
Introduction to the breeding methods of cyclamen that should not be missed.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Introduction to the breeding methods of cyclamen that should not be missed.

Cyclamen has white, red, purple, orange and red edges and white hearts, and some of them are fragrant. Its flowering period can last as long as half a year, so it is very popular. So, how to raise cyclamen? What are the breeding methods and steps of cyclamen?

1. Select full seeds: select full and glossy brown seeds, and carry out seed treatment, put the seeds in about 30 ℃ plus new high-fat film, which can be mixed with seed coating agent, can ward off underground diseases and insects, isolate virus infection, do not affect the function of germination and swelling, strengthen respiratory intensity, improve seed germination rate, soak in water for 3 hours and 4 hours, then sow seeds, and then bloom about 10 days earlier than unsoaked seeds.

2. Management of growth process: cyclamen is a plant that likes wet and afraid of waterlogging. Too much water is not conducive to its growth and development, and even causes rotten roots and death. Therefore, reasonable watering is very important. Therefore, keep the soil moist every day, and the amount of water should not be too large. Increasing the application of fertilizer and cyclamen are also fertilizer-loving plants. First of all, we should start with the soil and apply reasonable fertilizer according to the needs of the plant, which can blossom 15-20 days ahead of time. Spray new high-fat film to preserve fertilizer and soil moisture.

3, temperature light control: cyclamen is very sensitive to temperature and can not bear high temperature. About 20 ℃ in the daytime is suitable for the growth temperature, and when the environment is about 10 ℃ at night, the temperature in the seedling stage can be slightly lower. Cyclamen likes the sun, prolonging the sunshine time, can promote its early flowering, therefore, cyclamen should be placed in a sunny place for maintenance.

4. management during flowering: when the young buds of cyclamen appear, they should be given enough sunlight and sprayed with Zhuangtiling, which can make the buds strong, the petals enlarged, the flowers colorful, the flowers fragrant and the florescence prolonged.

5. Prevention of diseases and pests: cyclamen has more diseases than pests, and cyclamen maintenance is common:

① Botrytis cinerea, the main symptom is that the lesion has a small spot with a diameter of 1-2 mm, and then gradually expands and shows brown rot.

② soft rot is mostly caused by bacterial infection, the disease site shows softening rot, and the occurrence site is mostly found in the corm. Spraying targeted drugs plus new high-fat membrane can greatly improve the effective component rate of the drug.

Matters needing attention in cyclamen culture

1. Choose a beautiful container for breeding cyclamen, and then choose fertile soil to keep the soil moisture within the most suitable humidity range of cyclamen. Loosen the cyclamen soil regularly and fertilize it.

2. The pots of cyclamen planted had better be placed in the sun, and the premise is that they should not be placed under too high temperature. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to plant cyclamen below 28 ℃.

Cyclamen is a kind of plant that likes cool very much. Its flowering period is from October to April of the following year. It likes wet land and sunny environment. The most suitable growth temperature of cyclamen is 15 ℃ and 20 min. If the temperature is higher or higher, it will have a certain impact on cyclamen's growth. And keep the room ventilated and keep the temperature at cyclamen's favorite temperature as much as possible.

4. Cyclamen soil needs 70%-75% humidity. If not under this humidity, in addition to inhibiting its growth, it is also very likely to cause its roots to rot or dry up, in which case cyclamen is very easy to die. So when choosing cyclamen soil, choose loose, fertile and rotten soil as much as possible. This can not only ensure its humidity, but also follow up nutrients.

5, cyclamen like wet fear of waterlogging, should not be watered too much, the temperature has a great impact on cyclamen, it is generally suitable to grow in the environmental conditions of about 20 ℃ during the day and 10 ℃ at night, the temperature is too high will make cyclamen enter dormancy ahead of time; cyclamen belongs to fertilizer-loving plants, so it should choose fertile soil, and the basin soil should be changed once a year; at the same time, cyclamen likes sunshine and should be placed in a sunny place for maintenance.

