
Medicinal value of mountain fingernail the efficacy of mountain fingernail

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Medicinal value of mountain fingernail the efficacy of mountain fingernail

Mountain fingernail is also known as mountain purple nail tree, small wax, water yellow poplar. It is a deciduous tree of the family Oleaceae. The mountain fingernail is up to 7 meters high and is a kind of plant with a great tree shape. Next, let's take a look at the efficacy of mountain nails.

Mountain fingernails are deciduous shrubs or small trees, generally about 2 meters high, up to 7 meters high. Branchlets spreading, densely yellow pubescent. Leaves thinly leathery, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 3-4.5 m long and 1-1.8 m wide, apex acute or obtuse.

Base rounded or broadly cuneate, surface dark green, abaxially only pubescent on midvein, midvein sunken on surface, abaxially raised, lateral veins connected near leaf margin, petiole 3-6 mm long, pubescent. Panicle lax, terminal, 6-10 m long, pubescent.

Mountain fingernail is sensitive to soil moisture and has poor growth and development in dry and barren land. Most of them were born on the edge of the village, on the hillside and in the grass. Mountain fingernails have entered the ranks of bonsai trees, and gradually get people's love. However, due to the thin bark of mountain fingernails, in the case of poor management and insufficient water supply, the stump or local water loss, the old branches are easy to die, resulting in the loss of branches of bonsai. The root system of mountain fingernail is very developed, with luxuriant branches and luxuriant leaves, which consumes more water. If the water supply is not timely, the head of the twig is immediately soft, while the old branch is easy to dehydrate and die when the pile head is short of water.

The efficacy and function of mountain fingernail

1. The ornamental value of mountain fingernail

As a kind of tall tree, mountain fingernail is naturally favored by lovers who love up to plants. We all like things with sense of security, and tall trees are one of them. In the spare time, looking up at the tall and erect mountain fingernails, will not feel the meaning of spiritual relaxation and pleasure. Yes, this is the precious gift of mountain fingernails.

2. The greening function of mountain fingernail.

Mountain fingernails are very resistant to pruning, although they grow slowly, but they are very good at fighting harmful gases. Therefore, mountain fingernails are generally used as greening or hedges for some mining enterprises. It can effectively absorb most of the harmful gaseous state, maintain ecological balance, cover surface vegetation, and effectively promote the growth of soil humus.

3. The medicinal value of mountain fingernail.

Mountain fingernails can also be used as medicinal materials. It can fight infection, reduce inflammation and detumescence, and manicure can also be taken internally to improve the symptoms of cough. For external use, mountain fingernail can effectively stop bleeding, and there is no risk of infection. It is a kind of plant that is very effective both internally and externally. Is it worthy of our love and understanding?

The above is the whole content of the medicinal value and the efficacy of mountain fingernails that I summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.