
How to grow lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lotus how to plant: flowerpot selection, flowerpot container should choose a good shape ornamental, moderate size glaze basin, porcelain basin, purple sand basin, plastic flowerpot and so on. The bottom hole of the basin is blocked tightly with cement and yellow sand. Small ornamental lotus varieties should be 26 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height.

How to plant lotus:

1. Flower pot selection

The flowerpot container should choose the glaze basin, porcelain basin, purple sand basin, plastic flowerpot, etc. with good appearance and moderate size. The bottom hole of the basin is blocked tightly with cement and yellow sand. Small ornamental lotus varieties should use 26 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height; medium ornamental lotus varieties should use flowerpots with 30 cm in diameter and 21~26 cm in height; large lotus pots with a diameter of more than 36 cm and a height of 30 cm. Can not choose pointed bottom basin, courtyard or unit put optional high-grade ceramic basin; ornamental lotus scenic spot or base can basin, jar, pond and use; industrialized production commodity potted lotus, choose beautiful, lightweight, cheap plastic flowerpot, with cement sealed bottom hole. For the first time, the pot diameter should be larger to facilitate more flowers.

2. Soil selection

Lotus can grow in loam, sandy loam and clay loam, but humus soil rich in silt and river pond soil are the most suitable. Do not use chemically polluted mud, sewer or contaminated soil. The pH of soil is 6 - 8. The optimum pH is 6.5~7.0. It is best to have a silt layer of more than 20 cm at the bottom of the basin to facilitate planting. Lotus is not tolerant of fertilizer, so base fertilizer should be less, more fertile pond mud and garden soil can no longer apply base fertilizer, so as not to burn seedlings. If there is no humus soil, pond soil, garden soil, decomposed human manure, rotten sawdust can be selected according to the ratio of 5:3:2 preparation. Disinfect the nutrient soil with 0.3% potassium permanganate solution, seal it with plastic film for 48 hours, spread it out and expose it to the sun for later use.

How to grow lotus:

1. ramets

It is mainly cultivated by means of plant division and propagation. For hardy seeds, we usually divide them three to four months before they germinate in early spring; for hardy seeds, they have high requirements for temperature and water temperature, so we have to wait until mid-May.

When we divide the plants, we need to dig out its roots, select the roots with full buds, and then cut them into sections of 8-10cm long, each with at least one bud, and then we plant them. The top buds are buried upward in the topsoil, and the depth of covering soil is appropriate for the bud eye of the plant to be level with the soil surface, 5-7 sections per pot. After planting, a little sun, can be injected into shallow water, in order to maintain water temperature, but irrigation should not be too deep, otherwise it will affect germination.

Wait until the temperature becomes higher, when the buds sprout, we deepen its water level, and then put them in a well-ventilated, sunny place to raise, the depth of water should be between 20-40cm, summer its water level can be appropriately deepened, high temperature season should pay attention to keep the basin water clean. In a small number of potted plants, can be planted 2-5 years of water lily poured out of the pot, cut into 2 - 4 pieces, and then planted into the pot.

2. Sowing

It can also be planted by sowing and breeding. That is to say, we wait until its flowers bloom and then turn into water. Before its fruits mature, we wrap its blooming flowers with gauze bags. This is to facilitate its seeds to fall into the bags after the fruits are broken. After its seeds are harvested, they still need to be stored in water. If they are stored dry, they will lose their ability to germinate. Sowing is carried out in March and April. The pot soil is fertile clay loam. The soil should not be too full. It should be 5-6cm away from the mouth of the pot. After sowing seeds, cover the soil with 1cm, compact and immerse them in water. The water surface is 3-4cm higher than the pot soil. The pot soil is covered with glass and placed in a warm place in the sun to increase the temperature in the pot. Sowing temperature in 25-30℃ is appropriate, after half a month or so germination, the second year can bloom.

Lotus Flower Language:

Lotus: white, pure and holy, loyalty and love, aloof, pure and pure, extraordinary and refined.

Anemone: Expectations, fruitless love.

White lotus: miss, love joy.

Snow lotus: pure heart.

Lu Lianhua: Condemnation.

Blue Lotus: There is a kind of blue lotus on Tianshan Mountain, called Blue Lotus, which can bring the dead back to life.

