
How to raise tea plum?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise tea plum? tea plum is usually propagated by cutting. it is not allowed to blossom within 1-2 years after cuttage, in order to cultivate the tree shape, and it can only blossom after 3 years. In the management, we should mainly master soil, fertilizer, water and light. The rotten leaf soil with acidic, loose and fertile characteristics should be selected in the basin soil to be suitable for the growth of tea plum.

How to raise tea plum? tea plum is usually propagated by cutting. it is not allowed to blossom within 1-2 years after cuttage, in order to cultivate the tree shape, and it can only blossom after 3 years. In the management, we should mainly master soil, fertilizer, water and light.

The rotten leaf soil with acidic, loose and fertile characteristics should be selected in order to be suitable for the growth of tea plum. Tea plum is a multi-flowering woody flower, which prefers fertilizer. In addition to adding a small amount of rotten cake fertilizer and other organic fertilizer when changing pots, a small amount of rotten fresh cake fertilizer should be often applied during the growing period (the ratio of water to fertilizer is 10:1), especially in March, May, July and October. In order to make tea plum have more buds, fertilizer and water should be controlled in June to avoid excessive nutrition to turn flower buds into leaf buds and reduce the number of flower buds. Applying a small amount of calcium superphosphate twice in July can make the flowers more colorful, and water management is the key to good cultivation of tea plums. It is appropriate to keep the potted soil a little moist, and do not make the soil too wet or dry. If the soil is too wet, the ventilation is poor, and the fragile roots grow. If it is too dry, it is not good for growth. It is necessary to maintain an appropriate amount of water during the Chung season to facilitate growth.

Plum rainy season to prevent the pot soil is too wet, summer high temperature young tea plum should be properly shaded, or the flowerpot should be moved to the east or north, spray water once a day, the ground should also spray water, and pay attention to ventilation and light to keep the leaves clean. Prevent long-term dehydration or excessive dampness in winter, otherwise it is easy to produce bad growth phenomena such as falling leaves and buds, short florescence and so on. Pruning and thinning buds are carried out around August, generally leaving one bud per branch, and those that are too dense, poor growth and poor orientation should be thinned out. Pruning is carried out in mid-June after changing pots or spring flowers, cutting off some delicate branchlets, over-dense branches and introverted cross branches inside the crown to make them dense, ventilated and transparent, which can reduce the production of scale insects. The above is an introduction to how to raise tea plum.

How to raise tea plum? Culture methods of tea plum

Tea plum blossoms are colorful, colorful and have a long flowering period, making them an excellent choice for indoor potted plants. Then how to breed tea plum? Next, I would like to introduce to you the culture method of tea plum.

Culture methods of tea plum

1. Soil: Camellia oleifera is suitable for growing in acid sandy soil with loose fertility and good drainage, alkaline soil and clay are not suitable for planting, and lime soil is more taboo to be used. when potted in the north, it is appropriate to choose rotten leaf soil or peat soil, plus a small amount of river sand culture soil.

two。 Watering: tea plum watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water, once in the morning and evening every day in summer and once in several days in winter. In addition to winter, should also spray water to the leaf surface every few days, in order to keep the leaf surface clean, watering must be thoroughly watered.

3. Sunshine: Camellia oleifera is a semi-shady plant, avoid strong light. Generally, it should be cultured in the shade from May to September every year. If it is directly exposed to the hot sun, it is very easy to burn leaves and buds, causing leaves to curl and scorch and fall off in serious cases. We need more sunshine in late autumn and winter.

4. Temperature: tea plum likes warm environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 18-25 ℃. The temperature should not be too high. When the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, the tender leaves are prone to birthday burn. At the same time, Camellia oleifera has strong cold tolerance and can be kept in a cold room of more than 2 ℃ in winter.

