
Morphological characteristics and efficacy of Pueraria lobata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Morphological characteristics and efficacy of Pueraria lobata

Pueraria lobata is a vine plant of Pueraria lobata. Kudzu flowers contain more than ten kinds of amino acids and more than ten kinds of trace elements needed by the human body. Next, let's take a look at the morphological characteristics and efficacy of Pueraria lobata.

Pueraria lobata stout vines, up to 8 meters long, all covered with yellow hirsute, stem base woody, with thick massive roots. Pinnately compound leaves 3-foliolate; stipules dorsally, ovate-oblong, striate; stipules linear-lanceolate, as long as or longer than petiolules; leaflets trifid, occasionally entire, terminal leaflet broadly ovate or obliquely ovate, 8-15 (- 19) cm long and 5-12 (- 18) cm wide, apex long acuminate, lateral leaflets obliquely ovate, slightly smaller, covered with yellowish, flat vegetable pilose. Densely below; petiolules yellow tomentose.

Racemes 15-30 cm long, with rather dense flowers above middle; bracts linear to linear, much longer than bracteoles, falling earlier; bracteoles ovate, less than 2 mm long; flowers 2-3 blossoming on nodes of inflorescence axis; calyx campanulate, 8-10 mm long, yellowish brown pilose, lobes lanceolate, acuminate, slightly longer than calyx tube Corolla 10-12 mm long, purple, upper petal Obovate, base with 2 ears and a yellow hard scabrid appendage, with short stalk, falcate, narrower than keel, base wired, downward ear, keel falcate-oblong, base with tiny, acute ear; 1 stamen to flag only distally free; ovary linear, hairy.

[performance characteristics] this product is sweet and cool, the nature is good and scattered, and the work lies in the spleen and stomach. It is not only good at dispersing the evil qi of the muscles and meridians and relieving the fever, which is an important medicine for treating strong pain in the back, but also good at encouraging the qi of the spleen and stomach to go up, and has the functions of promoting body mass and relieving thirst, rising yang and relieving diarrhea and penetrating rash poison.

[efficacy] relieving muscle and relieving fever, penetrating rash, invigorating body and relieving thirst, rising yang and relieving diarrhea.

[indications] ① exopathic syndrome with strong pain in neck and back. The onset of measles in ② is not smooth. ③ febrile disease irritating thirst, thirst syndrome. ④ damp-heat diarrhea dysentery at the beginning, spleen deficiency diarrhea.

[dosage usage] it is suitable for simmering to stop diarrhea and raw for antipyretic.

[compatibility] Radix Puerariae with Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and Coptis chinensis: the combination of three drugs can not only clear heat, dryness and detoxification, but also pass through heat and rising yang to stop diarrhea, mainly for the beginning of damp-heat diarrhea.

What is the function of Pueraria lobata?

One of the functions and effects of Pueraria lobata is to lower blood pressure. Bioflavonoids have been the first choice for the prevention and treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases in major hospitals since ancient times. The bioflavone contained in Pueraria lobata is a unique ingredient of Pueraria lobata. It has the function of purifying blood, softening blood vessels and dredging blood vessels. At present, it is widely used in major hospitals in China, and there are no toxic side effects.

Side effects of Pueraria lobata

"Benjing Fengyuan" said: kudzu flower, can detoxify alcohol, kudzu flower Jiechu soup, must be concurrently ginseng. But no alcohol and drugs can not be taken, take the damage to Tianyuan, in order to open the muscles, and vent the injury is also. In other words, people without corresponding problems can easily damage vital energy and consume body fluid, and long-term use can cause a weak state of deficiency of both qi and yin.

These are all the contents of the morphological characteristics and efficacy of Pueraria lobata that I have summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.