bergamot is mainly potted, and the southern courtyard can be planted on the ground. Plant or change pots and soil before germination in spring. The basin soil is mostly made of weathered pond soil or rotten leaf soil, and the mature chicken manure, garden soil and river sand can also be used to prepare the culture soil according to the proportion of 4:3:3. If you plant in a new pot

Bergamot planting technology, bergamot is mainly potted, and the southern courtyard can be planted on the ground. Plant or change pots and soil before germination in spring. The basin soil is mostly made of weathered pond soil or rotten leaf soil, and the mature chicken manure, garden soil and river sand can also be used to prepare the culture soil according to the proportion of 4:3:3. If you plant in a new pot, be sure to soak in water and dry it for 2 or 3 times, and select 1-2-year-old grafted seedlings. When planting, it is necessary to stay in the root soil and hurt the roots as little as possible, and the planting depth should be buried in the rhizosphere of the original plant.

When the new shoots of potted plants are obviously reduced and the leaves turn yellow, it indicates that the root system has filled the basin, and it is necessary to change the pot or thinning roots and soil in time. Generally, the soil should be changed once every 2 to 3 years, before the crescent teeth germinate in April. Appropriate amount of phosphorus, potassium and calcium compound fertilizer should be added to the basin soil or some horseshoe slices should be padded at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, and the old roots of 1 blade, 4 canopy, 5 should be thinned, and the old soil of 1 canister, 3 crescent, 4 canopy should be replaced. After planting, pour water once, and keep it in a shady place, wait for its growth to resume and transfer to normal management.

The suitable growth temperature of bergamot is 25-35 ℃. During the growing period, except in order to avoid strong direct sunlight in summer, it should be placed in places with good scattered light and good shade, which should be well ventilated and sunny. In winter, we should enter the greenhouse as early as possible, especially in the northern region, to enter the greenhouse in front of Frosts Descent to prevent the harm of early frost, and those without heating conditions can also be placed in the morning sun indoors. In winter, when the indoor temperature is kept at 5: 10 ℃, it can grow normally, when the temperature is lower than 3 ℃, it will suffer frost injury, and when it is higher than 10 ℃ for a long time, it will branch and drop fruit prematurely. Therefore, it should be heated when the optimum temperature is lower than 3 ℃.

After bergamot is planted and survived, it should be watered less and frequently. In summer, in addition to watering once in the morning and late, it is also necessary to spray water on the leaf surface for 2 or 3 times to increase the humidity of the surrounding air and be conducive to growth and development. Properly reduce watering after autumn to prevent excessive growth of branches and fruit drop. After the human room in winter, water is watered once every 3-5 days, usually around 11:00 in the morning. The basin soil maintains "slightly moist soil moisture". The basin soil should be slightly drier. When there is dust deposited on the leaf surface, it should be sprayed and washed away. Do not spray water too frequently.

Bergamot needs a large amount of fertilizer during the growing period, and it is easy to drop flowers and fruits due to lack of nutrition. Fertilization can be divided into four stages: spring shoot growth and development period (from late March to early June), temperature 25: 35 ℃, the most suitable for bergamot growth and development, bud germination and a large number of branches, applying thin cake fertilizer and water once every 7 days (500g cake fertilizer and 20kg water, diluted after ripening) to promote growth and flower bud formation. During the vigorous growth period (from mid-June to mid-July), during the period of flowering and fruit setting, alum fertilizer was applied every 3-5 days (250 grams of ferrous sulfate, 2 500 grams of cake fertilizer, 20 kilograms of water, diluted after ripening).

In case of rainy and cloudy days, liquid fertilizer should not be used, the right amount of rotten cake residue can be buried in the basin, which is located in the middle and lower soil near the edge of the basin. In order to promote fruit development and strong branches, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer was sprayed once every 7-10 days, and urea or other nitrogen fertilizer was not used during this period. During the fruit growing period (from late July to late September), the compound fertilizer mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium and containing calcium and nitrogen was applied every 10 days to promote the full coloring of the fruit. During the fruit ripening period (October), in order to keep the fruit hanging branches for a long time and restore the tree potential, the fruit can be applied in a small number of times and in different directions, to a certain extent, to promote the uniform distribution of fruit branches, short and thick branches and dark green and thick leaves. Above is the introduction to the planting technology of bergamot.

