
What about rubber tree leaves?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What about rubber tree leaves?

In order to add some interest to the family, people tend to have some flowers and plants at home, and the rubber tree becomes their choice. Although the rubber tree does not need to be taken good care of, there will be problems with the rubber tree, so what if the rubber tree loses its leaves?

1. What if the rubber tree loses its yellow leaves

Different from other plants, rubber trees are moisture-resistant and cold-resistant, and the general occurrence of leaf loss occurs in summer and winter. In winter, rubber trees should be moved indoors to prevent frost damage, preferably in the balcony, as far as possible not to be eroded by the cold winter. Move the rubber tree outside the house in summer to let it absorb more sunlight and prevent root fester caused by air conditioning all day. If there is a loss of yellow leaves in the rubber tree at home, please check whether it belongs to the above two points. If not, it is time to water and fertilize the rubber tree, and if necessary, change the soil to prevent the bacteria in the soil from polluting the plant again.

The loss of yellow leaves of a rubber tree indicates that there is a problem in absorbing nutrients. It is necessary to check whether the root of the tree is festering. Once there is a problem with the root of the tree, the festering root should be cut off while changing the soil in time. And the rubber tree will be treated well in the following time. It is best to loosen the soil and water every other time. At the same time, it is necessary to remove all the yellow leaves of the rubber tree and cut off some of the stems and leaves. If you apply fertilizer, you'd better use phosphorus from crops. The cured rubber tree should be well ventilated, keep the right temperature, and have plenty of light. It is best to put it on a glass-closed balcony in winter. Keeping the rubber tree expensive is the most important point in planting rubber tree. The rubber trees that grow in the future need to change pots every year, and with the growth of the roots of rubber trees, the pots will get bigger and bigger year by year. After growing to 6 years, the basin can be changed every three years, according to the growth rate of the rubber tree.

Rubber trees in the purification of secondhand smoke in the air can also purify the dust in the air, the general environment is not very good closed family space rubber trees can be said to work hard, in the treatment of rubber trees planted as good as possible, more fertilizer. In addition, the construction of rubber trees is also very fastidious. When pruning the branches and leaves of rubber trees, be careful not to cut off the uppermost leaves. The branches and leaves around them can be cut and inserted. The vitality of rubber trees is very tenacious. Generally, they pay a little attention to the branches that are cut down. These branches can survive. Pruned rubber trees require less nutrition, so don't be busy watering and fertilizing until new branches and leaves grow in the pruned area.

2. Study on the causes of yellowing leaves in rubber trees.

1. Lack of light

Lack of light is one of the reasons for the loss of leaves of rubber trees, rubber trees are sun-loving, shade-tolerant plants, put rubber trees in dark places for a long time, no sunlight is easy to cause rubber trees to lose leaves. Put the rubber tree in a sunny place to keep a good light, and it is best to get all-weather sunlight in winter.

2. The temperature is too low

Too low temperature is also the reason for the loss of leaves of rubber trees. Rubber trees like places with high temperature, high humidity and plenty of sunshine, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 Mel 25 ℃. Especially in winter, rubber trees begin to lose their leaves when the temperature is below 10 ℃. At this time, you need to move the rubber trees indoors or other hotter places to raise them, but be careful to have sunlight.

3. Improper watering

Rubber trees will lose their leaves if they are watered too frequently or if they are not watered for a long time. Rubber trees must be often watered during their growth, especially in the hot summer season, because of their large evaporation, they need to be watered not only from their roots, but also from their leaves. However, the potted soil for planting rubber trees is too wet and easy to rot, so it must be watered when the potted soil is dry.

4. Pest attack

Rubber trees sometimes have pest problems, leaves with red spiders, branches and leaves with shell insects will appear rubber tree leaf falling phenomenon. The occurrence of leaf loss in rubber trees should be checked to see if it is a pest problem and dealt with in a timely manner.

The above methods and reasons for the loss of leaves of rubber trees have been explored, we have corresponding measures for the loss of leaves of rubber trees, then, does the understanding of the loss of leaves of rubber trees make you more familiar with rubber tree farming?

We have corresponding measures for the loss of leaves in rubber trees, so does the knowledge of losing leaves in rubber trees make you more familiar with rubber tree farming?