
The propagation method of sword orchid and the culture method of potted sword orchid, and the flower language and implication of how to reproduce sword orchid.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, (1) ramet propagation. The method of dividing balls: after the mother plant blossoms, the underground seed bulbs dry and form multiple bulbs beside or above the mother bulbs. The bulbs with a diameter of 2 cm are planted in the seedling bed in spring and can be cultivated for 2 to 3 years to develop into large bulbs, which can be used as seed bulbs. Ball cutting method: the method of cutting and planting the bulb, cutting the bulb longitudinally

(1) ramet propagation.

The method of dividing balls: after the mother plant blossoms, the underground seed bulbs dry and form multiple bulbs beside or above the mother bulbs. The bulbs with a diameter of 2 cm are planted in the seedling bed in spring and can be cultivated for 2 to 3 years to develop into large bulbs, which can be used as seed bulbs.

Ball-cutting method: the method of cutting and planting the bulb, cutting the bulb longitudinally and dividing it into 2 or 4 pieces, each with at least 1 bud and part of the bulb disk, the incision is smeared with plant ash or charcoal powder to prevent decay and should not be planted for a long time after drying up.

(2) sowing and reproduction.

This method is mostly used to cultivate new varieties. When the seeds were collected in summer and autumn, the temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, and the optimum temperature was about 20 ℃. The germination rate was higher, and the seeds were transferred to the greenhouse for winter. In the following spring, some plants could blossom in summer. The seeds can also be dried and stored after seed collection, sowed and cultivated in spring the following year, seedlings are dug up in autumn for storage, and planted in spring next season, some plants can blossom in summer and season.

(3) tissue culture and propagation.

Because of the serious quality degradation and variety mixing phenomenon in the bulb reproduction, tissue culture can be used to improve the bulb quality and prevent the variety from degeneration. The method is to take the lateral buds of the flower stem or corm, peel off the green leaf sheath, expose the flower bud, disinfect it and inoculate it on the culture medium. The seed ball can be obtained after about 60 days and 4-6 months.

How to breed and cultivate sword orchid

Sword orchid is mainly propagated by dividing balls, and it can also be propagated by cutting balls, sowing and tissue culture. The life span of the corm is one year, and it is renewed once a year, that is, in the process of leafing and flowering in the same year, the corm expands at the base of the flower stem to form a new ball, and then the original mother ball gradually dries up and dies, and the new ball and the new ball can be taken off and planted separately. Usually the new ball can blossom in the second year, and the ball needs to be cultivated for another year before it can blossom. Cutting ball propagation requires that each part has more than one bud or part of the bud disk. Sowing and propagation are mostly used to cultivate new varieties, and seeds should be sowed as they are picked.

Planting sword orchids should choose places with sunny, deep soil, fertile and good drainage. Ploughing the soil and applying basic fertilizer before planting. Usually adopt high border planting or ridge planting, the planting density varies according to the size of the bulb, the general row spacing is 20-30 cm, the plant spacing is 10-15 cm, and the standard of soil mulching is 2-3 times the height of the corm. In order to prolong the flowering period, one batch can be planted every 10 days from late March to mid-late July to ensure that there are flowers to enjoy one after another since the Summer Solstice's autumn. The supply of flowers in winter and spring needs to be cultivated in greenhouse, and the growing period is more than 20-30 days longer than that in summer.

The management of fertilizer and water during the growth period is the key to make the plant blossom and grow well. From planting to the emergence of two leaves, watering should not be too much, so as not to affect flower bud differentiation. From the beginning of the stem can not be short of water, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist. The flowering period is the beginning of the alternating period of new and old balls, and there can be no shortage of water. After the flower fades, the amount of water can be gradually reduced, but it should not be too dry to ensure the growth of new balls. Since the middle and last ten days of September, the temperature decreased and the plant growth slowed down, so watering should be controlled.

Fertilizer should be applied at least three times during the growth period, the first time after the expansion of 2 leaves to promote growth and increase the number of flowers, the second time in the 4-leaf stage to promote stout flower branches and large flowers, and the third time after anthesis to promote the development of new bulbs. Pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, otherwise it is easy to lodge. Winter cultivation should pay attention to supplementary light. After flowering, when the leaves appear withered and yellow above 3, they should immediately pill, dry the bulbs and store them in a low temperature and dry place. Family cultivation can be planted in a 26 cm mud basin. Choose fertile sandy loam, pH5.5~6.5 is the best. It can also be prepared with 8 parts of cooked soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 spoonfuls of compound fertilizer.

