
How to control water lily easily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to control water lily easily

Water lily is a kind of lotus, we can often see its figure in the pond of the park, with good ornamental; it is also called meridian lily, cress flower, is a perennial aquatic plant belonging to the genus of water lily, water lily is a precious flower in aquatic flowers. Appearance and lotus similar, different is the lotus leaves and flowers stand out of the water, and water lily leaves and flowers floating on the water, water lily because of the day Shu night volume and known as "sleeping beauty in flowers." At the same time, the lily is also the national flower of Egypt, an ancient civilization. So, what is the cultivation method of water lily?

Culture method of water lily

[Breeding Method]

Subplant propagation: it is the main method of propagation of water lily. In March to April every year, when the bud has just sprouted, the rhizome will be dug up and divided into several pieces with a sharp knife. Ensure that the rhizome has more than two full bud eyes, planted into the pond or tank in the river mud.

Sowing and reproduction: black oval plump seeds are stored in clean water until they are taken out before sowing in the following spring. Immerse in water at 25~30℃ for germination, change water every day, and germinate after two weeks. When the seedlings grow to 3~4 cm, they can be planted in the pool to ensure sufficient water depth.

[Cultivation Management]

Potting: around the spring equinox every year, put decomposed bean cake or bone meal, hoof and other fertilizers at the bottom of the flowerpot, put more than 30 cm fertile river mud on it, and then plant the root with bud eye into the river mud, cover the soil without top bud, put one cm of coarse sand and small pebbles, and then add water in the pot or jar. Change the water in time in high temperature season to avoid algae production and affect its beauty.

Pond planting: in early spring, put water into the net, add new pond mud after applying base fertilizer, and irrigate with sufficient water for planting. In winter, irrigation depth of more than 1.1 meters can make rhizomes safely overwinter.

[Cultivation Points]

Select the cultivation soil: water lily sex like humus-rich, fertile clay soil; therefore, cultivation to choose long-term deposition in Hanoi or pond mud as well.

Selection of good seed stems: water lily is cultivated by plant division method; the quality of seed stem selection is also a key link in the success or failure of cultivation. The underground rhizomes used for seed should be selected to grow vigorously, virus-free, damage-free and rotten-free, with a section of new buds, and cut into sections of 6~10 cm long.

Appropriate shallow planting: If the underground stem is too deep into the mud, one is that the soil temperature is low, the other is oxygen deficiency, which is not conducive to early growth and rapid development. The cultivation depth generally keeps the new buds on the underground stem level with the soil surface.

Adequate light: water lily likes sunny, warm and humid, well-ventilated climate; water lily cultivated in pots must be placed in a position with sufficient light to receive full light.

[Water Lily Summer]

Water lilies are strong plants that like well ventilated, warm and calm water. Special requirements for clean water quality, otherwise, leaves rot. As the temperature rises, the leaves extend and gradually increase. In summer, the irrigation depth is about 15 cm. If water is changed, it should be carried out in the early morning. In high temperature season, attention should be paid to keeping the basin water clean. After flowering, the dead leaves, petioles and pedicels should be cut off in time to prevent nutrient consumption and keep the plants beautiful. However, the pedicels that sink into the water after the flower withers must not be cut off so that they complete the fruiting stage.

Water lily is also known as how many, but also countless types, this shape similar to lotus flowers, is the king of flowers, flowers have the reputation of sleeping beauty. Its use is also extensive. As a qualified flower lover, here is how to make water lilies bloom more.

How to Make Potted Water Lily Bloom More

(1) Selection of species. Potted water lilies should be selected to bloom more, tolerant of extensive management varieties.

(2) Water lily like fertilizer, potted water lily fertilizer, generally choose rich humus rich fertile soil, planting when adding some bone meal as base fertilizer. Add phosphorus and potassium-based topdressing several times at flowering stage. Do not apply more nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the vegetative growth is too vigorous, inhibiting reproductive growth, resulting in poor flowering or no flowering. In addition, the pot should be turned over and replaced around the spring equinox every year to meet the nutrient needs of the water lily.

3) Make sure there is plenty of room for water lilies to grow. Small water surface, overlapping leaves, will affect flowering. Therefore, different specifications of containers have a great impact on the growth and development of water lily. It is best to raise potted plants, and each plant can provide more than 1 square meter of water to promote more flowering.

(4) Attention should be paid to pest control.

