
How to manage and protect the bonsai of Luohansong?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Luo Hansong is evergreen all the year round, vigorous and elegant, and occupies an important position in bonsai art. There are large leaves, middle leaves, fine leaves, the production of bonsai should choose fine leaves. When cultivating Luohan pine bonsai, it is not difficult to manage and protect it as long as it follows its habits. [soil selection] other sex like slightly acidic soil

Luo Hansong is evergreen all the year round, vigorous and elegant, and occupies an important position in bonsai art. There are large leaves, middle leaves, fine leaves, the production of bonsai should choose fine leaves. When cultivating Luohan pine bonsai, it is not difficult to manage and protect it as long as it follows its habits.

[soil selection] others like slightly acidic soil, and sandy loam or humus soil with good drainage is used as basin soil.

[often spraying water] it likes a humid environment and often sprays water on its leaves, which can not only keep the leaves green and green, but also grow well. But it also avoid basin soil is too wet, must master spray water can not be too much, as long as wet leaves.

[less fertilization] only some fully mature organic fertilizers are applied in winter, and there is no need to apply them again. In order to avoid the consequences of hypertrophy of leaves and loss of elegance.

[do not stay in the sun for a long time] it is a semi-shady tree species, which should be cultivated in a semi-shady site for fear of prolonged summer sun.

[protection against cold] it is mild in nature and quite afraid of the cold. New branches that grow in autumn are easy to freeze, so they should be moved indoors early for the winter. But the temperature should not be too high. The practice shows that it is ideal to survive the winter in the environment of 0: 10 ℃.

On the potential of miniature bonsai

On the potential of miniature bonsai

Recently, I have the fate to go into some private bonsai gardens, participate in some bonsai competitions, visit some bonsai friends, and collect some bonsai information and pictures on the Internet. It is found that miniature bonsai, as a form of expression of bonsai and a wonderful flower of bonsai art, is getting higher and higher in the bonsai family. It wins by "small" and even "micro". It is full of vitality and is more and more welcomed and favored by people. As a bonsai lover, the author has a deep affection for the small bonsai, so I hope to make use of the wind to help to promote the better development of the small bonsai.

What are the advantages of small bonsai?

He has played bonsai for more than ten years, and most of his works are medium and large. In the last two years, there has been a preference for miniature and small. To investigate the reasons, I realize that there are five points: first, with the growth of age, the big plate does not move, and the small one is effortless; second, with the change of the environment, the big one has no land to put, and the small one is good for storage; third, with the depletion of resources, the big pile is difficult to get, and the small pile is easy to get; fourth, according to the plant growth habits, the big one is slow, and the small one is easy to form; fifth, with the market law, the big one is difficult to enter thousands of households, and the small one is easy to enter thousands of households.

Potted sketches are very popular in Japan, and they are becoming objects for people to relieve stress, relax and forget their troubles. Japanese sketch potted plant group member and Asahi pot gardener Shoichi Endo talked about the four advantages of small bonsai, that is: 1, simple management, even narrow balconies and other spaces can be maintained; 2, as a decorative potted plant can be shaped in a short time; 3, it is easy to change pots, suitable for all kinds of people; 4, materials can be taken from cuttings, real-life and other ways, at a small cost but can enjoy fun. "

Where is the prospect of miniature bonsai?

Bonsai production and cultivation is an industry with a long cycle, difficult procedures and a limited market. But divided into two, the production of large and medium-sized bonsai, the cycle is indeed very long, the process is very difficult, the market is very narrow, but also lead to the destruction of wild resources. If we aim at small and micro bonsai, its development prospects will be very different. We can draw a conclusion from the perspective of producers and consumers. First, it is easy to produce and cultivate small and miniature bonsai materials. In addition, the production of small and miniature bonsai can be produced in a factory. As a consumer, consumer goods are not allowed to have the characteristics of "cheap and good quality, easy to carry, unrestricted placement, beautiful and elegant", while small miniature bonsai with small size, light weight, no land occupation, low price, easy to carry, high grade and good management. Miniature and miniature bonsai are not only decorative ornaments inside and outside the office and home, but also elegant gifts for people to visit relatives and friends and wedding banquets, and they are also the most meaningful souvenirs for people to travel on holiday.

Where is the market for miniature bonsai?

