
The function and effect of Honeysuckle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The function and effect of Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle, open in March every year, and then open when there is a faint fragrance, now with me to understand the efficacy and role of honeysuckle bar!

Honeysuckle is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, belonging to medicinal flowers, also known as double flowers, because it is a perennial semi-evergreen twining shrub honeysuckle flower buds, also known as honeysuckle flower. It is pure white at the beginning, and turns yellow after one or two days. There are many effects and functions of honeysuckle and eating methods. Different eating methods have different effects and functions.

Honeysuckle clearing heat and detoxifying medicine, sweet and cold in nature, enters lung, stomach and heart meridians, is mainly used for heat-toxic sores and carbuncle, has the effects of detoxifying carbuncle, clearing heat and cooling blood, and can also clear swelling and improve eyesight, dispel wind and dispel cold. Such as "Yinqiao pill" is to honeysuckle as the main drug made agent, is the treatment of colds, pharyngitis, stomatitis and some skin diseases of good medicine oh.

Modern pharmacological research found that honeysuckle contains cyclohexanol, inositol, luteolin, saponin, tannic acid and other biochemical components, but also contains a large number of reducing genes. For staphylococci, hemolytic streptococci, tuberculosis, typhoid bacilli, pneumococcus and other toxins secreted by a strong inhibitory effect. Therefore, honeysuckle has been included in antibacterial drugs, belonging to the antibiotic series. Clinically, it is also used to treat appendicitis, bacillary dysentery, etc., and the treatment effect is very good. soak honeysuckle in water and distil to obtain honeysuckle dew, which can be used for treating summer fever, thirst, hot sore, infantile furuncle, miliaria, etc. it can also be made into beverage. it has that effect of dispelling summer-heat, clear away heat, stimulating appetite, restoring middle warmer, dispel wind and improving eyesight.

The effects and functions of honeysuckle soaking water:

Honeysuckle is one of the commonly used precious Chinese medicinal materials, with clearing away heat and toxic materials, dredging channels, broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral effects, more than 70% of cold, anti-inflammatory Chinese patent medicine contains honeysuckle, with "traditional Chinese medicine antibiotics","green antibiotics" said. In addition to the medicinal role of honeysuckle, its beauty, weight loss and health care role is more magical, the great protection and repair of the body is very significant.

Honeysuckle has the functions of relieving summer heat, sobering up, clearing brain, quenching thirst, removing toxic substances in the body, reducing fat, losing weight, beautifying skin, preventing aging and prolonging life. Honeysuckle can lower blood pressure, lower serum cholesterol, increase coronary blood flow, prevent coronary heart disease and angina pectoris; inhibit the formation of cerebral thrombosis; improve human body's tolerance to hypoxia free radicals, enhance memory, delay aging; improve microcirculation, remove oxidized fat deposits, promote metabolism, moisturize freckle.

Honeysuckle has the function of dispelling heat and evil, and has certain effects on exogenous wind-heat or initial onset of febrile disease, headache due to body heat, restlessness, dizziness, red tongue, dry throat and mouth; cooling blood and stopping diarrhea; detoxifying, stopping diarrhea, purulent blood, damp-warm throat obstruction, sore throat, etc.

Clinical applications of honeysuckle:

1. Crude drugs:

1. At the initial stage of febrile disease: often used with; forsythia, mint, light bean drum, etc., with the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials, dispelling wind and relieving exterior syndrome, can be used at the initial stage of febrile disease, fever, slight aversion to cold and cold, slight thirst in mouth, such as Yinqiao Powder.

2. carbuncle furuncle poison: often with dandelion, purple violet, wild chrysanthemum equivalent, can enhance the role of clearing heat and detoxification, can be used to carbuncle furuncle poison, redness and pain, such as five-flavor disinfection drink.

Second, fried medicine:

Middle stage of febrile disease: often used with scutellaria baicalensis, gardenia, gypsum, bamboo shavings and reed rhizome. It has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, expelling pathogenic factors, regulating stomach and stopping vomiting. It can be used for obstruction of pathogenic heat, disharmony of stomach qi, fever and irritability, chest and diaphragm fullness, thirst and retching, red tongue coating and dry pulse.

III. Charcoal medicine

1. Red dysentery: often used with coptis root, red peony root, banksia rose and purslane, it has the effect of clearing heat and regulating intestine, eliminating stagnation and blood. It can be used to block damp-heat, damage intestinal collateral lipid membrane, diarrhea purulent blood, more blood than purulent, abdominal pain, tenesmus and later heavy.

2. Epidemic diarrhea: often used with raw rehmannia root, red peony root, cortex moutan, coptis root, phellodendron bark and pulsatilla root. It has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials, cooling blood and stopping diarrhea. It can be used to invade stomach and intestines with epidemic toxin, fight with qi and blood, diarrhea with fresh purple pus blood, strong heat and thirst, irritability and even delirium.

The above is the role and effect of honeysuckle I summarized for everyone, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.