
How to raise kidney fern

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise kidney fern, kidney fern, also known as centipede, stone yellow, etc., is a medium-sized terrestrial or epiphytic fern of the family Nephropteridaceae. The plant has a height of 30cm, a smooth leaf surface, a length of 30cm and a width of 3cm. The sporangia are born at the top of the superior veinlets of each group of lateral veins, and the cysts are kidney-shaped.

How to raise kidney fern, kidney fern, also known as centipede, stone yellow, etc., is a medium-sized terrestrial or epiphytic fern of the family Nephropteridaceae. The plant has a height of 30cm, a smooth leaf surface, a length of 30cm and a width of 3cm. The sporangia were born at the top of the superior veinlets of each group of lateral veins, and the cysts were kidney-shaped.

Kidney fern is a widely used ornamental fern at home and abroad. It is easy to grow and grow healthily, so it is widely used in open field cultivation and indoor pot planting to observe leaves. Especially used for hanging orchid-style cultivation, interesting. Kidney fern is also an important leaf-cutting material. Many cultivated species of kidney fern are the most widely used ferns in the world. These varieties are very suitable for pot cultivation and are ideal materials for interior decoration. They are popular all over the world, but most of them are sterile and must be propagated asexually.

Kidney fern likes bright scattered light and can be placed by the indoor north window. The suitable temperature for its growth is 15: 21 ℃ at night and 24: 26 ℃ at day. Kidney fern is more resistant to drought, but it is necessary to supply enough water in the growing season and keep the air moist, with a humidity of 50% to 60%. Kidney fern is suitable for planting in loose and permeable neutral and slightly acidic soil. The culture soil can be made of 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of plain sand and 2 parts of vermiculite. When the growth is exuberant, liquid fertilizer should be applied once or twice a month. The kidney fern grows very fast, and the root system will soon be full of pots, so the pots have to be changed every year.

The most common way to reproduce kidney fern is to split plants in combination with changing pots in spring. Kidney fern has many horizontal creeping branches, which should be pressed on the soil surface or fixed on the soil surface with wire hooks, so that small plants can grow and can be separated and planted from the mother plant when they grow to a certain size. The bulbous tubers of kidney ferns can also develop into plantlets. When cultivated in the open field, kidney fern can quickly establish a natural community through the growth of stolons. Spore reproduction is also a widely used method of reproduction. The above is an introduction to how to raise kidney ferns.

How to raise kidney ferns? flower friends ask how to raise kidney ferns. Compared with other ferns, kidney ferns are relatively easy to maintain. First of all, kidney ferns are a kind of ferns. They have the same characteristics as other ferns, that is, they like a humid environment. So the most important thing to raise kidney ferns is to try to meet the basic environment as far as possible. Because the kidney fern likes the humid environment, so in the daily maintenance, we should pay attention to keep the soil moist, at the same time, we should often spray water to the leaf surface, keep the air moist, the temperature in spring and autumn is suitable, the growth of kidney fern is exuberant, and there are young leaves sprouting constantly in the pot. at this time, it should be fully watered so that the young leaves can grow normally and rapidly. In winter, watering should be reduced and water spraying should be stopped to keep the basin soil dry. Indoor cultivation in winter, if there is indoor heating or stove, it will often cause leaf edge scorch due to dry air, which should be paid attention to. In addition, in cultivation, when the soil is short of water, the air is too dry or watering too much or less, it will often lead to light, pale and green leaves, scorch at the tip of the leaves, and a large number of leaves fall off seriously, reducing the ornamental value, so we must do a good job in water management.