The depth of the bulb of sword orchid should be determined according to the size of the bulb and the properties of the soil, the bulb is large, the soil is loose, and the planting depth is 8 cm 10 cm; the ball is small, the soil is clayey, and the planting depth is 6 cm 8 cm. Open field planting in production should choose sandy loam with good drainage and ventilation to the sun, with a depth of about 30 cm, with rotten barnyard manure or compost as base fertilizer, with a plant spacing of 15 cm and a depth of 6 cm. If a big ball is planted in a hole, a small ball can be spread in a trench. After planting, cover the soil and step on it, then water it. The whole growth period of sword orchid is about 100 days. The cut flowers should be planted in batches according to the time required. The fertilizer and water management of sword orchid is the key to make the plant blossom and grow well.

During the growing period, it is necessary to maintain a certain amount of moisture in the soil. If it is too wet, it will rot, and if it is too dry, the leaf tip will turn yellow. Water should be watered every 2 to 3 days after emergence and every 2 days in summer. The water should be sufficient at the stage of flower bud growth. It can be watered once a day and slightly shaded, and waterlogged in time in the rainy season. The amount of water can be reduced after flowering, but it should not be too dry. Topdressing can start when the plant has 2 or 3 leaves and apply rotten human feces and urine or cake fertilizer and water every 15 days to promote stem and leaf growth. When the stem and leaf protrude to gestate the flower bud, avoid applying nitrogen fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer will make the leaves grow too long and powerless, so we should apply phosphate fertilizer to promote the development and opening of flowers. In order to make the flower color bright, combined with watering calcium superphosphate and bone powder and so on.

After discharge, the aboveground part can be sprayed with 1% calcium superphosphate aqueous solution. Potassium fertilizer was applied once after flowering in order to improve the quality of corm and proliferate corm. Cut flowers can be cut off at the beginning of the inflorescence when the first and second flowers bloom, keeping 4-6 leaves as far as possible to prevent affecting the growth of the corm. It is better to cut in the morning or dusk. Insert the cut flowers into cold water and keep them in a cold place for about 10 days. The flowers on the inflorescence can bloom all the way to the top. The common diseases of sword orchid are blight, rot, leaf spot and rust, which mostly occur in hot and humid weather and poorly ventilated environment. Persisting in crop rotation and soil disinfection can effectively restrain the harm of nematodes. "target=" _ blank "> control methods of leaf spot of sword orchid)

The Propagation method of Flower Cymbidium

Sword orchid alias Changlan, Gladiolus, flat bamboo lotus, ten brocade, 13 Taibao, Iridaceae, Gladiolus, not orchids, Lingnan people are named Yue Jianlan because their leaves look like long swords. Today, I'm going to share with you the flower language of sword orchid and the breeding method of sword orchid.

The flower language of sword orchid:

Sword orchid flower language one: represents the feelings of nostalgia, but also expresses love, intention, longevity, Kangning, Fu Lu.

Sword orchid flower language II: rendezvous, heart.

The flower language of sword orchid is "tryst". Because the flowers of the sword orchid are relatively weak in shape, blooming quietly on the stem, as if protected by a thick stem, which is often reminiscent of a girl who half-covers her face with the collar of her coat erected. Therefore, many people tie it into a bouquet and give it to each other as a secret signal of a tryst.

Although a rendezvous can increase the popularity of a relationship, you can't lose your cool. Therefore, another fancy language of sword orchid is "heart"!

Sword orchid flower language 3: heart, fortune, wealth, rising, strong.

The Chinese believe that the leaf of sword orchid is like a long sword, like a sword worn by Zhong Kui, which can ward off evil spirits and evil spirits, and is one of the indispensable flower arrangements for the festival. In addition, its flowers gradually open from the bottom to the top, symbolizing the rise, so it has become a widely used flower material for blessing bouquets and baskets. According to legend, in European and American folk, sword orchid is the embodiment of samurai dragon sword, can protect their homes, so Europeans often grow sword orchids around their homes.

The propagation method of sword orchid:

Sword orchid is mainly propagated by dividing balls, and it can also be propagated by cutting balls, tissue culture and sowing. The life span of the bulb is 1 year, and it is renewed once a year, that is, in the process of leaf extraction and flowering in the same year, the ball expands at the base of the flower stem to form a new ball, then the original mother ball gradually dries up and dies, and the new ball is born at the bottom of the new ball, and the new ball and seed ball can be taken off and planted separately. Cutting ball propagation requires each part with more than one bud or part of the bud disk. Sowing and propagation are mostly used to cultivate new varieties, and seeds should be sowed as they are picked.