Red Lotus: Also known as Father's Flower, it represents perseverance, courage, firmness and calmness.

Snow lotus: pure rhyme out of dust.

About lotus planting method and flower language introduced here, hurry to plant a try.

How to grow golden lotus flower planting methods and precautions

Trollius is good-looking and has a good species. When it blooms, the flowers are bright and beautiful, and its plants are relatively short. It is suitable for potted cultivation at home and brings a good decorative effect to the home. Such a plant with high ornamental value is not accompanied by Xiaobian to see how it is planted.

How to grow golden lotus

1. Sowing method

The seeds are soaked in warm water at 40~45℃ for one day, and the temperature should be maintained at 18~20℃ after sowing. The seedlings can be planted in the open field or potted plant in May after transplanting. When potted, put some horseshoe chips or decomposed fertilizer at the bottom of the pot.

2. Cutting method

Can be carried out in April to June, select tender stems to do cuttings, each root cuttings about 10 cm long, and there should be 3 to 5 buds, remove the lower leaves, shade after insertion, keep wet, two weeks later can take root.

How to grow lotus flowers and precautions

planting method

1. Soil

Lotus planting on the soil requirements are relatively high, we need to choose silty loam rich in organic matter, conditional, can test PH value, can be between 5 ~ 6, at the same time, can also be appropriate to add some organic fertilizer as a base.

2. Temperature

Trollius plants like to live in low temperature environment, more love between the temperature of 10℃ to 15℃ around, in winter when Trollius plants need to be kept indoors.

3. Watering

Trollius flowers like high humidity environments, so be careful to keep trollius water and air humidity, watering should be appropriate.

4. Fertilization

Trollius seedlings fertilized once every ten days, will reduce fertilization, can be every 20 days or so after fertilization, however, we note that every 7 to 10 days before the lotus bloom is a patriotic, so that flowers bloom more colorful, but excessive fertilizer will burn seedlings Oh, notice this.

5, pruning

Lotus flowers can be picked before they bloom, so that the flowers will be more beautiful and open. At the same time, we also need bamboo scaffolding, so that the golden lotus can grow better.


1, golden lotus cultivation, like warm, humid, sunny environment, avoid cold (the lowest temperature should not be lower than 10℃), slightly drought resistance, lax requirements for soil.

2. Breeding is mainly based on sowing and breeding. In autumn, the newly harvested seeds are placed in a dry and ventilated place to dry and sow. It is also possible to select plump, dry seeds in early spring, soak them in warm water at 20 to 30 ° C for 1 to 2 hours, and remove them before sowing.

3. It can also be propagated by cuttage method. In early summer, select healthy and full stems, cut cuttings with a length of 10 cm-15 cm, insert them in sand or pearlite cuttings with good water permeability, pay attention to shade and maintain air humidity, and transplant them after about 15 days of rooting.

4. After transplantation, seedlings need to be treated for many times to prevent excessive growth of plants. Make plant shape plump, beautiful. Because nasturtium is a vine, it is easier to shape, so it can be dragged to the appropriate part for shaping.

5, seedling stage should pay attention to more phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, growth period should have sufficient sunshine, frequent intertillage weeding has improved soil permeability. Thin fertilizer should be applied frequently in bud stage.

The practice of golden lotus flower tea

Ingredients: Trollius, chrysanthemum, licorice, Astragalus membranaceus, crystal sugar


1. Pour the scented tea into the container, pour it into boiling water, wash the scented tea, and pour out the water.

2. Add rock sugar, pour it into boiling water again, and stir it for a while.

Can pregnant women drink lotus flower tea?

Pregnant women can drink golden lotus, golden lotus cold, taste slightly bitter, non-toxic, into the heart, liver two meridians, from the drug properties to see this medicine is not toxic, women in pregnancy is easy to appear constipation phenomenon, appropriate consumption of golden lotus this cold flower tea has the effect of clearing away heat, can help pregnant women better pregnant, so you can rest assured to eat.

It seems that Golden Lotus can not only be viewed, but also eaten, especially suitable for making scented tea, has a very good beauty effect, not only for pregnant women this special group can also be assured of use, it has the effect of clearing away heat, can help pregnant women solve a major problem of constipation during pregnancy.