5. Fertilization: tea plum fertilization strives to be light and fully mature. Applying raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer will burn the roots, especially the seedlings born in 2012. In general, a dilute nitrogen fertilizer was applied from February to March to promote the growth of branches and leaves. A thin cake fertilizer and water was applied from April to May to facilitate flower bud differentiation. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied from September to October to make the flowers bright.

6. Insect pests: tea plum diseases and insect pests are less, the main diseases are gray spot, soot, anthrax and so on, early prevention and early treatment, once the disease, can be sprayed with the same amount of Bordeaux solution 300 times. If there are shell insects, red spiders and other damage, can be brushed off manually, there are red spiders, can be used to bubble tobacco water mixed with pepper water spray, the effect is also very significant.

7. Pruning: Camellia and Camellia also need to timely sparse buds and cut off residual flowers to reduce nutrient consumption. In general, each branch leaves 1 bud, the rest are sparse, so that nutrients are concentrated, then the flower is large and colorful. Cutting off the residual flowers in time can not only keep the plant shape beautiful, but also conducive to the germination of new branches, but also promote the healthy growth of the plant.

Matters needing attention in tea plum culture

1. Avoid too high room temperature: family potted tea plum is in a semi-dormant state in cold winter and early spring, and the suitable temperature is 2-10 ℃. Vegetative growth is promoted when the average temperature exceeds 10 ℃, thus competing for nutrients for developing buds, causing them to gradually wither.

two。 Avoid air obstruction: winter family windows to protect against the cold, whether to keep the air fresh is also the key to the prevention and treatment of domestic tea plum stiff bud stiff flower. It is necessary to open the window regularly for breath, so that every morning and evening, the window should be opened for about ten minutes to keep the indoor air fresh and avoid exposure to harmful gases.

3. Avoid changing places frequently: after potted tea plum is moved indoors in winter, it belongs to the semi-dormant period of stopping vegetative growth and entering bud expansion, which requires a stable cool and wet environment, at this time * taboo temperature suddenly high and low, light strong and weak, especially when it is about to blossom should be paid more attention.

4. Avoid leaving too many buds: tea plum needs to consume a lot of nutrients during the period from bud gestation to flowering. If a large number of buds are not thinned in time, it will be difficult to ensure that there are enough nutrients for bud development and flowering in the later stage. Not only a normal flower can not be seen, but also the plant will be tired and even lead to death.

5. Avoid fertilization before flowering: although tea plum needs a lot of nutrients in bud development and flowering season, fertilization before flowering will "top" the huge blooming buds, so it is generally not fertilized after entering the house in winter, and the fertilizer and water management in vegetative growth period should be strengthened. Fertilization can be divided into two stages: spring and summer.

The above is the introduction of tea plum culture methods, tea plum breeding friends, you can refer to the above culture methods, combined with the actual culture conditions, reasonable breeding.

