
Breeding method of June snow

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The propagation of snow in June is mainly by cutting, and it can also be divided and striped. The main results are as follows: 1. Cutting propagation is mostly carried out in the rainy season. Choose branches that are strong and disease-free, cut them into cuttings 8 to 10 centimeters long, and insert them directly into plain sand. Pour water after insertion and shade properly

June snow propagation to cutting-based, can also be divided into plants and layering.

1. Cutting propagation

More often than not during the rainy season. Select strong growth, no pests and diseases of the branches, cut into 8~10 cm long cuttings, directly inserted into the sand can be. After insertion, water is poured, shade is appropriate, and a certain humidity and temperature of 20~25℃ are maintained. Rooting can take place in about 1 month. When new shoots grow, gradually expose them to sunlight, but still avoid direct sunlight.

Blooming June Snow

[June snow how to raise] 1. June snow breeding soil selection June snow on the soil requirements are not strict, rich in humus, good drainage of slightly acidic soil is good. Potting soil can be fertile soil or garden soil 4 parts, decaying soil 4 parts, sand 2 parts mixed modulation. 2. June snow breeding fertilization method June snow is more resistant to drought barren, fertilization can not be too frequent too thick, otherwise easy to cause crazy growth and affect the tree. General spring and summer two seasons each apply a cake fertilizer water can be. When potted, some thin fertilizer should be applied in winter, and fertilizer should not be applied in other seasons. After the beginning of winter, it should be transferred to indoor maintenance, the indoor temperature in winter season should not be lower than 0℃, otherwise it is easy to die. Fertilization should be less. In addition to the base fertilizer, generally in early summer or late autumn application of a thin decomposed liquid fertilizer can be. Too much fertilizer and water can easily cause excessive growth and make the tree difficult to control. 3. June snow breeding watering method June snow adaptability is strong, drainage is very good, watering should not be too much, but should keep the basin soil moist, basin soil drainage should be smooth, otherwise it will grow too prosperous affect the overall beauty. June snow is wet, generally watering once a day in spring and autumn, watering twice a day in summer, but watering should not be too much, if the pot water is easy to rot roots. 4. June snow breeding light requirements June snow on the requirements of light is not strict, like light is also slightly tolerant of shade. The plants at the beginning of the pot should be temporarily placed in the shade, and after half a month, they should be moved to a place where scattered light can be seen for maintenance. Growth is particularly vigorous in slightly shaded and moist places. 5. Modeling method of June snow culture

June snow modeling can be selected inclined dry, curved dry, cliff-style, jungle-style or root type. No matter what kind of shape, generally use the characteristics of June snow root system is very developed to expose roots or root, or make into root stone fusion attached stone type; trunk and main branch combined modeling requires climbing and bending, while small lateral branches are trimmed, so that branches and leaves spread horizontally into clouds of different sizes and densities. June snow branches are brittle and bark thin, climbing bent when careful not to damage branches and bark. In addition, June snow twigs dense fine, germination force, to do regular pruning branches, in order to maintain the tree shape.

Green June Snow

6. The propagation method of Liuyuexue culture (1) cuttage propagation: dormant branch cuttage is carried out in 2~3 months, semi-mature branch cuttage is carried out in 6~7 months, the lower leaves are cut into 7~8 cm long, 500~1000 mg/kg naphthylacetic acid or indolebutyric acid is soaked for 5~10 seconds, and then inserted into the seedbed, and shade is set up. Pay attention to watering after planting, keep the temperature at 25~30℃ and the seedbed moist, and root in 20~25 days. (2) Subdivision propagation: Generally, when the seedlings enter the dormant period, that is, 9~10 months, the whole seedlings are divided into several seedlings, or some seedlings are cut from the side, and the seedlings can also be divided before germination. [Efficacy and effect of June snow] June snow, also known as Gypsophila paniculata, Ririyou, etc., belongs to Rubiaceae family medicinal flower plants, its taste bitter cool, with expelling wind and dampness, relaxing tendons and activating collaterals, clearing heat and detoxifying, regulating spleen and regulating qi, rheumatism pain, migraine, toothache, sore throat, stomatitis, neurodermatitis, damp-heat jaundice, herpes zoster, leucorrhea white turbidity and other diseases have certain curative effect.