Kidney fern is not resistant to severe cold, so it should be kept warm in winter, keeping the temperature above 5 ℃, it will not suffer frost damage; when the temperature is above 8 ℃, it can grow slowly, but it should not be placed near the heat source, otherwise it will often cause excessive growth and affect the whole plant type due to high temperature. When cultivated in winter, special attention should be paid to prevent frost and cold wind at night. Kidney fern is also afraid of extreme heat, high summer temperature, intense transpiration, must do a good job of heat prevention and cooling, pay attention to maintain good ventilation, and constantly spray water to the plant, which can also make the leaf color more tender green. In summer, under the condition of fully watering and spraying water, kidney fern can grow normally when the temperature is 30 ℃ ~ 35 ℃. The temperature is suitable in spring and autumn, which is the exuberant period of kidney fern growth. We should pay attention to good ventilation and often turn the basin to prevent the growth from deviating to one side. Kidney fern is more shade-tolerant, as long as it can be exposed to scattered light, it can be placed in indoor furnishings for a long time, almost without special light. In cultivation, when the light is too strong, it will often cause the leaves of kidney fern to dry up, wither and fall off. Family cultivation, especially to avoid long-term indoor kidney fern suddenly exposed to strong light, in this case, even a very short time, will lead to leaf dehydration, wilting, leaf edge scorched, leaf withered and yellow, seriously affecting its ornamental value. Although kidney fern is a more shade-tolerant plant, it can also lead to weak growth, lighter leaf color, leaf shedding, and change its original posture due to leaf elongation, resulting in irregular growth and poor ornamental. Therefore, when furnishing indoors, in order to keep the plant with good ornamental effect for a long time, we should pay attention to make it see light regularly. Spring and autumn can illuminate slightly in the morning and evening, ensuring 4 hours of light every day. Kidney fern can be placed in front of the window where sunlight can be seen in winter, and kidney fern can always be placed indoors where scattered light can be seen. As a pteridophyte, kidney fern does not blossom, does not bear fruit, does not consume much nutrients, and requires little fertilizer, but regular fertilization should also be paid attention to in cultivation. The fertilizer of kidney fern is mainly nitrogen fertilizer. In the peak growth period of spring and autumn, thin cake fertilizer and water, or organic liquid fertilizer or inorganic compound liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen are applied every half month to one month, and the fertilizer must be thin and not too thick, otherwise it is very easy to cause fertilizer damage. Proper fertilization can keep the leaf color green for a long time, and make the plant full of vitality and exuberant vitality. The leaf color of kidney fern is lighter than that of other foliage plants, which is a normal manifestation of itself, not a lack of nutrition. in cultivation, some people always think that it is due to lack of nutrients and apply fertilizer blindly, resulting in a certain improvement in leaf color. however, it should be noted that the plant growth is weak and the leaves are too long, which affects the overall posture. The root system of Dryopteris is shallowly distributed and has a certain degree of gas, so the cultivated soil needs to be loose, fertile and well drained. Basin soil is generally mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus a small amount of garden soil, and fine sand and vermiculite can also be added to increase water permeability. When used as a hanging basket, rotten leaf soil and vermiculite can be used to cultivate the same amount of soil, which is lighter in weight and suitable for hanging. When potted at home, in order to keep the soil moist, some water moss and peat moss can be mixed into the culture soil, which is very beneficial to the growth of kidney fern. Kidney fern has few diseases and insect pests in cultivation, but sometimes due to poor management, it will encounter the following problems: for example, there will be slugs in too wet places; scale insects will occur when there is poor ventilation; in addition, sometimes nematode damage will occur, resulting in brown round spots on the leaves, affecting viewing. These problems can be effectively avoided and overcome as long as we manage them correctly and carefully, pay attention to the growth habits of kidney fern and provide it with suitable conditions such as temperature, humidity, light, soil and so on. What kind of plant is kidney fern and how to raise it?

Many people have not heard of kidney fern, let alone seen kidney fern, do not know what kind of plant kidney fern is. The editor of this article introduces the kidney fern and how to raise it, and attached the relevant pictures of the kidney fern.

What kind of plant is kidney fern?

Kidney fern, also known as round fern, grate grass, Phoenix egg, centipede grass, stone yellow bark, etc., belongs to the order Pteridaceae, epiphytic or native ferns. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, there are wild mountain forests in South China. Evergreen and epiphytic in the stone crevices and tree trunks under the forest by the stream. Like warm, moist and semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight. Kidney fern is a widely used ornamental fern inside and outside China. In addition to garden application, kidney fern is also a traditional Chinese medicine. There are a large number of sporangia on the back of the kidney fern, which are used to reproduce.

How to raise kidney fern

Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, avoid strong light, not resistant to drought, unobstructed drainage, rich in humus, loose and fertile soil. For kidney fern, the culture soil can be made of 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of vermiculite and 2 parts of river sand, or it can be mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil and a small amount of river sand. Because the root distribution of kidney fern is shallow, it is suitable to be planted in shallow pot.

Kidney ferns like bright scattered light, spring, summer and autumn can be placed in the indoor north window maintenance, but need to pay attention to ventilation. Keep it in the shade to avoid direct sunlight when you put it outside for maintenance. If the light is too strong, the leaves are easily scorched yellow; if too shaded, the feather leaves are often easy to fall off. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, it is also necessary to spray clear water on the leaves 2 times a day to increase air humidity in order to keep the leaves green. When the air is dry, the feather leaves are easy to curl and scorch, which reduces the ornamental value. But watering can not be too much, if the basin soil stagnant water, it is easy to cause leaves withered and yellow fall off.

In the peak growing season, thin rotten cake fertilizer and water or compound chemical fertilizer are generally applied every half a month, and attention should be paid to cutting off dead leaves at any time to keep the plant clean and tidy. It is safe to survive the winter if the room temperature is kept above 10 ℃ in winter.

The above introduces what kind of plant kidney fern is and how to raise it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. It should be noted that the kidney fern grows healthily and its roots will soon cover the bottom of the basin, so it is necessary to change the basin every spring and cut off the old leaves and split them.