Tea plum Camellia sasanqua photo guide of tea plum: how to raise tea plum / tea plum how to breed tea plum business card tea plum Camellia sasanqua introduction of tea plum tea plum (Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen shrub of the family Theaceae, camellia, because its flower pattern has the characteristics of camellia and plum blossom, it is called Camellia. It is a famous flower with exquisite figure, elegant leaf shape, gorgeous flowers and long flowering period. Small trees, twigs hairy. Leaves leathery, elliptic, 3-5 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, apex mucronate, base cuneate, sometimes slightly rounded, dark green after upper drying, shiny, lower brownish green, glabrous, lateral veins 5-6 pairs, inconspicuous above, visible below, reticulate veins inconspicuous; margin serrulate, petiole 4-6 mm long, slightly residual. Flowers vary in size, 4-7 cm in diam.; bracts and sepals 6-7, pilose; petals 6-7, broadly Obovate, subfree, varying in size, largest 5 cm long, 6 cm wide, red; stamens free, 1.5-2 cm long, ovary velutinous, style 1-1.3 cm long, 3-parted and distinct. Capsule globose, 1.5-2 cm wide, 1-3-loculed, valves 3-lobed, seeds brown, glabrous. Distributed in Japan, more cultivated, there are cultivated varieties in China. Camellia oleifera is a traditional famous flower of China [1] since ancient times, with a long history of cultivation. Tea plum has been widely cultivated since the Song Dynasty. Chen Jingyi of the Southern Song Dynasty recorded in "Quanfang Beizu": "shallow for jade tea deep victory, Da Rishan tea small sea red, reputation spread more than friends, living in the frost year after year." The "sea red" refers to tea plum. At the same time, poems about tea plum also appeared. Liu Shiheng's "chanting Tea Plum Blossom" in the Song Dynasty wrote about the elegant image and elegant charm of tea plum: "when the courtyard was still cold and warm, the sea safflower was late at dusk, half deep and half shallow in the east wind, so that Xu Xi brought snow branches." Chen Daofu, a painter in the Ming Dynasty, wrote about the small and exquisite tea plum: "in the spring snow, the flower is smaller than the camellia." The old garden is called tea plum, and it is also well named. " In the Ming Dynasty, Gao Lian's Plum Blossom Ling Tea Plum not only wrote the light pink and reddish color of tea plum blossom, but also wrote that the shape of the flower is similar to that of plum blossom: "the flower is, but it is like Meihun". In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Qiande listed tea plum as "six grades and four lives" in his "vase flower spectrum". Tea plum is produced in the south of the Yangtze River and is distributed in Japan. Wild tea plum plant shape is scattered, for arboreal shrubs; leaves beautiful, extremely bright; flowers small single, white or light pink, fragrant, florescence autumn. After long-term natural selection and interspecific hybridization by horticulturists, the varieties of tea plum have been enriched continuously. According to the degree of evolution, florescence, characteristics of flowers and leaves and ecological differences, tea plum can be divided into three groups: tea plum (Sasanqua Group), winter tea plum (Hiemalis Group, also known as Hanshan tea in Japan) and spring tea plum (Oleifera Group). Tea plum: more than 1.5 meters high, the most flowers are white, white with red, pink, a few red, most fragrant, blooming from October to December, it is an important ornamental flower in autumn. Winter tea plum: the plant is low, the branches are extended; the flowers are mainly rose red, a few complex colors, many varieties have fragrance, flowering from November to March of the following year, is an important ornamental shrub in winter. Spring tea plum: the interspecific hybrid of Camellia oleifera and Camellia hongshanensis and its progeny, flowering from December to April of the following year, the flower type and leaf type are mostly in the middle type, mostly red and pink, and a few varieties are white. Tea plum likes yin and dampness, and semi-yin is the most suitable. Strong summer light may burn leaves and buds. It is suitable to grow in slightly acidic soil with good drainage, rich in humus and moist, and the pH value is 5.5-6. It is more cold-tolerant, but it is generally better for potted plants not less than-2 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 18-25 ℃. It has strong resistance and less diseases and insect pests. It can be propagated by sowing, cutting, grafting and so on. Although tea plum has a long history of cultivation in China, it has few varieties and is not widely used. since 1984, tea plum varieties have been introduced and propagated from Japan, New Zealand, the United States and other places in Hangzhou flower garden. more than 10 excellent varieties have been selected from more than 100 tea plum varieties, which have been widely used in urban and rural landscaping in Hangzhou in recent years. As an excellent flowering shrub, Camellia oleifera has a broad development prospect