
Purchase and planting of Honeysuckle Seedling

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purchase and planting of Honeysuckle Seedling

Honeysuckle, also known as Shuanhua, honeysuckle, etc., is a plant of honeysuckle family and a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. Next, let's take a look at the purchase and planting of honeysuckle seedlings.

Three points for attention in purchasing honeysuckle seedlings

First, choose the right businessman. Qualified merchants should have rich planting experience, provide adequate planting, management, harvesting, baking techniques, and even provide instructions and information services for post-receipt sales. A friend of mine, after buying seedlings from a supplier in Pingyi, asked about the techniques of sprouting and pruning, and replied that you don't have to be so careful, just wait for the flowers to be harvested and roughly cut them with a sickle in winter.

Second, choose the tree shape carefully. Seedlings with well-developed roots and basically no damage, obvious trunk and distinct layers should be selected, while those with slender branches and leaves without layers should be removed. The same friend of Honeysuckle House bought 60,000 seedlings in two batches. Because of the large quantity, he only hastily counted the quantity and did not check the quality one by one. The survival rate after planting was only 70%, and the survival seedlings were not easy to be pruned, leaving great hidden dangers for many years of management in the future.

Third, a certain visa purchase and sales contract to strive for quality deposit. Quality deposit is the best constraint on the quality and technical service of seedling supply.

Daily management of honeysuckle

First, loosen the soil, although honeysuckle has strong vitality, it must be loosened regularly, which is conducive to growth.

Second, watering, honeysuckle resistant to drought, waterlogging, but long-term no watering or serious waterlogging, the impact on honeysuckle is also very great.

Third, weeding, honeysuckle must be weeded 3-4 times a year, otherwise it will divide the fertilizer of honeysuckle, which is not conducive to growth.

Fourth, fertilization, honeysuckle every spring, autumn should be topdressing, the best sh9i can be combined with weeding, farm fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, such as urea 30-40 kg per mu.

Fifth, pruning, after growing for 2 years, honeysuckle must be pruned too long branches, weak branches, withered branches, downward extension branches, so that the branches are upright in clumps, the trunk is stout, and the branches are dense and uniform, which is conducive to ventilation and growth.

Sixth, pest control, honeysuckle common disease is powdery mildew, can be used 1500 times solution for leaf spray.

Cultivation techniques

The methods of propagation of honeysuckle include seed propagation and cuttage propagation.

(1) seed propagation the mature fruit is collected when the seed is mature in autumn, knead it in clean water, bleach off the pericarp and impurities, remove the full seeds that sink to the bottom of the water, and dry them for storage. Autumn can be planted with you. If sowing in spring in the second year, the sand storage method can be used to treat the seeds for overwintering, and then insert them after freezing in spring. Spread the seeds evenly into the trench with a wide furrow on the seedbed, cover the soil 3 meters thick, compact, and emerge in about 10 days. The field management should be strengthened at the seedling stage, and the seedlings can be planted in the production field in the autumn of the current year or the spring of the next year. The sowing amount is about 1.5 kg per mu.

(2) the propagation of Flos Lonicerae can be carried out during the growing season. Select the branches with vigorous rattan stem growth, cut about 30 cm cuttings, each with at least 3 nodes, take off the leaves, cut the lower end into a bevel, tie it into a small handle, soak the socket with plant hormone IAA 500 mg / kg (500PPm), and insert it while it is fresh. The row spacing of the plant is 150 meters x 150 meters, dig holes, insert 5 Murray in each hole, leave a stem of 3 on the ground, and at least one bud is exposed on the soil surface. It can take root and sprout in about 1 month after compaction and pouring water. Cuttings can also be raised into seedlings first, and then transplanted to the field.

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