With the improvement of people's living standards and quality of life, bonsai art and foliage and flowering plants, which beautify and improve the ecological and living environment, will enter thousands of households. This not only provides an excellent opportunity and broad prospect for the development of bonsai art, but also puts forward the following series of requirements for the innovation of bonsai art.

First of all, bonsai must be small and medium-sized in design to meet the requirements of unit living conditions. Large bonsai is only suitable for courtyard families, enterprises and institutions, parks and other furnishings. Therefore, bonsai should be mainly small and medium-sized, supplemented by large-scale development direction. At the same time, we should pay attention to small and micro bonsai art combination and design, multi-basin small, micro combination together, display on the Bogu shelf, decorate the room, pitching echo, it is more poetic and more popular.

Secondly, the selection of tree species should be based on evergreen and flower-fruit tree species, reflecting joy and vitality. The better tree species are pines and cypresses such as Luohan pine and five-needle pine, citrus such as golden beans and kumquat, rhododendron, yellow poplar, banyan, Fujian tea, Jiuli incense, Chinan, tea plum, Tianzhu, plum blossom, sparrow plum, Chinese wolfberry, Elaeagnus angustifolia, June snow, crape myrtle, Tamarix and so on. These tree species are green and green all the year round, full of vitality, or bright flowers, jubilant, or fruitful, a scene of bumper harvest, who sees who loves, so that bonsai art can adapt to different levels and preferred crowd requirements.

Third, in the cultivation and management of bonsai, we should strive to be simple and easy to do, and avoid polluting the environment. For example, perlite, vermiculite or sterilized river sand are used instead of soil on the substrate, scientifically prepared nutrient solution instead of organic fertilizer on fertilizer, drip irrigation instead of watering, etc., which not only ensures the cleanliness of the environment, but also provides convenience for workers and travelers to manage bonsai.

Fourth, in the modeling of tree stump bonsai, we should not only tend to nature, but also the coexistence of many styles. It is necessary to create a variety of bonsai works that represent the characteristics of the times and personal characteristics in order to meet the requirements of different groups. The artistic conception of bonsai is more abstract and implicit, and the form of expression needs to be natural, so that people can enjoy it with interest, inspiration and aftertaste. Fifth, in terms of the source of tree stump material, we should go out of the method of digging wild piles, establish a bonsai material production base, and adopt the techniques of sowing, cutting (including big branch cutting), grafting and striping (including coarse wood and high pressure). Rapidly cultivate a large number of high-quality bonsai materials to meet the needs of bonsai creation and protect the ecological environment.

There is also a key issue is in the price, so that consumers can accept, consumption is worth it. The core of a small bonsai is that consumers can afford it. To sum up, as long as people with lofty ideals work together, I believe that the world of the small bonsai will be wider, and the small bonsai will make great achievements!

Autumn flower cultivation management and protection measures all flowers that pass the high temperature season enter a growth peak in autumn, when the sun is sufficient and the temperature is suitable, the supply of fertilizer and water nutrition should be increased. so that flower plants have a strong nutrient body before the coming of winter. After the beginning of autumn, the temperature gradually drops and the sunshine weakens. For many citizens who like to grow flowers, they need to maintain flowers according to the climatic characteristics of this season to make them spend the autumn and winter smoothly.

