
The efficacy and function of Aloe Vera is of great use in cultivating Aloe vera.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Aloe Vera is of great use in cultivating Aloe vera.

Aloe, because of its unique beauty value, is favored by modern beauty career and beauty-loving women. In addition to beauty, the value of aloe is also very significant. Let's take a look at it.

1. Aloe vera treats burns. A wonderful prescription for burning and scald aloe vera, 1 fresh aloe leaf (can be added or subtracted according to the size of the wound), rinse with cold boiled water, squeeze juice all over the wound, apply 2 Mel 3 times a day. It has the effect of purging fire, cooling blood and relieving pain. it is suitable for burn and scald.

2. Aloe can cure bee stings. Bee sting wound aloe wonderful, fresh aloe leaves in the right amount, smashed and applied to the affected area, suitable for bee stings.

3. Aloe can cure wet itching. Those who scratch it with yellow juice-this Sketch Sutra.

4. The immune resuscitation of aloe polysaccharide can improve the disease resistance of the body. A variety of chronic ☆ ☆ diseases such as hypertension, gout, asthma, cancer, etc., in the treatment process combined with the use of aloe can enhance the curative effect and accelerate the recovery of the body.

5. Aloe vera cold can remove heat. Bitter can release heat, dryness and dampness, bitter can kill insects, and bitter to cold, so it is an important medicine to eliminate heat and kill insects. Its main hot wind is bored, hot air between chest and flank, bright eyes, calming heart, children with epilepsy and cool breeze, treating five chancre, killing three worms, heat gives birth to wind, heat can make people bored, heat except wind heat boredom and chest diaphragm hot gas self-solution. Cool the liver and make the eyes clear. Get rid of annoyance and be calm. Children with epilepsy and wind, heat also, five chancre for internal heat spleen and stomach stagnation syndrome; damp-heat hemorrhoids sore impotence, but also damp-heat under the guest intestines, resulting in blood stagnation, so it is known that the main. It can not only relieve Croton toxin, but also remove heat-"Classic of Materia Medica".

6. Aloe can cure liver fire. Zhen Ganfeng, clearing heart heat, relieving annoyance, relieving thirst and giving birth to fluid, bright ears and clear eyes, relieving tooth swelling, relieving fire poison-"Materia Medica is new".

7. Aloe is also an insecticidal medicine for cooling the liver. Where the liver is sick, there is heat, there is no doubt that it will be used. But the taste is extremely bitter, the qi is extremely cold, and the bitter cold medicine is second to none. Its ability to eliminate the main tonic, because the internal heat is strong can be used, such as internal deficiency diarrhea less food forbidden. Huiyan of Materia Medica.

8. Aloe vera is the main hot air. Hot air between chest and diaphragm, clear eyes and calm heart, infantile epilepsy, treatment of five chancre, killing three worms and hemorrhoid sore impotence. Antidote crotonin.

9. Aloe is rich in nicotinic acid and vitamin B6, which is a bitter stomach laxative. The effects of anti-inflammation, repairing gastric mucosa and relieving pain are beneficial to the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcer, and can promote the healing of ulcerated surface. For burns and scalds, aloe can also have a good anti-infection and healing effect.

10. Aloe is used as stomach medicine. It has the effect of invigorating stomach and dredging menstruation-"modern practical traditional Chinese medicine".

11. Aloe enters the liver meridian and pulse of Jueyin. Its function is devoted to killing insects and clearing heat. Chong pulse is a disease, dysmenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, caking in the abdomen, heat accumulation and stagnation in children, unless this. At the end of licorice, it is very effective in treating stubborn ringworm in the head. But the great bitter Greater Cold, and the gas is very filthy and evil, if the stomach deficiency less cannibalism, the entrance will vomit, each resulting in food diarrhea, and become thin and timid many-"the original experience meets the original".

12. Aloe vera is a wonderful prescription for traumatic bleeding. 50 grams of aloe, grind into fine powder, bottle and set aside. Take a little aloe powder and sprinkle it on the wound. It is suitable for traumatic bleeding.

13. Aloe vera cures knife wounds and bruises. Appropriate amount of aloe leaves, disinfect with hot water, wash, cut, and apply to the wound with secretion. Suitable for knife wounds and abrasions. Mild patients can stop bleeding and pain several times. If it is serious, wash the wound first, then apply aloe gel, and fix it with sterilized gauze and bandages. When the gel is dry, drop in aloe juice. About 7 Murray can be cured in 10 days.

14. Aloe vera treats pediatric diseases. The main child chancre fever-"sea medicine Materia Medica".

15. Aloe itself is also rich in chromium and has an insulin-like effect. It can regulate the metabolism of blood sugar in the body and is an ideal food and drug for people with diabetes.

16. Aloe vera powder. Treat eclampsia, diuresis and detumescence-"must be matched with Materia Medica".

17. Aloe is rich in biotin. It is a good product for beauty, weight loss and prevention of constipation. It has a good regulating effect on fat metabolism, gastrointestinal function and excretion system.

18. Aloe vera is used for facial beauty. Apply fresh leaf juice to the face for 20 minutes in the morning and evening. If you stick to it, it will make the facial skin smooth, white, tender and soft, as well as the effect of treating butterfly spots, freckles and age spots.

19. Aloe killed Ascaris lumbricoides. The main blow nose kills brain chancre, except nose itching-"medicine theory".

The above is the medicinal value of aloe, using aloe vera instead of injections to take medicine, is not not people secretly happy.