
What are the culture methods of mimosa?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the culture methods of mimosa?

Mimosa, native to tropical America, has many nicknames because of its unique physiological habits, such as laughing grass, induction grass, drinking grass and so on. Next let's take a look at mimosa and its planting method.

The most important feature of mimosa is that when it is stimulated (such as touching), the leaves of mimosa will contract and come together. If the stimulus is strong, the stimulus will be quickly transmitted to the adjacent leaflets, and even to the entire compound leaflet, causing the petiole to droop. If the stimulation intensity is larger, it can even make the leaflets of the whole plant close and the compound leaves droop. But after a period of time, the original state can be restored. Mimosa also responds quickly to vibration, and begins to respond after 0.1 seconds of stimulation, which is completed in a few seconds.

Mimosa also closes the leaflets in the dark, the petiole droops, and during the day, when some of the leaflets are shaken, they close in pairs. It is more sensitive when the light is weak, and the water in the leaf pillow usually supports the leaf, but when it is stimulated by an external force, the water in the leaf pillow will immediately flow elsewhere, closing the leaves of the mimosa. In addition, it automatically contracts at night (that is, sleep exercise). This uniqueness is the source of the mimosa name and nickname.

Because of its strong vitality and messy growth, mimosa is classified as grass in many places, but in fact it will blossom. Mimosa blossoms from July to October every year, but its flowering period is so short that it dies after flowering for less than two days. The flower is pink, the head is spherical and shaped like a fluffy ball. It will also bear pods after flowering, and the fruit is flat and round.

How to raise mimosa

Mimosa prefers warm, humid and sunny environment, suitable for sandy loam with good drainage and rich organic matter, strong plant, rapid growth, strong adaptability, simple planting technology and extensive management. The requirements of climate, sunshine and soil are not strict, so it is better to cultivate fertile and loose sandy loam. During the plant growth period, the soil should be loosened, weeded and watered in time. Indoor potted plants, watered once a day in summer. Fertilize once a month, if you do not want to make the plant size too large, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer, or even do not need to apply fertilizer.

Is mimosa poisonous?

The whole plant of mimosa has a small poison, but it has no effect on human beings. The whole plant of mimosa is used in medicine, which has the effect of calming the mind, stopping bleeding and relieving pain. Mimosa contains mimosa, too much contact will cause eyebrows sparse, hair yellowing, serious cases will also cause hair loss.

Mimosa flower language

What is the flower language of mimosa? We all know that mimosa is "shy", so will the flower words of mimosa be shy? If the leaves of mimosa are touched, watered or caught in a typhoon, they will curl up. It's like bowing to someone. It's a polite plant. Therefore, its fancy language is "politeness". The person who is born with the blessing of this kind of flower is a person who behaves regularly and is loved by the elderly.

Culture methods of mimosa:

1. Soil: mimosa has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil, grows well in moist and fertile soil, and sows in the culture soil mixed with 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil and 5 parts of fine yellow sand.

2. Watering: mimosa likes to be wet and watered once a day during the summer growing season.

3. Sunshine: mimosa likes plenty of light and is slightly resistant to semi-shade.

4. Temperature: mimosa, as a potted ornamental flower, should be moved into the sunny place indoors in winter and can survive the winter safely at room temperature of 10-12 ℃.

5. Fertilization: mimosa does not need much fertilizer during its growing period, so you can apply dilute liquid fertilizer for 2-3 times, do not grow in vain, because mimosa is mainly used as an interesting foliage flower, small is better.

The above is the whole content of what is the culture method of mimosa for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.