
How to maintain cyclamen dormant period?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen dormancy period how to maintain, cyclamen originated in the Mediterranean coastal areas, is a maritime climate, warm, rainy and humid winter, summer high temperature and less rain dry, so the formation of autumn leaves, early spring flowering, summer dormancy habits. After the end of flowering, watering should be reduced gradually to dry the basin soil.

Cyclamen dormancy period how to maintain, cyclamen originated in the Mediterranean coastal areas, is a maritime climate, warm, rainy and humid winter, summer high temperature and less rain dry, so the formation of autumn leaves, early spring flowering, summer dormancy habits.

After the end of flowering, we should gradually reduce watering, dry the basin soil, remove the dead leaves when the leaves are dry, and put the pot in a ventilated and cool place where there is no sunlight and rain.

If it is drenched or watered, it is easy to cause rotten roots, but too dry is easy to make the bulb lose water and wilt. You should spray some water with a watering kettle every other period, and you can start to pour a small amount of water when the temperature drops in late August, and when the buds begin to germinate, you can turn the basin. The above is about cyclamen dormant period how to maintain the introduction.

Pictures of cyclamen dormant period, maintenance items during cyclamen dormancy period

Flower fans who have just raised cyclamen have never experienced cyclamen dormancy, so for the first time they find that cyclamen dormancy will mistakenly think cyclamen is dead. In fact, cyclamen is only in a dormant state. Let's take a look at cyclamen dormancy pictures and related matters.

Cyclamen dormancy events (with pictures)

1. When the weather warms up and the temperature rises, the leaves of cyclamen begin to turn yellow until withered. It should be explained here that the dormancy period of cyclamen is not fixed, there are differences in climate and conservation environment in different regions, and differences in varieties will lead to changes in the dormancy period. For example, cyclamen with flower friends dormancy early, while some cyclamen still bloom in summer. If only the flower friends could treat them flexibly!

2, cyclamen leaves continue to wither, as shown below, has entered a dormant period, some will be bare, leaving only a ball, which is normal, and some balls still have withered leaves, do not care about it, can be on top. Cyclamen dormant period do not need pilling, even flowerpots put cool, ventilated places, such as the north balcony or room, air conditioning is better, pay attention to heat prevention and cooling.

Dormant period do not need topdressing, cut off fertilizer can not cut off water, as usual soak pot method to water, watering thoroughly, in the frequency than the growing season to reduce some.

3. Cyclamen will sprout on its own when the temperature begins to drop.

4. By this time, we will be able to maintain cyclamen normally, and if possible, we can give some fertilizers appropriately, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

How many months is the cyclamen dormant period? How to raise cyclamen during dormancy?

Cyclamen, also known as Rabbit ear Flower, Primrose, etc., is a perennial herb of Primulaceae. Cyclamen has bright colors and colorful patterns, which is of high ornamental value. However, like other plants, cyclamen has a dormant period, and if you do not do a good job of maintenance, it will bring harm to the growth of cyclamen. So, how many months is cyclamen dormant? How to raise during the dormant period? Let's get to know it.

Picture: cyclamen

How many months is the cyclamen dormant period?

Cyclamen's dormant period is from June to September. Because cyclamen prefers a warm or cool environment and is afraid of heat, cyclamen is easy to enter dormancy or semi-dormancy in the summer high temperature season.

Picture: cyclamen

How to raise cyclamen during dormancy?

1. Create a suitable environment: considering the suitable environment of cyclamen, most of the wild cyclamen grow low in the shade of the mountains, semi-shady slopes. Therefore, it is best to create a good living environment for it. In general, temperatures above 30 ℃ and light above 40, 000 LUX can cause damage to cyclamen.

two。 Appropriate shading: for shading, you only need to pull up two layers of sunshade net to meet the requirements, but when the light is not strong, it must be pulled open in time, which is conducive to ground cooling and ventilation. Shading should not be too overcast, otherwise cyclamen is easy to grow in vain and the resistance is weakened.

3. Spray cooling: there are many ways to cool down, one of which is sunshade, but make sure that the sunshade net is kept at a certain height from the plastic film and cannot be covered directly. In addition, mist and rain are also very good methods. However, the negative effects brought by the use of water evaporation and cooling can not be ignored. The continuous increase of air humidity in the greenhouse makes cyclamen facing the threat of disease outbreak, so it is particularly important to strengthen ventilation and do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

Picture: cyclamen

[conclusion] cyclamen enters dormancy or semi-dormancy period when the high temperature season comes from June to September every day, at this time, good maintenance work is directly related to the growth of cyclamen. The above introduces the dormancy period and dormancy maintenance methods of cyclamen, hoping to help you!