Autumn flower cultivation management and protection measures 1, general management and protection measures 1, strengthen fertilizer and water management to dormant flowers in winter to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Flowers that are not dormant in winter can still apply nitrogen fertilizer, especially foliage plants should still apply nitrogen fertilizer. However, attention should be paid to the combination of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Reasonable application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the cold resistance of flowers. Plants that bloom in winter, such as Chrysanthemum morifolium, Prunus bungeanum, cyclamen, poinsettia and Lamei, are vegetative growth periods in early autumn, and fertilizers based on nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in early autumn. When fertilizing such flowers, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be given priority to and nitrogen fertilizer should be used as a supplement. Too much nitrogen fertilizer is not conducive to flowering in winter. For flowers and seedlings planted in the open field, the soil is generally neither dry nor watered, but watered thoroughly. Potted flowers should pay attention to frequent watering, watering thoroughly, should not be watered half of the water, the formation of wet and dry, affecting root growth; should also prevent excessive watering, causing rotting roots. After entering autumn, the supply of water should be controlled to promote the maturity of new shoots, so as to prevent flower seedlings from drawing new shoots in late autumn and winter, which is not conducive to overwintering. However, in early autumn or Mid-Autumn Festival, due to the high temperature, flower seedlings produce new shoots, during this period, there should be sufficient water supply to ensure that the new shoots can grow and mature in time. The watering time should be in the morning and afternoon in autumn. Its purpose is to make the water temperature close to the soil temperature, which is conducive to absorption and avoid damage to the root system. Pay attention to the regulation of florescence many flowers are arranged to bloom during New Year's Day and Spring Festival, so they should be cultivated or restrained. If the full sky is a long sunny flower, if it is required to blossom in winter, it must begin to supplement light in early September, generally increasing illumination for 4 hours from 10:00 to 2:00 in the evening for one month in a row. Chrysanthemum is a short-day flower, which must be brightened in order to delay its flowering. The supplementary light also starts from the first and middle of September to the expected 50 days before flowering. For some warm-loving flowers, such as Anthurium andraeanum, Phalaenopsis, etc., it should be heated when the daily average temperature is lower than 15 ℃. Lily cultivation in autumn and winter should not only be heated at low temperature, but also need light to prevent hidden buds. 3. Strengthening the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in autumn are as follows: carnation, all over the sky against cabbage green insects, African chrysanthemum against leaf mites, chrysanthemum against cabbage green insects, aphids, lilies against aphids and so on. The main diseases: chrysanthemum spot, rose black spot, powdery mildew, carnation leaf spot, African chrysanthemum spot, etc., the disease should be mainly prevented, pay attention to ventilation, reduce the air humidity in the greenhouse, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improve plant disease resistance. spray protection and control. 4. Mid-tillage and weeding can loosen topsoil, reduce water evaporation, increase soil moisture, promote air circulation and nutrient decomposition in soil, and create good conditions for root growth and nutrient absorption of flowers. Weeding can prevent weeds and flowers from competing for soil nutrients, moisture and sunlight. Intertillage can weed at the same time, but weeding is not a substitute for intertillage. The depth of intertillage is generally 3 to 5 cm. At the same time, mid-tillage weeding can also help to prevent diseases and insect pests and reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. 5. Reshaping and pruning in autumn should be mainly "light", so as to avoid the weakness of trees and even the death of seedlings caused by "heavy". The main pruning methods are heart-picking, pruning and so on. Based on the natural shape of the plant, plastic surgery is carried out according to the needs. Among them, trees are mainly pruning, highlighting the trunk to ensure that the trunk reaches a certain height before it branches; shrubs mainly through coring to maintain its original shape or promote it to form an ideal shape to expand its crown width. The quality of flowers can be improved by shaping and pruning. Management and protection measures of flower cultivation in autumn 2, management of flowers planted in the courtyard 1, transplanting for the layout of the new courtyard or the transformation of the old courtyard, the flowers planted on the ground can also be transplanted on the premise of taking good soil balls. Transplanting should carry out intensity pruning and strengthen watering and shading management in order to ensure that transplanting is foolproof. 2. Pruning and coring continue to prune the garden hedges and ball ornamental plants with exuberant growth and strong sprouting power, which is also the last pruning of courtyard hedges and balls in the growing season in the northern region in autumn. The main garden hedges and color plants suitable for pruning are: boxwood, French holly, spinulosa Photinia, privet, lobular privet, red leaf Berberis, gold leaf privet, Phnom Penh Platycladus orientalis and so on. Suitable for pruning ball ornamental plants are: Dragon cypress, Shu juniper, red bayberry, wolfberry, holly, heather, Haitong, firethorn, Admiralty and so on. Can be planted on the ground to pick the heart are: a string of red, thousand red, sulfur chrysanthemum, ground skin, marigold, peacock grass and so on. It is appropriate to pick the heart every 10 days to promote it to form a plump plant shape, and give birth to more inflorescences on the lateral shoots, and stop picking the heart after late September. 