
The characteristics of epiphyllum and its medicinal value

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The characteristics of epiphyllum and its medicinal value

Everyone uses a flash in the pan to describe the beauty of Epiphyllum. Friends who have never seen Epiphyllum bloom must be looking forward to it. Next, I will introduce the characteristics of Epiphyllum and its medicinal value.

Epiphyllum, also known as Qionghua, beauty under the moon, Qionghua, beauty on the moon, etc., each name is so nice and full of poetry. Epiphyllum each plant about 1-2 meters high, the main branch upright, showing a cylindrical shape. Irregular branches grow on the stem, and the leaves of the stem nodes are green and flat in shape. However, its node edges are wavy or concave, without thorns. The flowers are grown in small nests on the edges of the stems, about 25-30 cm long and 10 cm wide, white when flowering, flowering between July and August, and cultivated in greenhouses in winter.

Why did it create a flash in the pan? Epiphyllum blooms when the flowers are big and beautiful, but it does not bloom during the day, are to be opened until after eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and especially it only opens for 3-4 hours, very short. Epiphyllum impressive, but also when it blooms that gorgeous moving posture, but a few hours it closes the corolla, flowers wither quickly, so people describe things disappear quickly for a flash in the pan. However, in fact, the reason why Epiphyllum blooms so briefly is related to the climate of its origin. It grows in the tropical desert of Mexico. The high temperature before 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening and the low temperature after midnight are unfavorable for flowering. In order to reduce water loss and survive, it gradually forms the habit of flowering at night for a short time.

Its environment. Epiphyllum like warm and humid and semi-overcast environment, frost resistance, can not be exposed to strong light, denied death. Generally, it should pay attention to the temperature problem for healthy growth. Between March and September, it should be in an environment of 13-19℃, while from September to December, it should be kept at 12-18℃. From December to March of the second year, it should be kept at a temperature of 10-16℃, especially in winter. At the same time to fertile Epiphyllum and good drainage of sandy soil, to maintain air humidity.

Culture method of epiphyllum

1. Soil: Epiphyllum cultivation does not require high soil requirements. The potting soil can be mixed with 2 parts of peat soil, 1 part of coarse sand and 1 part of slag. The pot soil should not be too wet.

2, sunshine: Epiphyllum hi semi-shade, spring, autumn season outdoor semi-shade cultivation, prevent direct sunlight, summer should be placed indoors bright, well-ventilated place, can also be placed on the north balcony or under the shade, but to avoid strong light exposure, otherwise it is easy to cause abnormal stem chlorosis, reduce the ornamental value.

3, temperature: Epiphyllum like warm and humid and semi-cloudy environment, so pay attention to the temperature problem, between March and September, it should be in the environment of 13-19℃, and September to December to maintain 12-18℃, December to the second year in March to let Epiphyllum in the temperature of 10-16℃, especially to pay attention to winter can not be lower than 0℃. Potted plants in northern areas can generally be moved indoors for winter in the first and middle of October. During the winter, put it in the sun, keep the room temperature at about 10℃, control watering, and keep the pot soil not too dry.

4, watering: epiphyllum spring, autumn watering to see dry see wet, summer watering should be appropriate more, but the basin can not accumulate water, otherwise easy to rot roots. In dry and hot weather season, water is sprayed on the plants once a day in the morning and evening to increase the air humidity for growth and flowering.

5, fertilization: epiphyllum more like fertilizer, fertilizer requirements are also more. It is better to use decomposed organic fertilizer, plus a small amount of bone meal or calcium superphosphate. During the growth period, thin cake fertilizer water is applied once every half month. If a small amount of rice vinegar or ferrous sulfate can be added to the liquid fertilizer, the growth will be better. After budding, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was added 1-2 times, and the flowers were big and colorful. After the flower withers, apply liquid fertilizer 1-2 times immediately, which is conducive to flowering in the coming year.

The medicinal value of epiphyllum

1. Clearing heat and relieving cough, preventing tuberculosis and asthma.

Epiphyllum has the effect of clearing heat and relieving cough. We know that long-term cough may cause tuberculosis and even asthma. These minor problems cannot be ignored, and tuberculosis and asthma are more necessary to prevent and treat. Usually we can drink more epiphyllum brewing flower tea to help us clear away heat and eliminate phlegm and inflammation, the effect is very good. In addition, cough caused by tuberculosis can also be slowly relieved by the effect of epiphyllum clearing heat and relieving cough.

2. Palpitations, insomnia, heart-stomach qi pain.

For some friends who are often prone to palpitations or insomnia, drinking some Epiphyllum flower tea is also beneficial, Epiphyllum flower also has a good effect on treating impatience and insomnia. For heart and stomach qi pain caused by poor mental state such as palpitation, insomnia or other reasons, it also has obvious effect of smoothing qi and relieving pain.

3, clear blood detoxification, prevention and treatment of constipation.

Usually when we brew fresh epiphyllum with hot water, we can also add some rock sugar to drink, rock sugar is warm, and epiphyllum brewing together not only can cough phlegm, but also clear blood detoxification effect; its clearing heat effect can also treat large intestine fever, for the resulting constipation hematochezia have a certain therapeutic effect.

4. Prevention and treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

In addition to adding rock sugar to brew and drink together, we can also mix epiphyllum and honey together, or put some epiphyllum into the stew meat, and then pour appropriate amount of rice wine or add rehmannia root, cassia seed and other herbs to stew together. After stewing, not only the meat taste is delicious, but also it can effectively prevent hypertension and hyperlipidemia after eating.

The above is what I summarized for you, as well as the characteristics of Epiphyllum Epiphyllum medicinal value of all content, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.

2. Palpitations, insomnia, heart-stomach qi pain.

For some friends who are often prone to palpitations or insomnia, drinking some Epiphyllum flower tea is also beneficial, Epiphyllum flower also has a good effect on treating impatience and insomnia. For heart and stomach qi pain caused by poor mental state such as palpitation, insomnia or other reasons, it also has obvious effect of smoothing qi and relieving pain.

3, clear blood detoxification, prevention and treatment of constipation.

Usually when we brew fresh epiphyllum with hot water, we can also add some rock sugar to drink, rock sugar is warm, and epiphyllum brewing together not only can cough phlegm, but also clear blood detoxification effect; its clearing heat effect can also treat large intestine fever, for the resulting constipation hematochezia have a certain therapeutic effect.

4. Prevention and treatment of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

In addition to adding rock sugar to brew and drink together, we can also mix epiphyllum and honey together, or put some epiphyllum into the stew meat, and then pour appropriate amount of rice wine or add rehmannia root, cassia seed and other herbs to stew together. After stewing, not only the meat taste is delicious, but also it can effectively prevent hypertension and hyperlipidemia after eating.

The above is what I summarized for you, as well as the characteristics of Epiphyllum Epiphyllum medicinal value of all content, I hope this article can help you. Please continue to pay attention to us.