
[gentleman orchid watering] how to water gentleman orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [gentleman orchid watering] how to water gentleman orchid

Water is an indispensable thing for plant growth. In the maintenance process of Magnolia, how to water, how to water, and how many days to water are all questions that we should consider. Next, let's take a look at the answers to these questions.

How to water the magnolia? How to water it? We usually use tap water to water flowers, but because tap water contains a small amount of substances harmful to orchids, it is harmful to the growth of orchids. In addition, there is a large temperature difference between tap water and basin soil, directly watering flowers with tap water to stimulate the root is not conducive to the growth of orchids, so if you use tap water to irrigate orchids, tap water should be placed indoors for two days. In this way, the harmful substances in the water, such as bleach, can be evaporated or precipitated, and the water temperature can reach or narrow the gap with the basin soil.

Pay attention to the amount of water and times of watering. The gentleman orchid is watered in winter, such as high indoor temperature and low humidity, it can be watered every 2-3 days. If the room is very low, it can be watered once a week. Each watering should be thoroughly watered, but do not leak to prevent nutrient loss. The watering time should be in the morning, because the room temperature in winter is low, and the water temperature in the morning is closer to the room temperature and basin soil temperature. At this time, watering does not stimulate the root system, which can make the orchid grow and develop at a suitable temperature for a longer time.

Don't usually use a spray can for watering. Because before the winter flower, the gentleman orchid is in the stage of drawing arrows, so it is easy to spray water with a spray can to make the scape and stamens rot for a long time.

Cymbidium has well-developed fleshy roots, can store more water, and has a certain degree of drought resistance. However, lack of water for a long time will affect the growth of new leaves, rooting and arrows, but too much water is easy to rot roots.

So how to water the magnolia scientifically? Experience shows that watering magnolia can not wait for the basin soil to dry and then water, it should be watered half-dry, so that the basin soil is often moist up and down, which is conducive to growth and arrows.

However, the amount of water each time should be treated differently. Small pots should be watered more when the temperature is high, the ventilation is good, the evaporation is fast, and the soil permeability is good. Otherwise, less water is needed for management at seedling stage and more at flowering stage. Water is watered once a day in spring and summer, once every other day in autumn, and every 3-5 days. It is best to choose magnetized water, Rain Water, snow water and river water. when there is no way to use tap water, put the tap water in a container as much as possible and store it for 1-2 days before use.

The method of watering magnolia

1. Knock

Tapping the flowerpot's 1G / 2-1p / 3, the sound is clear that the water in the flower soil is not enough, so it needs watering. The dull sound shows that there is enough water and does not need watering.

2. OK

Feel the weight from the flowerpot at the front of the watering. Water it. After watering, pick up the flowerpot and feel the weight. After a long time, you will know if it is time to water the flowerpot as soon as you have some experience.

3. Exploration

Probing is the most direct way. The fingers probed into the flower soil in about 1 stroke and felt humidity in 3 places. If you are wet, you don't need watering. It's wet and ready to be watered. If there is still a little moisture, it's time to water it.

The orchid should be watered thoroughly, and it is best to use the "sitting basin" method to water the orchid at home. Is to put the flowerpot of the magnolia in the pot to water the flowerpot and save the water from the flowerpot for next time. In this way, the soil of watering flowers can be easily watered through, and the nutrients flowing out of the basin will not be wasted with the loss of water. When watering, we should also pay attention to the water not to pour into the leaf core, if accidentally water into the leaf core, you need to immediately use strong water absorption paper or cotton to absorb the water.

The above is the whole content of how to water the magnolia for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.