Winter and spring are the florescence of cyclamen. Cyclamen in florescence needs to be given plenty of sunshine and should be placed in the sunny place in the family planting. If you want the flowers to bloom luxuriantly, you can fertilize the flowers regularly every week. There are always all kinds of problems in the process of maintaining cyclamen, so what are the reasons for the yellowing of cyclamen leaves?

Common causes of leaf yellowing are:

The ① spray is too strong. Cyclamen, which caused drug damage, should be sprayed with clear water in time to alleviate it.

② was burned by light while ventilating. If the previous maintenance environment light is weak or slightly poor, the sudden change of light conditions will make it unsuitable, especially when the outdoor temperature is high (dormant), if coupled with dry air, it is easy to turn yellow.

Caused by drought in ③. When put in outdoor ventilation, the water in the basin soil is not enough, the outdoor high temperature coupled with good ventilation, the plant loses water very quickly.

Cyclamen, cyclamen, is the meaning of cyclamen, which is very auspicious. what does it have to do with fengshui?

1. It can be placed in the dining room and dining room at home. The dining room is the place for the family to replenish their physical fitness, and the successful layout of the restaurant can create a pleasant atmosphere, everyone who uses the meal is relaxed, and it will also be beneficial to the communication of diners and the harmony of family members. Therefore, the greening and embellishment of the dining room is very important. Cyclamen can inject life and vitality into the restaurant, add a cheerful atmosphere, and it can also be placed on a wooden separator to divide the restaurant and other functional areas. Proper placement of several pots of luxuriant cyclamen on the corner or windowsill of the restaurant will make the restaurant vibrant and appetizing.

It can be placed in the study. The study is a gentle, quiet and orderly place, which requires plants to have the function of calming nerves and calming qi. Imagine if you put cyclamen next to the bookcase or by the desk and let the beautiful flowers extend out of the pot. In the smaller study, it is appropriate to choose petite and exquisite, graceful cyclamen, or put on the desk, or put in front of the window, so that the layout is neither crowded, nor empty, in harmony with the size of the room.

It can be placed in the living room. The flower name of cyclamen implies the auspicious meaning of greeting distinguished guests and praying for good luck. Its refined flowers stand on the tall stems, and the high and low scenery is like a flock of birds spreading their wings, reminiscent of the elegant demeanour of the breeze fairies stepping on the clouds. Such a pot of flowers can make visitors feel very popular and make their families safe and happy.

The above is the introduction of the relevant information about cyclamen introduced by the editor. I hope it can help you to better understand cyclamen.

Cyclamen, cyclamen, is the meaning of cyclamen, which is very auspicious. what does it have to do with fengshui?

1. It can be placed in the dining room and dining room at home. The dining room is the place for the family to replenish their physical fitness, and the successful layout of the restaurant can create a pleasant atmosphere, everyone who uses the meal is relaxed, and it will also be beneficial to the communication of diners and the harmony of family members. Therefore, the greening and embellishment of the dining room is very important. Cyclamen can inject life and vitality into the restaurant, add a cheerful atmosphere, and it can also be placed on a wooden separator to divide the restaurant and other functional areas. Proper placement of several pots of luxuriant cyclamen on the corner or windowsill of the restaurant will make the restaurant vibrant and appetizing.

It can be placed in the study. The study is a gentle, quiet and orderly place, which requires plants to have the function of calming nerves and calming qi. Imagine if you put cyclamen next to the bookcase or by the desk and let the beautiful flowers extend out of the pot. In the smaller study, it is appropriate to choose petite and exquisite, graceful cyclamen, or put on the desk, or put in front of the window, so that the layout is neither crowded, nor empty, in harmony with the size of the room.

It can be placed in the living room. The flower name of cyclamen implies the auspicious meaning of greeting distinguished guests and praying for good luck. Its refined flowers stand on the tall stems, and the high and low scenery is like a flock of birds spreading their wings, reminiscent of the elegant demeanour of the breeze fairies stepping on the clouds. Such a pot of flowers can make visitors feel very popular and make their families safe and happy.

The above is the introduction of the relevant information about cyclamen introduced by the editor. I hope it can help you to better understand cyclamen.