
What about the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium? it is highly recommended to solve the yellowing skills of Cymbidium.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What about the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium? it is highly recommended to solve the yellowing skills of Cymbidium.

Cymbidium is a perennial herb of the genus Amaryllidaceae, which is a semi-negative plant, which likes to cool and avoid high temperature. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and it stops growing when it is lower than 5 ℃. It has high ornamental value. However, the orchid will also encounter trouble in the process of growth, what should be done if the leaves turn yellow, and what is the reason?

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium

First, the water is yellow. Due to excessive watering, it is characterized by no obvious change in the old leaves and yellowing of the young leaves, which should be controlled immediately.

Second, dry and yellow. Due to lack of water and drought, it is characterized by the yellow of the old leaves from the bottom to the top. If the lack of water is a little longer, the yellow leaves of the whole plant, or even death, should be watered in time.

Third, fat yellow. Caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled.

Fourth, hungry yellow. It is caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long fertilization interval; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems, and if it is not fertilized in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will also cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant; for flowers that lack fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning.

Fifth, iron deficiency yellow leaves. Due to the great change of soil fertility conditions, the phenomenon of yellow leaves often appears in the greenhouse, which is characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll, green veins and a typical network, which can be solved by using ferrous sulfate solution. the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water.

Sixth, lack of elements and loss of green. If there is a lack of iron in the basin soil, the top of the leaf turns yellow first. If there is a lack of nitrogen, the new leaves are yellowish white.

Sunburn. After strong direct sunlight (summer), macula occurs in the leaves, which is called sunburn. When dried at high temperature (more than 30 ℃), the leaves are also easy to yellowing.

8. Pollution. The leaves of the magnolia should be kept clean. If splashed with dirt, the contaminated place may turn yellow.

9. Freezing injury. The freezing injury occurs when the temperature is below 0 ℃, and the symptom is still yellow leaf.

Sunburn. Magnolia is a negative plant, in the hot sun exposure, the leaves will dry up, even in the high temperature room is also easy to burn out. The solution is to avoid exposure to the sun, regularly wipe the leaves with beer with a rag, and the gentleman orchid scrubbed with beer is not only good-looking but also not easy to lose the moisture of the leaves.

11. Leaf spot. The disease is caused by bacterial infection, which is mainly caused by the change of unmature raw soil, the application of unfermented fertilizer, the long-term failure of basin soil, the imbalance of fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the excessive amount of fertilizer. In the early stage of the disease, small yellow-brown spots appeared on the leaves, and then the color of the spots gradually deepened, and the area of the spots continued to expand, resulting in festering, so that the whole plant rotted away.

Treatment of yellowing of leaves of Cymbidium

1. Can the yellow leaves of Cymbidium be trimmed?

The key is to figure out why there are yellow leaves.

The general reasons for yellow leaves are:

① should be kept in a semi-shady place, and the leaves will become sunburned and turn yellow when the sun is strong.

② gentleman orchid for the fleshy root basin to keep a little damp can, too much water to hurt the root leaves will turn yellow.

The leaves of ③ are yellow when they are deficient in fertilizer, and orchids can apply dilute nitrogen fertilizer once every half a month, and do not apply fertilizer in summer to avoid root damage. The yellow leaves of the orchid can be trimmed, the scissors can be roasted on the fire and sterilized, and then the yellow leaves can be cut off, but not torn.

two。 The solution to the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves in spring:

The gentleman orchid spent the winter, and the leaves turned yellow and withered. Will you still live in spring?

Should be able, turn the basin, remove dead leaves, hollow root removal, with gentleman orchid special soil, mixed with a large piece of orchid stone, soil: blue stone = 3:2. Pour water once after turning the basin, put it in the astigmatism ventilation place to slow the seedling for 1 month, then use a week to gradually see the light, normal maintenance can be. Do not expose yourself to the sun.

3. The solution to the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves in summer:

To see if it is usually too much watering, too much easily rotten roots, rotten leaves and rotten stamens, and should be poured in the basin soil, not on the leaves, especially on the central leaves. If the basin soil is often too wet, it will cause the water to flow back, and then, as you said, it will gradually blacken and rot from the tip of the leaf, so the basin soil should be on the dry side. In addition, the temperature is higher in summer, if the temperature of its growth environment drops below 25 degrees, rarefied liquid fertilizer above 1:20 can also be applied in summer, once every semimonthly. This can promote the growth of Magnolia, so that it can shorten the dormancy period or not dormancy. There is another situation: the light is too strong. Gentleman orchid is soft and light, if the strong light, the leaves will become rough, the leaves will become yellow and dark, lose emerald green, but also easy to cause "sunburn".

Orchid at home is very common, is a kind of taste, with this cultural connotation of flowers and plants, then, let's take a look at the role of orchid?

