
The reason for the shyness of the green plant Mimosa

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The reason for the shyness of the green plant Mimosa

Mimosa is a lovely plant that shrinks its leaves as soon as it is touched, and it is deeply loved by the public. today, I will answer for you why the mimosa is shy. Let's take a look.

Culture methods of mimosa

1. Soil: mimosa has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil, grows well in moist and fertile soil, and sows in the culture soil mixed with 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil and 5 parts of fine yellow sand.

2. Watering: mimosa likes to be wet and watered once a day during the summer growing season.

3. Sunshine: mimosa likes plenty of light and is slightly resistant to semi-shade.

4. Temperature: mimosa, as a potted ornamental flower, should be moved into the sunny place indoors in winter and can survive the winter safely at room temperature of 10-12 ℃.

5. Fertilization: mimosa does not need much fertilizer during its growing period, so you can apply dilute liquid fertilizer for 2-3 times, do not grow in vain, because mimosa is mainly used as an interesting foliage flower, small is better.

The main application of mimosa

1. Watch. Mimosa plant shape scattered, feather leaves slender and beautiful, its leaves are closed at a touch; mimosa flowers are many and beautiful, charming, giving people the impression of weak and elegant. It can be planted in the corner of the courtyard or potted in the window.

2. For medicinal use. Mimosa is also a medicine. Its nature is slightly cold, sweet and astringent, and has a small poison. It has the effects of tranquilizing, sedation, detoxification, removing blood stasis, relieving pain, clearing heat, diuresis, hemostasis, convergence and so on. it is often used for neurasthenia, injury caused by fall, hemoptysis and herpes zoster. Harvest in summer and autumn, remove weeds, dry or fresh.

3. Predicting earthquakes. According to Turkish seismologist Erjiang, a few hours before a strong earthquake, the leaves of mimosa, which are sensitive to the outside world, suddenly shrink and then wither. In earthquake-prone Japan, scientists have found that under normal circumstances, mimosa leaves open during the day and close at night. If the leaves of mimosa close during the day and open at night, it is a sign of an earthquake. For example, at 7: 00 a.m. on January 11, 1938, the mimosa began to open, but at 10:00, all the leaves suddenly closed, and sure enough, a strong earthquake occurred on the 13th. Members of the earthquake Club of Japan in 1976 observed the abnormal closure of mimosa leaves many times, resulting in an earthquake.

Why is the mimosa shy?

Mimosa, a perennial herb, a dwarf plant native to tropical South America. Because of its external force will close the leaves, like a shy little girl, so it is known as mimosa. In fact, a plant common in wet and warm places, with mostly white and pink flowers, shaped like a fluffy ball, and the fluff unfolds like a ball of wool. Mimosa is easy to feed, and flowers, leaves and fruits are of high ornamental value. So why is the mimosa shy?

Mimosa grows on sunny grasslands in general, as long as it encounters external forces, then its pinnae will rise, and then the other leaves will gradually close and then hang down. Many people are surprised by it. In fact, this is a relatively common phenomenon of plant movement in the plant world.

Because the inner leaf has a large vacuole, and in the position of the leaf and petiole, there is a scientific name called the leaf pillow, when these parts are stimulated, some of the relatively low potential receptive cells in the interior will immediately release water, and then the petiole will droop, and the leaf will lose the expansion between the internal cells due to the loss of water, which makes the leaf close. In fact, it will also close at night, in fact, it is all caused by the pressure of internal cell expansion. In fact, its principle is the same as catching Cordyceps sinensis.

The shyness principle of mimosa has a lot to do with its original environment. Because in the tropics, there is plenty of water and there is often rainy weather, and mimosa closes its leaves in time to prevent wind and rain from damaging the leaves, which is also a sign of natural evolution.

The above is the whole content of why the green plant mimosa is shy and why the mimosa is shy. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.