in landscaping. The tea plum varieties with beautiful tree shape and luxuriant flowers and leaves can be planted alone or opposite in the courtyard and lawn; the lower tea plum can be arranged with other flowering shrubs in flower beds, flower borders, or as landscape materials, which can be planted at forest edges, corners and wall bases for decoration; tea plum has rich posture, magnificent flowers, a large number of flowers, suitable for pruning, and can also be used as basic planting and evergreen fence materials, and can be used as flower hedges when flowering and hedges after falling flowers. We can also make use of the natural hilly land to establish a tea plum special garden in the sparse forest with certain shade, which can not only fully show its characteristics, but also better preserve the germplasm resources. Tea plum can also be potted, placed in the study, meeting hall, hall, door, windowsill and other places to add elegance and splendor. The ecological habit of Camellia oleifera is evergreen shrubs or small trees, up to 12 meters high, with a spherical or oblate crown. The bark is grayish white. The twigs are hirsute and the bud scales are anatropous pilose. Leaves alternate, elliptic to oblong-ovate, apex mucronate, margin serrulate, leathery, leaves glossy, slightly hairy on midvein, lateral veins inconspicuous. The flowers are white and red, slightly fragrant. Capsule globose, slightly hairy. Semidouble or semidouble flower color in addition to red, white, pink and other colors, there are many strange discoloration and red, white edges and so on. The tea plum blossom is 3.5-6 cm in diameter, fragrant and with a long flowering period. it can bloom from late October to April next year. Tea plum is not only magnificent in color, elegant and elegant, but also most of the branches spread horizontally, full posture and beautiful tree shape. The fruit is spherical. There are many varieties of tea plum, most of which are white flowers and a few are red flowers. There are many varieties of tea plum, most of which are white flowers and a few are safflower. Tea plum is mainly produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces along the Yangtze River and in the south of China. It is a suitable tree species in subtropics. Cultivation techniques of tea plum tea plum likes yin and dampness, and half-yin and half-yang is the most suitable. Strong sunlight burns its leaves and buds, causing the leaves to fall off. But it also needs proper light in order to bloom luxuriantly and brightly. Tea plum likes a warm and humid climate. It is suitable for growing in acid sandy soil with loose fertility and good drainage, while alkaline soil and clay are not suitable for planting tea plum. Potted soil should be suitable, fertilization should be light, watering should be proper, and shading should be appropriate. Watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water. Water should be irrigated once in the morning and evening in summer and once in several days in winter. Besides winter, water should be sprayed on the leaf surface every few days to keep the leaf surface clean. Watering must be thoroughly watered. Fertilization should be light, especially in the seedling stage. Generally, human urine can be applied once or twice from February to March to promote the growth of branches and leaves, cake fertilizer and water should be applied once in April-May to promote flower bud differentiation, and phosphate fertilizer should be applied again from September to October to promote its flowering, which is also beneficial to winter. Except that winter should be moved indoors, tea plums should be kept in the shade for maintenance. In winter, the room temperature should not exceed 7 ℃ after moving indoors, and 3-6 ℃ is suitable. Camellia oleifera can be propagated by cutting, grafting, pressing and sowing, and it is generally multipurpose. The cuttings were carried out in May, and the cuttings selected the strong branches on the mother plant for more than 5 years, slept at the base, cut off the redundant leaves in the lower part, and retained 2-3 leaves. Short ears with single buds can also be cut as cuttings and cut as they are cut. Insert bed to shade, after about 20-30 days can take root, sooner or later gradually through the light. The seedlings can be transplanted or potted in the second year. Planting points tea plum flower color diversity, long flowering period, magnificent color, light and elegant, beautiful tree shape, branches mostly horizontally expanded, full posture, large amount of flowers, so it is very suitable for pot appreciation. The key to the cultivation of tea plum is that the pot soil should be suitable for potted plants to choose the culture soil with loose texture, fertile, smooth drainage and slight acid. The culture soil mainly composed of rotten leaf soil or peat soil should be used in the north. The best pot for tea plum planting is the earthen basin, which is breathable and absorbs water. The new basin is soaked in water for a day and night before it is annealed. The old basin must