
[rose] the variety characteristics of rose

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [rose] the variety characteristics of rose

Roses have long symbolized beauty and love. Many people use roses to express their feelings. Do you know roses? Next, let's have a look together.

Brief introduction of roses

Rose, also known as thorn rose, lingering flower, assassin, heart-piercing rose. Shrubs of the genus Rosaceae. As a crop, its flowers are mainly used in food and extracting essential rose oil, which is more valuable than equal weight gold and is used in cosmetics, food, fine chemicals and other industries.

The three heroes of the rose family-- rose, rose and rose-- are actually plants of the genus Rosa. In Chinese, people used to call the rose with large diameter and solitary flowers, the rose with small flowers and the rose with essence. But in English they are all called rose. According to the current officially registered varieties of Rose, there are about 30, 000.

In addition, cut roses are actually roses. Bulgarian Rose is actually the Rosadamascena of Turkic Rose. The authentic Bulgarian rose essential oil is actually Turkic rose essential oil.

Rose belongs to Rosaceae, deciduous shrubs, prickly branches. Odd-pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 5-9, oval, with edge thorns, surface wrinkled, most of the stipules and petioles connate. Flowers solitary with several flowers, purplish red and fragrant.

The cut flower "rose" is actually a rose, with pink, red, yellow and white colors. Now there are more colors, such as blue, black and so on.

The shape of roses

Erect shrubs, up to 2 m tall; stems stout, tufted; branchlets densely tomentose with needles and glandular hairs, with erect or curved, yellowish prickles, tomentose outside prickles. Leaflets 5-9 cm, petiole 5-13 cm long; leaflet elliptic or elliptic-Obovate, 1.5-4.5 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin acutely serrate, dark green above, glabrous, veins sunken, wrinkled, gray-green below, midvein raised, reticulate veins obvious, densely tomentose and glandular hairy, sometimes inconspicuous glandular hairs Petiole and leaf rachis densely tomentose and glandular hairy; stipules mostly Adnate to petiole, free part ovate, margin glandular serrate, tomentose below.

Flowers solitary in leaf axils, or several fascicled, bracts ovate, margin glandular hairy, outer tomentose; pedicel 5-22.5 mm long, densely tomentose and glandular hairy; flowers 4-5.5 cm in diameter; sepals ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate, often with pinnate lobes spreading into leaves, sparsely pilose above, densely pilose and glandular hairy below; petals Obovate, double to semidouble, aromatic, fuchsia to white. Style free, hairy, slightly extending beyond the mouth of calyx tube, much shorter than stamens. Fruit oblate, 2-2.5 cm in diam., brick red, fleshy, smooth, sepals persistent. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from August to September.

The efficacy of roses

Taste pungent, sweet, sexual lukewarm. Regulating qi and relieving depression, resolving dampness and moderation, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. Contains volatile oil (rose oil), mainly citronellol, nerol, eugenol, phenylethanol, nonyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, linalool, phenylethyl acetate, as well as quercetin, bittern, tannin, Gallic acid, carotene, red pigment and other components. For disharmony of liver and stomach, epigastric pain, chest tightness and vomiting, reduced diet, or diarrhea; irregular menstruation, fall injury, stasis and pain; blood stasis, hematemesis, hemoptysis; carbuncle or breast carbuncle.

In addition, roses also contain a variety of nutrients, which have a good effect on some skin diseases. Long-term use can completely remove acne and acne, make facial skin smooth and tender, and play a certain role in the treatment of facial chloasma.

Chest abdominal distension pain, vomiting and aversion to food less, can be equipped with Xiangfu, bergamot, Amomum villosum and so on.

Irregular menstruation, premenstrual milk ☆ forbidden ☆ room pain, fall pain, the former compatible with Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Radix Paeoniae Alba and so on. It can be used with Radix Paeoniae Rubra, peach kernel and safflower.

Qi relieves depression, the fragrance of this product diverges, enters the two meridians of the liver and stomach, opens stagnant stomach qi, scattered stagnant liver qi, so it can be used to treat liver and stomach pain, chest and epigastric pain, epigastric distension and abdominal pain, liver wind headache. Such as "Materia Medica Zaixin" said: "soothing the stagnation of the liver and gallbladder, invigorating the spleen and lowering fire, treating cold pain in the abdomen and accumulation of cold in the stomach."

The above is the whole content of the variety characteristics of roses that I have summarized for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.