3. The woody ornamental plants that can be collected are mainly flowers and trees of Magnoliaceae. The seeds of Magnoliaceae, yew, seven-leaf tree, begonia, etc., must be stored in wet sand until early spring next year, and then sow in the field after the seed crack. The seeds of grass flowers that can be harvested are: marigold, zinnia, impatiens, purple jasmine, cockscomb, Catharanthus roseus, wheat straw chrysanthemum, emerald chrysanthemum and so on. Management and protection measures of flower cultivation in autumn 3, garden potted flower management 1, pruning potted chrysanthemums, continue to peel buds and remove buds; pruning rose, pomegranate, Milan, jasmine, pearl orchid, triangular plum, five-colored plum, golden bract, coral flower, etc., after each flower; those tree stump bonsai species that are resistant to pruning, easy germination and exuberant growth should continue to be pruned or picked. 2. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests the number of diseases and insect pests of flowers in autumn is less than that in summer, so the management of diseases and insect pests should give priority to prevention. The red-necked longicorn beetles on potted plum blossom, begonia, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, green peach and other plants can be injected with poison and can also be controlled by burying carbofuran granules. The Japanese tortoise wax scale, cotton blowing scale, shield scale, velvet scale and so on appeared on potted flowers and trees were controlled with 1500 times liquid of 40% speed culling. Management and protection measures of flower cultivation in autumn 4. key points and measures of flower conservation and management after the Beginning of Autumn as an old saying goes, "on the 18th of the Beginning of Autumn, every inch of grass will bear seeds." that is to say, after the Beginning of Autumn, all plants in nature will bear seeds and end their lives. This solar term is also very important for flower growers. Many flowers need to strengthen fertilizer and water management, cut and maintain in autumn, so as to enhance the stress resistance of plants. For example, the soon-to-bloom sweet-scented osmanthus will add some fertilizer and water containing phosphorus and potash, and it will blossom in September; the plum blossom that blossoms in winter will go through deducting water to promote the transformation of leaf buds into flower buds, and the flower buds will be strengthened by increasing the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. and to protect the leaves from falling off; and orchids should maintain the humidity of the air, prevent autumn dryness, and increase the application of fertilizers containing more phosphorus and potash to promote the growth of Chunlan and Chunhui flower buds. (for example, Chunlan just saw the bud to promote its growth.) Chinese wolfberry should be pruned properly to make the autumn flowers bloom and bear fruit. The early chrysanthemum in the chrysanthemum has big buds, and the big chrysanthemum should also be thinned and crossed, and so on. Therefore, there are still a lot of things about flower management after the Beginning of Autumn. Autumn flower cultivation management and protection measures 1. Irrigation: irrigation should be carried out early and late, avoid irrigation at high temperature at noon, and avoid cold water with large temperature difference. It can be irrigated on the ground, or it can be cooled by foliar spraying. 2. Shading: continue to shade the shade-loving flowers and seedlings to prevent sunburn, such as tortoise back bamboo, rhododendron, asparagus, ferns, orchids and so on. 3, reproduction: (1) sowing: the woody flowers that can be sown are peony, Luohansong, etc., and the seeds can be sown with picking; the plants and flowers that can be sown are petunia, goldfish grass, dry golden lotus, calendula and so on. (2) cutting: herbaceous flowers that can be propagated by cutting are vanilla, Scutellaria barbata, geranium, etc., while woody flowers suitable for cutting propagation are Pueraria lobata, Milan, rhododendron, camellia, Luohansong and so on. (3) grafting: using Magnolia and Magnolia as rootstocks, grafting two Arbor Magnolia; using peach as rootstock, grafting blue peach, purple leaf peach and red leaf plum; using green maple as rootstock, grafting red maple and feather maple; using wild rose as rootstock, grafting modern rose. (4) striping: the flowers and trees that can be reproduced by pressing are: wax plum, Lingxiao, sweet-scented osmanthus, purple magnolia, red maple and so on. (5) ramet: the flowers that can be propagated are: auspicious grass, hairpin, water umbrella grass, Iris, calamus, kidney fern and so on. 4. Fertilizer and water management: flowers with exuberant growth should be fertilized every half month, and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to flowers that are blooming. 5. Pruning and picking buds: timely pruning hedges such as Hongji wood, golden leaf privet, French holly, etc.; for flowers and plants such as rose, crape myrtle, Milan, jasmine, etc., should cut off the abortive stem of the remnant flowers and cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests, weak branches, etc., to promote its germinating new branches to blossom again. 6. Seed collection: the woody flower seeds that can be harvested are peony, Luohansong, Chimonanthus and so on. Herbaceous flower seeds that can be harvested are: peony, Scutellaria barbata, impatiens, morning glory and so on.