
Recommendation of medicinal value of cactus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recommendation of medicinal value of cactus

Cactus as a desert plant, in addition to ornamental value and air purification value, the most significant is its medicinal value. Next, let's have a look together.

Medicinal value of cactus

1. For cactus, the whole part of it can be used as medicine, and there will be cactus in every season, so it brings a lot of convenience to people. First of all, let's talk about the root of the cactus. Stewing tripe with the root of the cactus and some plants on other medicinal herbs can play a relieving role for people with stomach problems and frequent stomachache.

two。 Using cactus to boil water together with licorice can effectively treat diarrhea, and if the water boiled with cactus is taken with some honey, it has a very good effect on the treatment of asthma and bronchi, not only that but also can improve your sleep condition, effectively prevent palpitations and insomnia.

3. For some scalded and insect-bitten wounds, the cactus can be boiled and then applied to the wound, which can play a good anti-inflammatory and detumescent effect on the wound. It not only has such an effect on the wound, but also uses the same method for eczema. Applying it to the infected area has a very good effect on the skin.

4. Because the cactus is rich in vitamin B2, in addition to the external application of the cactus above, the cactus can also be used for cooking. After eating the food cooked with cactus with other dishes, the human body can achieve the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification and invigorating the stomach and spleen, not only that, it also has obvious curative effect on some diseases such as liver cancer and diabetes. even many friends will use cactus for cosmetology after treatment, which are the medicinal value of cactus.

The efficacy and function of cactus fruit

Rich in carbohydrates: the efficacy and effect of cactus fruit is very many, so it is very good for our health to eat regularly. In particular, the content of carbohydrates in cactus fruit is also very rich, and the carbohydrate in cactus fruit is also one of the most important substances that make up the body, and can maintain the normal operation of the brain. it also enhances the function of our intestines.

Rich in protein: with the ability to maintain potassium and sodium balance; eliminate edema. Improve your immunity. Lower blood pressure, buffer anemia, conducive to growth and development.

Rich in fiber: it makes people feel full and helps to lose weight. After eating can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, can prevent and cure constipation, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Rich in fat: maintain body temperature and protect internal organs; provide essential fatty acids; promote the absorption of these fat-soluble vitamins; increase satiety.

Traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy: promoting qi and blood circulation to promote the movement of human qi and blood, which is suitable for the treatment of blood stasis syndrome.

Remove dampness and reduce fever: bitter taste, can clear the heart and purge fire, clear heat and remove annoyance, can eliminate the heat toxin in the blood. It is suitable for people who are easy to get angry.

Antioxidation: with antioxidant activity, it can reduce the peroxidation caused by computer radiation.

Skin care: contains a lot of carotene, which helps to maintain the normal function of skin cells and tissues, stimulate skin metabolism and keep skin moist and delicate.

Medicinal value of cactus flowers

1. Cactus flowers after brewing with water can treat cough and sputum.

two。 Cactus flowers and selected pork stewed into a soup can treat the problem of hematemesis and palpitation.

3. After the cactus flowers are mashed to extract juice, and then add sugar to mix evenly and drink every day, can alleviate insomnia and dreamy situation, can promote sleep and improve sleep quality.

4. Cactus flowers and honey are fried in water to relieve bronchial asthma.

5. After the cactus flowers are crushed into powder, add tripe, stew with water, and then drink cactus flower stew tripe soup, which can treat stomachache caused by blood stasis and qi stagnation.

6. Cactus flowers are chopped into slices and fried with water to treat Riley head caused by enteritis and bacteria.

7. Cactus flowers add sophora flower and licorice decoction, daily drinking, can treat hemorrhoid bleeding, relieve hemorrhoid pain.

8. Cactus flowers can be mashed after thorns, smeared evenly on the gauze, with gauze on the affected area of the body for external application, can treat skin redness and swelling and so on.

9. The cactus flowers can be ground into fine powder and sprinkled on the affected area to treat skin eczema and help the skin to restore smoothness and delicacy.

10. After the cactus flowers are squeezed into juice, add the eggs and stir well. After drinking, because of the cool nature of the cactus flowers can clear away heat and detoxification, remove heat in the body.

The above is all the recommended contents of the medicinal value of cactus that I summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.

Daily drinking can treat hemorrhoid bleeding and relieve hemorrhoid pain.

8. Cactus flowers can be mashed after thorns, smeared evenly on the gauze, with gauze on the affected area of the body for external application, can treat skin redness and swelling and so on.

9. The cactus flowers can be ground into fine powder and sprinkled on the affected area to treat skin eczema and help the skin to restore smoothness and delicacy.

10. After the cactus flowers are squeezed into juice, add the eggs and stir well. After drinking, because of the cool nature of the cactus flowers can clear away heat and detoxification, remove heat in the body.

The above is all the recommended contents of the medicinal value of cactus that I summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.