
Introduction and planting skills of musk lily fox tail lily

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Introduction and planting skills of musk lily fox tail lily

Fox tail lily is a beautiful ornamental flower with strong fragrance and light color, so it represents the meaning of nobility and prosperity. Next, let's take a look at the introduction of fox tail lily.

First, the introduction of fox tail lily

Lilium vulgaris is a perennial herbaceous flower with a height of 40m ~ 60m. Some flowers have strong fragrance, so they are called "musk lilies". It is mainly distributed in eastern Asia, Europe, North America and other temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Perennial bulbous herbaceous flowers with a plant height of 40m, 60m, and more than 1m. Stem erect, unbranched, grass green, stem base with red or purplish brown spots. Underground bulb, bulb from broad ovate or lanceolate, white or yellowish, spherical by fleshy scales of 6 mi 8 m in diameter, with membranous layer outside. Most fibrous roots are rooted at the base of the ball. Leaves simple, alternate, narrowly linear, without petiole, directly enclosed on stem, leaf veins parallel. Some varieties produce purple or green granular buds in the axils of leaves, which can be propagated into plantlets. Flowers born at the top of the stem, showing a raceme, clustered or solitary, Corolla larger, kaleidoscope longer, funnel-shaped trumpet-shaped, six-lobed without sepals, because of the slender stem, large flowers, open often drooping or flat extension; flower color, due to different varieties and colors, mostly yellow, white, pink, orange, some with purple or black spots, but also a flower with a variety of colors, very beautiful. The petals are spread out and rolled outward, so they have the good name of "curl Dan". Flowers bearing long ellipsoid capsule.

Second, the ecological habits of foxtail lilies.

Nature likes moist, light, requires fertile, humus-rich, deep soil layer, very good drainage of sandy soil, most varieties are suitable to grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil.

Third, the distribution area of fox tail lily.

The fox tail lily is mainly distributed in the northern hemisphere, such as eastern Asia, Europe, North America and so on.

Fourth, the cultivation of foxtail lilies

First, soil preparation: fertilizing lilies have strong adaptability, and it is better to have a mild climate and sufficient sunshine. Potted soil is suitable for sandy loam with deep soil layer and good drainage, followed by clay, and waterlogged land is not suitable for planting. When planting, select the plot, apply circle fertilizer, soil fertilizer 4000 kg and superphosphate 40 kg per mu as base fertilizer; plough 20cm~30cm, rake fine and level it; make the border, border width 130cm, border length depends on the topography, Rain Water extra-large area should pile border to make ridges, ridge width 80cm~100cm, open drainage ditch, drainage ditch depth is 10cm~15cm, to prevent stagnant water.

2. Cultivation techniques: the lilies are generally harvested and dug in the middle and last ten days of July and buried in slightly moist sand for preservation, but they can also be kept in the basin without digging. Between September and October, the root buds are taken out and separated. On the whole land, the root buds are planted upward in the ditch according to the row spacing 25cm~30cm and plant spacing 5cm~20cm. The flat bed can be covered with soil 4cm~5cm, and the pit can be planted with 5cm~7cm. When planting, a small amount of water can be watered if the land is too dry, 130 kg ~ 150 kg per mu with root buds.

Third, pest control: pay attention to weeding in ploughing, shallow ploughing rather than deep ploughing, lily consumes its own nutrients in the early stage of growth, and blossoms in the later stage because of basal fertilizer in the middle stage. When the flower bud appears, it should be removed in time to reduce the nutrient consumption and increase the yield, and the lily is basically disease-free during the whole growth period. if the disease root rot is found, the root is infused with 50% wettable powder 500 times when the disease occurs. Insect pests are mainly aphids, which can be controlled by common low-toxic insecticides.

These are the planting skills of foxtail lilies. I hope they can help you.