be cleaned with water, disinfected and reused to prevent diseases and insect pests. Tea plum seedlings should use a small basin, with the growth of the plant, and then gradually change a slightly larger basin, the size of the basin should be in proportion to the size of the plant. Pot soil should choose loose and fertile mud or sandy loam, clayey soil, alkaline soil are not suitable, lime soil is more taboo, a hundred plants will not live. The hole at the bottom of the basin should be unobstructed, and the bottom of the basin should be covered with a layer of coarse sand or coarse slag to facilitate drainage and ventilation. Planting time is best in early spring 2-3 months, after planting, watering once permeable, put semi-shade, shelter, warm place slow seedling for 1-2 weeks, can resume growth, and normal maintenance and management. Fertilization should be light and fully mature. The root system will be burned if raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer is applied. In particular, one-or two-year-old seedlings, the root system is tender and weak, but also can not apply thick fertilizer. In general, a dilute nitrogen fertilizer is applied from February to March to promote the growth of branches and leaves; a thin cake fertilizer is applied from April to May to facilitate flower bud differentiation; and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied from September to October to promote the flowers to be large and colorful. In order to maintain the proper acidity of the basin soil, it can be combined with fertilization to irrigate alum fertilizer water or water with grass bubble brush. Newly planted tea plum seedlings must not be fertilized, such as early fertilization, easy to cause seedling death, because the growth environment of tea plum seedlings has changed, coupled with burning roots, cutting roots, and injuries in the mail, they have to adapt to the new environment after planting, and it will take a long time to recover their vitality. If they just start to grow tender roots, they will be applied fertilizer one after another, which is bound to burn the seedlings. Therefore, root fertilizer can not be applied two or three months after planting. When the leaves take root, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution and a very small amount of urea nitrogen fertilizer are sprayed on the leaves to accelerate the vigorous growth of tea plum seedlings. Spray once every 7-10 days for 1-2 months, absorb nutrients through leaves to promote root growth, until the growth of new branches and leaves, and basically aging, can be irrigated root fertilizer, but at the beginning can not be irrigated thick fertilizer, to achieve light fertilizer frequently, once a semimonthly, to promote its roots strong leaves luxuriant, rapid growth. Proper watering is the key to the survival of newly planted tea plum. In particular, the seedlings should be watered more carefully to balance the water supply and transpiration between the stems and leaves of the aboveground parts and the roots of the underground parts. Due to the damage to the roots and the long mailing period, the roots, branches and leaves of the mailed seedlings were seriously damaged, resulting in poor resurrection ability and even worse water absorption capacity of the roots, such as excessive watering and excessive wetness of the basin soil, resulting in anoxia and respiratory obstruction of the roots, resulting in asphyxiation and death of the roots. After the first watering, do not water as long as the basin soil is dry, spray water on the plant and basin surface 2-3 times a day, and keep the basin soil slightly moist. It not only ensures that the leaves are not short of water, but also does not make the basin soil too wet, until the tea plum seedlings begin to sprout, spread leaves and grow new branches, indicating that they have survived before they can be watered normally. Watering should keep the basin soil moist without making it too wet. Watering should be dry and wet, and watering should be thoroughly watered. Avoid watering waist water. Shading should be appropriate, tea plum sex likes yin and dampness, and the semi-overcast environment is the most suitable. Generally, it should be maintained under the shed from April to September every year. The intense summer sun burns leaves and buds, causing the leaves to curl, scorch and fall off. Even in autumn and winter, excessive light is harmful to its growth and development. Tea plums like to have plenty of sunshine, so they should receive all-day sunshine in spring. As the newly planted tea plum can not withstand the cold wind and sun in early spring, it should be placed outside in a place of shelter, warmth and semi-shade; if it is cold outside, it should be placed in a place with scattered light indoors, and only with the rise of the temperature can the basin be gradually placed outside. As the temperature continues to rise, the basin can be placed on the north windowsill or balcony of the north house around noon to accept only the rising sun and sunset, while avoiding the