Cultivation techniques of bergamot melon cultivation techniques of bergamot melon

Bergamot melon, also known as Wagua, fist melon, Wannian melon and so on, is a perennial climbing herb in the gourd family. Bergamot melon is rich in nutrients, low in calories and high in edible value. It is suitable to eat raw, cold, stir-fry, cook, cook soup and make stuffing. Bergamot is highly storable and easy to transport. it is an ideal green health food to make up for the off-season of melons, fruits and vegetables in winter and spring.

Cultivation techniques of bergamot melon

Cantaloupe is warm in nature and can tolerate higher temperatures. It takes more than 20 ℃ to grow normally. The fruit development period requires a slightly lower temperature, and when the ground temperature is below 5 ℃, the root system will die. Bergamot melon is suitable for fertile and water-retaining soil. It is more tolerant to fertilizer and has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests.

1. Three-dimensional cultivation in vegetable field: protected cultivation can be adopted. The intercropping and interplanting of bergamot and cucumber, kidney bean, tomato, pepper and other vegetables, making use of the time and space difference of growth and fruit between bergamot and intercropping vegetables, as well as the requirements of nutrition, moisture, fertilizer, air and temperature of vegetables, to achieve the purpose of efficient three-dimensional cultivation.

2. Planting and cultivation of vegetable garden: bergamot melon is a shallow root crop, which is most suitable to grow in the fertile soil of vegetable garden. Before and after "sting", and greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables planted at the same time, the same management, generally 20 plants per mu is appropriate.

Field management of bergamot melon

1. Seedling stage: planted in the small arch shed of the courtyard, only water is watered at the seedling stage, no fertilizer is applied when the growth is prosperous, pay attention to ventilation and light during the day, and pay attention to anti-freezing at night. The bergamot seedlings planted in greenhouses and greenhouses were watered and fertilized at the same time with their intercropping and interplanting vegetables.

2. shelf period: the meristematic ability of lateral branches of bergamot is very strong. In the early stage, the lateral buds at the base should be removed in time, and the heart should be picked at the place of about 30 cm ~ 50 cm in the main vine during pruning, and each plant should choose 2-3 seed vines with exuberant growth. When the son vine grows to 150 cm, the heart is removed again, leaving 3 sun vines each. Pay attention to adjust the shelf surface, remove the tendrils in time and restrain the strong and help the weak according to the growth of the main vine, so that the shelf surface is evenly distributed.

3. Flowering and fruiting period: it takes about 170 days from sowing to flowering and fruiting, and tender melons can be harvested 15 ~ 20 days after flowering. The fruit matured in 40 ~ 50 days, and each plant could harvest 200 ~ 300 fruits. Be sure to handle it gently when picking to prevent bruising. Bergamot melon can be put on the market in harvest season, can also be put in cartons or fruit baskets lined with plastic film, room temperature is 10 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, maintain suitable humidity and breathable conditions, can be stored for 4 to 6 months, and the flavor remains the same, crisp and tender, deeply loved by the majority of consumers.

How to plant bergamot melon and the planting technology of bergamot melon

We often interplant some melons in the farmland, such as melons, watermelons and so on. Do you know how bergamot melons are planted? What conditions do you need? Today, the popular agricultural material editor will join you to learn how to grow bergamot melons and the planting techniques of bergamot melons.

What is bergamot melon?

Bergamot is a perennial perennial herbaceous vine with tuberous roots, stems climbing or artificial erection, with furrows. Petiole slender, glabrous, 5-15 cm long; leaf blade membranous, suborbicular, middle lobe larger, lateral ones smaller, apex acuminate, margin denticulate, base cordate, curved deeply, suborbicular, 1-3 cm deep, 1-2 cm wide; dark green above, slightly scabrid, abaxially light green, pubescent, denser on veins. Tendrils stout, furrowed, glabrous, 3-5-dichotomous. Corolla homostaminate with calyx; ovary Obovate, 5-angled, sparsely hairy, 1-loculed, with 1 pendulous ovule, style 2-3 mm long, stigma 2 mm wide. The fruit is light green, Obovate, sparsely hispidulous, 8-12 cm long, 6-8 cm in diameter, 5 longitudinal grooves in the upper part, with 1 seed. Seeds large, up to 10 cm long and 7 cm wide, ovate, compressed. The florescence is from July to September and the fruiting period is from August to October.