The role of gentleman orchid: 1. Cultural literacy

The magnificent orchid is a kind of precious flower with high taste, which means rich, noble, beautiful and magnificent, which can meet the needs of people in many aspects, such as beautifying the room, edifying sentiment, purifying the air, improving health, improving cultural and artistic literacy, and so on. Make the living room appear elegant and magnificent, and add luster and charm to enrich and regulate people's life.

The function of gentleman orchid: 2. Ornamental value

The gentleman orchid plant shape is dignified and beautiful, the leaf is verdant, the leaf is tall and straight, the flower is big and colorful, the fruit is red and bright, and the leaf is beautiful. It is known as viewing flowers in one season, fruit in three seasons and leaves in four seasons. Its flowering period is as long as 40 or 50 days, and it can blossom in early spring, so it is an important festival flower.

The function of gentleman orchid: 3. Purify the air

In the process of growth and development, although Magnolia can absorb water and mineral nutrients from the soil to synthesize organic substances (such as amino acids, amides, etc.), it is not enough for its whole physiological activity. it must use sunlight, temperature, carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis, produce various nutrients, supply its own activities, and release energy and oxygen. Therefore, people can take advantage of the characteristics of the orchid in absorbing a large amount of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen at the same time, and keep it indoors for a long time. This is of great significance to the growth and development of the orchid and beautify the room, purify the indoor air and improve people's health.

The function of gentleman orchid: 4. Absorb dust

The magnolia plant, especially the broad and thick leaves, has a lot of stomata and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, absorb a lot of dust, dust and harmful gases through air circulation, and filter the indoor air. reduce the dust content in the indoor space and make the air clean. Therefore, the gentleman orchid is praised as the ideal "absorption machine" and "dust collector".

The function of Magnolia: 5. Medicinal value

The gentleman orchid can be appreciated, and the whole plant is used as medicine. In addition to beautifying the environment, it also has certain medicinal value. The plant of Cymbidium contains Iycorine and Clidine, as well as trace element selenium. Now drug workers use the plant containing these chemicals for scientific research, and have been used to treat cancer, hepatitis, cirrhotic ascites and poliovirus and so on. Through the experiment, it is proved that the Lycoris radiata extracted from the leaves and roots of Magnolia has not only antiviral effect, but also anticancer effect.

Cymbidium is a kind of household flowers and plants that people like very much, and it is very common at home. Cymbidium is not only of high ornamental value, but also has a good effect in purifying the air. The above is the introduction of the relevant information about the gentleman orchid introduced by the editor. I hope I can help you.

The role of gentleman orchid: 1. Cultural literacy

The magnificent orchid is a kind of precious flower with high taste, which means rich, noble, beautiful and magnificent, which can meet the needs of people in many aspects, such as beautifying the room, edifying sentiment, purifying the air, improving health, improving cultural and artistic literacy, and so on. Make the living room appear elegant and magnificent, and add luster and charm to enrich and regulate people's life.

The function of gentleman orchid: 2. Ornamental value

The gentleman orchid plant shape is dignified and beautiful, the leaf is verdant, the leaf is tall and straight, the flower is big and colorful, the fruit is red and bright, and the leaf is beautiful. It is known as viewing flowers in one season, fruit in three seasons and leaves in four seasons. Its flowering period is as long as 40 or 50 days, and it can blossom in early spring, so it is an important festival flower.

The function of gentleman orchid: 3. Purify the air

In the process of growth and development, although Magnolia can absorb water and mineral nutrients from the soil to synthesize organic substances (such as amino acids, amides, etc.), it is not enough for its whole physiological activity. it must use sunlight, temperature, carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis, produce various nutrients, supply its own activities, and release energy and oxygen. Therefore, people can take advantage of the characteristics of the orchid in absorbing a large amount of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen at the same time, and keep it indoors for a long time. This is of great significance to the growth and development of the orchid and beautify the room, purify the indoor air and improve people's health.

The function of gentleman orchid: 4. Absorb dust

The magnolia plant, especially the broad and thick leaves, has a lot of stomata and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, absorb a lot of dust, dust and harmful gases through air circulation, and filter the indoor air. reduce the dust content in the indoor space and make the air clean. Therefore, the gentleman orchid is praised as the ideal "absorption machine" and "dust collector".

The function of Magnolia: 5. Medicinal value

The gentleman orchid can be appreciated, and the whole plant is used as medicine. In addition to beautifying the environment, it also has certain medicinal value. The plant of Cymbidium contains Iycorine and Clidine, as well as trace element selenium. Now drug workers use the plant containing these chemicals for scientific research, and have been used to treat cancer, hepatitis, cirrhotic ascites and poliovirus and so on. Through the experiment, it is proved that the Lycoris radiata extracted from the leaves and roots of Magnolia has not only antiviral effect, but also anticancer effect.

Cymbidium is a kind of household flowers and plants that people like very much, and it is very common at home. Cymbidium is not only of high ornamental value, but also has a good effect in purifying the air. The above is the introduction of the relevant information about the gentleman orchid introduced by the editor. I hope I can help you.