
The method of raising daffodils in water

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, From September to October, the full, robust and pest-free bulbs were dried for a few days, the outer membranous scales of the bulbs were removed, the old roots were trimmed, and then the water culture time was determined according to the time spent. In the central region of Guizhou Province, it takes more than 2 months for families to raise daffodils to bloom. In addition, due to the different aesthetic tastes of flower growers

From September to October, the full, robust and pest-free bulbs were dried for a few days, the outer membranous scales of the bulbs were removed, the old roots were trimmed, and then the water culture time was determined according to the time spent. In the central region of Guizhou Province, it takes more than 2 months for families to raise daffodils to bloom. In addition, due to the different aesthetic tastes of flower growers, the planting balls can be carefully shaped according to their own hobbies before water culture, resulting in a poetic and varied artistic image. This is the traditional plastic art of narcissus in China.

After the above treatment, the seed bulb was soaked in water for 2 days and 3 nights, so that it could fully absorb water, and when the new root was seen, it was taken out and simply cut to break the shell. The cutting method is generally cut into a "mountain beam" shape, that is, the tangent is set on the front and back of the main bulb, and is longitudinally cut from the top to the bulb disc, and its depth reaches 1 inch 3 of the diameter of the bulb. If it is too deep, it will hurt the central flower bud, but if it is too shallow, it will not achieve the purpose of "breaking the shell". If the lateral flower buds are cut longitudinally, the front is "broken" and then the back is treated. After cutting, squeeze by hand, so that the gap between the incisions is enlarged, and the scales attached to them are loose, which is beneficial to the free extension of the flowers.

After cutting the seed ball first soak in water for 1 day, wash the mucus secreted by the incision, and then according to the size and number of seed ball, planted in the choice of size of the shallow basin, it is best to use a ceramic basin or porcelain basin. When planting, the seed ball is fixed with small stones, and boxing stones can also be used to form Narcissus bonsai. Finally, add water to the first three places of the seed ball and put it in an environment with plenty of sunshine and a temperature of 12: 20 ℃. It can blossom in about a month. After flowering, put it in a cool place of 10-12 ℃, and the flowering period can be maintained for about 1 month. Pour out the water in the basin every night and add fresh water in the morning. There is no need to apply fertilizer.

The water-fed bulbs have been depleted of nutrients and have no ability to renew, so they can not blossom in the second year, so they have to discard and replace them with new ones.

During the Spring Festival, the graceful daffodils add a bit of sweetness to the festive room. But this often happens: a good daffodil head, the leaves grow very fast, but the flower branches are hidden under the leaves, the ornamental effect is greatly reduced. The correct way is:

Buy the daffodil head in a shallow basin for water culture, during the day put the daffodil basin in a sunny place, the temperature should be kept at 12: 15 ℃. Pour out the basin water in the evening and add fresh water the next morning. In this way, the leaves will not grow in vain, they are green and short, the buds develop well, and the flowers are large and fragrant.

If it is found that the leaves of the daffodils have grown only, the daffodils should be placed outside in a sunny day and the temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃. The low temperature environment will inhibit the growth of the leaves, but it has little effect on the flower branches in the daffodil bulbs. After the flower branches exceed the leaves, they can be transferred to the above-mentioned temperature tube.

How to raise daffodils in family water? Attention skills of raising daffodils in water

April days in the world, beautiful and elegant wading from the water, Qingting Tingting, clear and shallow, lightly to let you do your smile. Curl of music light with the mood of the past, knocking on the window lattice of the moon is still a smile. Baiyun plays the dance music of the heart, and the blue sky pulls up innocent dreams. So do you know how to raise daffodils? The following editor will introduce you.

Daffodils can be cultivated in pots or water, and most families use more water to raise them. The aquaculture of daffodils is as follows.

Peel off the bulb of narcissus, remove the mud and withered roots, then peel off the upper 3-4 layers of outer epidermis of the bulb with a knife to expose the flower buds, and be careful not to damage the flower buds. Then soak the bulb in clean water for one night, wipe off the mucus from the incision the next day, and then put it upright into the shallow basin of daffodils. It is appropriate to submerge the bulb 1/3 with water. The bulb can be fixed with quartz sand and pebbles in the basin. During the day, the daffodil basin should be placed in a sunny place, move into the room at night, and pour out the water in the basin to control the excessive growth of leaves. Add water the next morning and be careful not to move the direction of the bulb. Just on the basin, daffodils can change the water once a day, and then every 2-3 days, after the formation of the bud, change the water once a week. Daffodils grow well at 10-15 degrees, bloom in about 45 days, and the flowering period can be maintained for more than a month. Daffodils during the aquaculture period, especially to give sufficient light, during the day to put in the sun, at night can be put under the light. In this way, the stems and leaves of daffodils can be prevented from growing, while the leaves of daffodils are short, wide and strong, with thick green leaves and fragrant flowers. Water to raise daffodils, generally do not need fertilization, if there are conditions, in the flowering period a little application of some available phosphorus, fertilizer, flowers can bloom better.

Key points of conservation: it is easy to raise daffodils, but it is more difficult to raise them well.

The key is light and temperature, to make the daffodil plant type strong and beautiful, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient light every day, and the temperature can not be high. If you keep it indoors in a shady place and receive less than 3 hours of light every day, or the temperature is above 15 ℃, the daffodils leaves will "grow crazy", and the leaves will be hypertrophy and thin and soft, yellowing in color, lack of vitality, easy to lodge, and reduce the ornamental value. Therefore, it must be placed in Nanyangtai to bask in the sun as much as possible, so that the plant height can grow to 30 cm, and the leaves are thick and green. Daffodils generally do not need to fertilize, because the bulb itself stores enough nutrients. But if the flower head is too much and the sphere is thinner, you can also put a few drops of honey in the water every week to supplement nutrition, promote its full opening and prevent "dumb flowers". Carved daffodils, the leaves near the incision are yellow, you can put a little urea in the water during flowering (dip some water with the tip of chopsticks, then dip it in urea, and rinse it in the daffodil dish), and the daffodils leaves will soon become green and shiny.

Control the flowering time.

Under the condition of sufficient light and clean water supply, when the indoor temperature is 12 ℃-15 ℃, it takes about 40 days from soaking to flowering; the room temperature is about 18 ℃, about 30 days; when the room temperature is 20 ℃, it takes only 25 days to blossom; therefore, the soaking date of daffodils can be determined according to the need, and the beautiful daffodils can be enjoyed in time.

That's all I know about daffodils today. I hope it will be helpful for you to read this article. If you want to know more about daffodils, please continue to follow our succulent flower beds and learn more.

How to raise daffodils in water the correct way to raise daffodils is: the water environment should be fixed and the temperature should be stable. the light should be appropriate. But when the water-raised daffodils produce leaves and buds, some people like to move from indoor to outdoor, from the inner balcony to the outer balcony, resulting in a wide temperature difference, rapid cold and hot. As a result, the daffodils are scorched because they can't bloom. Some put the flowerpot on the edge of the outdoor window and encounter a special low temperature at night. It is also easy to make the bud freeze and scorch and cannot blossom. Some daffodils are placed indoors or on the TV where there is no sun, all of which are the reasons why the daffodils do not grow leaves, or only long leaves do not give birth to buds, or do not bloom with buds. Therefore, water-raised daffodils should be cultivated according to the correct method.