direct sunlight around noon. Summer should be placed under the eaves of the gallery or under the scaffolding in the courtyard. If there is no above equipment, sparse Reed sheds can be used to shade the leaves so as not to burn the leaves in the strong sunlight around noon, resulting in diseases. Tea plum diseases control tea plum diseases and insect pests are less, the main diseases are gray spot, soot, anthracnose and so on, early prevention and early treatment, once the disease, can be sprayed with equivalent Bordeaux solution 300 times. If there are shell insects, red spiders and other damage, can be brushed off manually, there are red spiders, can be used to bubble tobacco water mixed with pepper water spray, the effect is also very significant. Generally do not use pesticides to prevent pollution of the environment. The cultivation method of tea plum this is the rigid flower phenomenon of tea plum, that is to say, its buds are already dead. In order to avoid this phenomenon, we should pay attention to the following points: avoid too high room temperature family potted tea plum in the cold winter and early spring in a semi-dormant state, the suitable temperature is 2: 10 ℃. When the average temperature exceeds 10 ℃, it will promote its vegetative growth, thus competing for the nutrients needed by the developing bud, causing it to gradually wither. Avoid poor air in winter family windows to protect against the cold, whether to keep the air fresh is also the key to the prevention and treatment of domestic tea plum stiff bud stiff flower. The correct approach is: 1, regularly open the window for air, it is best to open the window every morning and evening, about 10 minutes each time, to keep the indoor air fresh. 2. Avoid contact with harmful gases. First, do not smoke indoors as much as possible, after closing the window, the smoke will not run out, which will be disadvantageous to the tea plum; the second is not to put it in dirty places such as kitchens and toilets to prevent the toxicity of oil, dirt and gas; third, do not put tea plum "stuffy" in the newly decorated room, if you want to decorate, it is best to choose non-odor and non-toxic materials to prevent poisoning. 3. The air pollution near the city or industry and mine is serious. When the leaves accumulate dust, they should be cleaned in time to keep them breathing normally, so as to facilitate their growth and protect buds and flowers. Do not frequently change the position of some family cultivation pot flowers love to change the position, so it is easy to disrupt its growth law, affect the growth and normal flowering. After entering the house in winter, potted tea plum belongs to the semi-dormant period of stopping vegetative growth and entering bud expansion, and it is more necessary to have a stable cool and wet environment. Especially when it is about to blossom, it should be paid more attention. If it is suddenly moved from the balcony with stronger light and lower temperature to the room with darker light and higher temperature when it blossoms in winter and spring, or from the balcony of the north house to the south room with higher temperature and plenty of sunshine, it will not only have stiff buds and flowers, but also a large number of fallen leaves. Growth frustrated. Therefore, do not change positions frequently. Avoid leaving too many buds some families are reluctant to cut off too many buds, as a result, the buds are enlarged and gratifying when they first enter the room, and then gradually wither after a period of time. The incubation period of flower buds is very long, and some varieties are even "pregnant in October". A lot of nutrients need to be consumed from bud gestation to flowering. If a large number of buds are not thinned in time, it is difficult to ensure that there are enough nutrients for bud development and flowering in the later stage. As a result, the efforts of cultivation are often wasted a year ago, not only can not even see a normal flower, but also make the plant tired and even lead to death. Taboo fertilization before flowering requires a lot of nutrients in winter and spring bud development and flowering season. However, fertilization before flowering will often "top" off the huge buds, resulting in stiff buds and stiff flowers. Therefore, potted tea plum blossoms generally do not apply fertilizer after entering the house in winter. In order to ensure normal flowering, it is important to strengthen the fertilizer and water management in the vegetative growth period, which can be divided into spring and summer stages. After blooming in spring to before sprouting, even if thin alum fertilizer is applied for 1 or 2 times and the shoot is no longer delayed, fertilization is the most likely to burn the camellias. Summer fertilization can be in the spring shoot aging after June, when the amount of fertilizer can be slightly larger, and can be applied continuously (once every ten days, 2 times for 3 times). Stop fertilizing after late September, otherwise it is easy to stiff buds and flowers in winter. Tea plum pictures