2. How to grow bergamot, the planting techniques of bergamot 1. Light and temperature in the biological characteristics of short-day plants of bergamot, it is warm, heat-tolerant and shade-tolerant. It can only grow normally at a temperature above 20 ℃, and the optimum temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 23 ℃. The roots died when the soil temperature was below 5 ℃, and the growth was obviously inhibited when the soil temperature was above 35 ℃. Bergamot melon leaves are large, evaporation is exuberant, and need more water, especially in the high temperature period from July to August, to ensure higher air humidity and soil moisture. The vine of bergamot melon has strong branching, and there are many results of son vine and grandson vine. As long as there is enough water and fertilizer, leaf melon can be seen on son vine and sun vine, and there are few vacancies.

2. There is a large demand for water, especially in the high temperature season from July to August, we must keep a high humidity in the air and soil, otherwise, the vine stem will stop growing and the leaf color will turn yellow. When the soil moisture is insufficient in the flowering and fruiting period, the flowering is less, the falling flowers are more, the fruit setting rate is low, and the melon is also small.

3. The soil is not strict to the soil, and the neutral sandy soil, loam and clay loam with deep soil layer, loose soil, good drainage, rich organic matter and good permeability are the most suitable for growing bergamot. For fertilizer requirements, nitrogen should not be too much, so as to avoid excessive growth of stems and leaves and less fruit, and re-application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in the middle and later stage.

4. Sowing time, cultivation time is generally open field direct seeding in late April, and can be harvested and listed in August. When cultivated in greenhouse or greenhouse, seedlings can be raised or direct seeded from late February to early March.

5. Seedling raising method: there is only one seed in the fruit of bergamot, and the seed coat is connected with the flesh, so it is not easy to separate, and the seed is easy to be withered and can not germinate after peeling, so it is often used to sow whole melon. The commonly used method of sprouting is to cut the cotyledons along the grooves at the top of the melon with a sharp knife, so that the cotyledons can be pulled out easily, promote germination, sow it directly in the planting hole, loosen the soil by 2cm, bury it in the soil, and expose it to the outside of the soil. After the seedlings grow, as long as the leaves are not seriously wilted, they are generally not watered to prevent the melon from rotting or the seedlings from overgrowing. When the seedling is 20 cm high, it can be planted.

6. Planting 30 plants per mu with row spacing of 5 m × 5 m. Dig cylindrical planting pit, pit depth 70 cm, diameter 1 meter, each pit applied organic fertilizer 25 kg, plant ash 5 kg, calcium superphosphate 2 kg, fully mixed, seedling placement, watering, filling.

7. Field management bergamot has large leaves and exuberant evaporation, especially in the high temperature period from July to August, it is necessary to ensure higher air humidity and soil moisture. It grows poorly in drought, but stagnant water in the rainy season is also easy to rot roots.

(1) Water and fertilizer management. Watering should be controlled before June in open field cultivation, and plant growth will accelerate after July. Topdressing should be done once after keeping the soil moist and once a month after that. During fertilization, a circular fertilization ditch was dug 60 cm away from the plant, and 5 kg of human feces and urine, 1 kg of calcium superphosphate or 2 kg of compound fertilizer were applied to each plant.

(2) build a fight in time. Bergamot melon climbing is extremely strong, and each section can sprout lateral branches, so it is necessary to build a frame in time. It is better to build a flat scaffolding with a height of 2.5 to 3 meters.

(3) keep warm and survive the winter. Bergamot cantaloupe cannot survive the winter in the north. If you want to carry out perennial cultivation, after harvest, you can keep the melon vine about 3 meters, put it at the base of the plant, pour frozen water into winter, cover wheat straw and keep warm, so that it can survive the winter in an environment of more than 5 ℃. 6. Harvest and storage bergamot melon can blossom about 80 days after sowing, and can be harvested 15-20 days after flowering. Generally, it is suitable to harvest a single melon with a weight of 0.2-0.3 kg.

I hope that how to plant bergamot melon, the planting technology of bergamot melon this article can help the friends who grow bergamot melon. If you want to know more information about bergamot melon, please pay attention to the hot agricultural materials information.