
Introduction of the other shore flower, appreciation of the pictures of the other shore flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Introduction of the other shore flower, appreciation of the pictures of the other shore flower

The other shore flower is also known as Manzhushahua, and its name comes from Sanskrit. The other shore flower is praised as a kind of flower with no past life and this life. Buddhism has a saying that "the flower is the last flower in full bloom in the blooming season, and only the flower that blooms in forgetting the past life and this life." The bloody other shore flower is a flower in full bloom on the dead spring road. according to legend, it is a flower that voluntarily fell into hell, but it was driven back by demons, wandering on the dying road and refusing to leave. The demons could not bear it and agreed that it would bloom on this road and give guidance and comfort to the souls who died. Therefore, the other shore flower is the flower blooming on the other side of the river and the dead spring road. It is said that the fragrance of the other shore flower is magical and can evoke people's memories of the past life, but the other shore flower itself does not have the past life and this life. Let's take a look at the introduction of the other shore flower and its picture appreciation.

Introduction of Bianhua

The other shore flower is a variety of Lycoris radiata to the annual herbaceous plant, its rhizome is fleshy, the leaf is linear, after anthesis from the base. Also known as Manzhushahua, its scape is 30-60 meters high, umbels terminal, flowers bright red, flower tube short, perianth segments narrowly oblanceolate, turned outward, stamens and style protruding, beautiful posture, florescence in September.

Enjoy the pictures of the other shore flowers.

The other shore flower is as red as blood, beautiful but desolate, the other shore flower is the unblessed flower of hell, its beauty is strange, but also related to a lot of ominous, the other shore flower is also a symbol of blood, madness and death in many literary works. It grows mostly in graveyards and riversides, and is also known as dead flowers, because the flowers on the other side of the river bloom in unusually glamorous colors in autumn, like a celebration of death.

The other shore flower picture appreciates two

The bloody other shore flower symbolizes the beauty of death and the call of hell. It is a flower used to express death and sadness. The love of the other shore flower is also sad. The flowers and leaves never meet, but the guardians miss each other, but they know each other but do not want to see each other. The fate of reincarnation brings them the predestined miss of eternal life, with sadness that can never meet.

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According to the legend of the other shore flower, it is said that he and an are two people who love each other, but God stipulates that they can not meet each other, but under the influence of Acacia, they secretly meet and decide for life.

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The sky was so angry that he turned them into a flower and set a curse: "if there are flowers without leaves, the leaves will not meet in peanut life." One day when the Buddha met, he intentionally sent him to the other bank to let it open freely, but accidentally dropped it into the river while passing through the three rivers. when he picked up the flowers to become pure white, the Buddha laughed and said, "how can you distinguish right from wrong? it is better to forget than to remember." so he planted it on the other bank called Mandala.

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However, the red of the Santu River wailed all day long, and the smell was so sad that Dizang could not bear to throw the Mandala seeds into the river, and soon the red flowers bloomed. Dizo lamented that it could not bear to leave and left in the sea of bitterness and let it serve as the guide of the soul of hell. "there is already Mandala on the other side, so you can call it Manzhu Shahua," he said.

Later, there are two different kinds of flowers by the river, one growing on the other bank, one growing on the bank of the Santu River, one forgetting the world, one leading the soul, looking at each other forever. And said, "there is already a mandala on the other side, so you can call it Manzhu Shahua."

Later, there are two different kinds of flowers by the river, one growing on the other bank, one growing on the bank of the Santu River, one forgetting the world, one leading the soul, looking at each other forever.