
The editor introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The editor introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper.

Jasper leaves green Guangrun, beautiful plant shape, but also more resistant to shade, small and lovely, placed in front of the window, table, tea table and other places, do not have elegant interest, to cultivate a successful plant, for its cultivation of water, soil and so on are affected by, then, Jasper breeding methods and precautions must not know. The following is an introduction to Jasper breeding methods and precautions.

1. Soil: The plant prefers sandy soil with fertile soil and good drainage, because it can be mixed with rotting soil, river sand and a small amount of street fertilizer when cultivating the plant, and then it can be cultivated as soil.

2, temperature: the plant likes to grow in a warm environment, so ensure that no temperature in 20-30 degrees can be, in winter it is best to keep above 10 degrees, otherwise it will be frozen below.

3, light: stay in a semi-shady or a little sunny place, so in addition to keeping its sunshine in winter, the other three seasons should pay attention to blocking its sunshine.

4, moisture: suitable for growing in a place with sufficient moisture, because to ensure that the humidity in the air is large, but also to properly water, but to avoid excessive moisture caused by its death.

5, fertilization control: according to its temperature and determine the number and frequency of fertilization, if the temperature is higher than 18 degrees, it is necessary to apply less fertilizer, if it is lower than 18 degrees, try not to fertilize, and the number of fertilization is best for a small number of times, in order to absorb nutrients.

6, pruning: new reproduction Jasper seedlings, in the seedling height of about 10 cm to increase the number of branches, such a plant type is more plump, appreciation value is also higher. Large Jasper plants are generally pruned according to their growth, with short and long branches. They can be used as cutting materials and can easily take root. They can be inserted into clean river sand or vermiculite, or directly inserted into sandy soil.

7. Propagation: Jasper is propagated by cutting. It can select strong top branches in April and May, about 5cm long as cuttings, and retain 1-2 leaves at the upper part. After the incision is dried, insert them into wet sand bed. Jasper can also be inserted into the leaves of reproduction, with a knife to cut the leaves with petioles, slightly dry after oblique insertion in the sand bed, 10-15 days of natural roots.

Jasper farming precautions

(1) When the plant height is about 10 cm, it is picked to promote the germination of lateral branches and make the plant more plump. Jasper conservation management is relatively simple, summer can be placed in the shade where there is scattered light conservation.

(2) Jasper is strong in nature and simple in cultivation and maintenance. Spring, summer and autumn must be shaded and maintained, and oblique sunlight can be seen in winter. Its leaves are plump, with a waxy layer above, strong water storage, small transpiration, and do not need too much water even in the peak season. Spring drought season and winter heating sufficient indoor air humidity should be increased, you can spray to the leaves. Summer muggy should strengthen ventilation, otherwise easy to take off leaves.

(3) Pay attention to moderate light and reasonable fertilizer and water in peacetime management. Jasper green likes shade and moist environment, and grows well under scattered light. Spring and autumn mild climate, sunlight is not too strong, potted plants can be placed outdoors. However, summer can not be directly exposed to strong light, especially in the west sun, otherwise it will cause yellowing of branches and leaves. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to move the basin to a cool shade such as a balcony or corridor or place it indoors, which can avoid sunlight and decorate the room.

(4) Jasper is not resistant to frost and should be moved to indoor culture after late autumn. In cold winter, try to put it in a place with sunshine facing south window, and it can safely overwinter at room temperature of 5℃. Fertilizer and water management is also very important, generally 2~3 years old plants grow better, more than 3 years old plants gradually decline, should consider renewal. In addition, in order to keep the leaves green, they need to be renewed after 3 years.

Jasper flowers are also called watercress green, pepper grass, emerald pepper grass, small jasper. It is a perennial evergreen herb belonging to the genus Douban Green of Pepper Family. The language is neutral and impartial. It is suitable for growing in a warm and humid semi-shady environment. Plant height about 23cm, stem round, branched, pale green with purple stripes. Leaves alternate, slightly fleshy, long elliptic, dark green, glossy, up to 14cm long, base cuneate, petiole short. Spike, 2.5-18cm long, floret green-white, raceme shorter than spike, smooth glabrous. So, what does Jasper do?

Ornamental effect: Jasper can be used for small potted plants, commonly used white plastic pots, white porcelain pots cultivation, can be placed on tea tables, decorative cabinets, Bo ancient shelves, desks, very beautiful. Or let the branches spread down, hanging in the indoor window or bathroom, but also extremely fresh and pleasing to the eye.

Purify the air: Jasper has a certain purification effect on formaldehyde, xylene and second-hand smoke in the air, and it can also prevent radiation and is very beneficial to human health.

Relieve fatigue: long hours of work will cause fatigue, eye soreness, timely look at jasper will be a lot more comfortable, but also can ease the mood, play a refreshing role.

Medicinal value: Jasper also has medicinal effects, it can dispel wind dehumidification, cough expectorant, blood circulation pain. For rheumatism, bone pain, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, dysmenorrhea; external treatment of traumatic injuries, fractures.

A plant, as long as the heart to manage, will certainly be able to cultivate successfully. But regarding its jasper breeding method is very simple, you moved? If you are excited, quickly choose a suitable pot to go home to breed it! I hope this article can help you to cultivate Jasper better.

Commonly used white plastic basin, white porcelain basin cultivation, can be placed on the tea table, decorative cabinets, Bo ancient shelf, desk, very beautiful. Or let the branches spread down, hanging in the indoor window or bathroom, but also extremely fresh and pleasing to the eye.

Purify the air: Jasper has a certain purification effect on formaldehyde, xylene and second-hand smoke in the air, and it can also prevent radiation and is very beneficial to human health.

Relieve fatigue: long hours of work will cause fatigue, eye soreness, timely look at jasper will be a lot more comfortable, but also can ease the mood, play a refreshing role.

Medicinal value: Jasper also has medicinal effects, it can dispel wind dehumidification, cough expectorant, blood circulation pain. For rheumatism, bone pain, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, dysmenorrhea; external treatment of traumatic injuries, fractures.

A plant, as long as the heart to manage, will certainly be able to cultivate successfully. But regarding its jasper breeding method is very simple, you moved? If you are excited, quickly choose a suitable pot to go home to breed it! I hope this article can help you to cultivate Jasper better.