Water lily, also known as water lily, meridian lily, is a perennial aquatic flower of water lily family. It is native to eastern Asia and likes strong light, high temperature, humidity and well-ventilated environment. Cold, but avoid freezing. The selection of soil is not strict, and fertile soil rich in organic matter is better. So, should Zeyang be maintained in the process of breeding water lilies?

Water Lily Conservation

1. Early flowering measures

In order to make the lily bloom before June 1, seedlings can be grown by dividing plants from late March to early April. The newly divided rhizomes are planted in pots no later than 50 to 60 days before the required flowering date, and the cultivation medium needs to maintain a water layer of 10 to 20 cm high. Under these conditions, the growth of water lily is very rapid. Fertilizer supply must be sufficient, in addition to planting can apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer, the best growth stage every 10 days in the cultivation matrix inserted into the rod-shaped organic fertilizer as topdressing. Water lilies are aquatic plants, and water management after flowering is the same as before flowering. It is best to apply fertilizer frequently, otherwise it is easy to appear dumb buds. Be careful not to place it in shade, because water lilies bloom normally when there is plenty of sunlight. In addition, pay attention to the temperature of the environment should not be too low, so as not to inhibit the flowering of plants.

2. Storage and preservation of rhizomes

After autumn, the stems and leaves of the plants are withered, and the rhizomes can be dug out from the mud, and then they are classified and grouped according to different varieties for storage. It should be noted that water lily is an aquatic plant, so the operation should be rapid, do not make the rhizome water loss, otherwise the new bud will be damaged. Treated rhizomes can be stored in an environment with a relative humidity of 95% to 100% and a temperature of 4℃ to 6℃. Usually, the rhizomes of water lily can be stored for 110 to 120 days under the above conditions.

3. Storage and preservation of cut flowers

Harvest when buds are fully transparent, preferably in the morning when the temperature is low. Cut flowers after harvest should be placed in a place without direct sunlight, precooled as soon as possible, and graded after harvest.

The same grade, variety of water lily with stem flowers every 20 pieces with a plastic bag for packaging, and then respectively code into the name, with a vent lined corrugated cardboard box, placed in a relative humidity of 90% to 95%, temperature 5℃ to 6℃ environment storage, usually can be stored for one or two days. Water lilies can only be stored dry for a short period of time during transportation and must be inserted into water immediately after unpacking.

The above is the introduction of the breeding method of water lily and the problems that need to be paid attention to in the breeding process introduced by Xiaobian, hoping to help everyone better understand water lily.

Water Lily Conservation

1. Early flowering measures

In order to make the lily bloom before June 1, seedlings can be grown by dividing plants from late March to early April. The newly divided rhizomes are planted in pots no later than 50 to 60 days before the required flowering date, and the cultivation medium needs to maintain a water layer of 10 to 20 cm high. Under these conditions, the growth of water lily is very rapid. Fertilizer supply must be sufficient, in addition to planting can apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer, the best growth stage every 10 days in the cultivation matrix inserted into the rod-shaped organic fertilizer as topdressing. Water lilies are aquatic plants, and water management after flowering is the same as before flowering. It is best to apply fertilizer frequently, otherwise it is easy to appear dumb buds. Be careful not to place it in shade, because water lilies bloom normally when there is plenty of sunlight. In addition, pay attention to the temperature of the environment should not be too low, so as not to inhibit the flowering of plants.

2. Storage and preservation of rhizomes

After autumn, the stems and leaves of the plants are withered, and the rhizomes can be dug out from the mud, and then they are classified and grouped according to different varieties for storage. It should be noted that water lily is an aquatic plant, so the operation should be rapid, do not make the rhizome water loss, otherwise the new bud will be damaged. Treated rhizomes can be stored in an environment with a relative humidity of 95% to 100% and a temperature of 4℃ to 6℃. Usually, the rhizomes of water lily can be stored for 110 to 120 days under the above conditions.

3. Storage and preservation of cut flowers

Harvest when buds are fully transparent, preferably in the morning when the temperature is low. Cut flowers after harvest should be placed in a place without direct sunlight, precooled as soon as possible, and graded after harvest.

The same grade, variety of water lily with stem flowers every 20 pieces with a plastic bag for packaging, and then respectively code into the name, with a vent lined corrugated cardboard box, placed in a relative humidity of 90% to 95%, temperature 5℃ to 6℃ environment storage, usually can be stored for one or two days. Water lilies can only be stored dry for a short period of time during transportation, and must be inserted into water immediately after unpacking.

The above is the introduction of the breeding method of water lily and the problems that need to be paid attention to in the breeding process introduced by Xiaobian, hoping to help everyone better understand water lily.