
How to prune rubber trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to prune rubber trees

Rubber tree is a tough plant, even if it is not well taken care of, rubber tree can grow very well, so many people choose rubber tree as their home decoration plant for this reason, but rubber tree needs pruning, so, how should rubber tree be trimmed?

1. Pruning of rubber trees

Rubber trees are not resistant to cold and grow fastest at 30 ℃. They are not afraid of summer heat. They should keep room temperature above 15 ℃ in winter and freeze when they are below 10 ℃. Like sunshine, can not bear shade, indoor furnishings can not exceed 7 days, otherwise internodes elongate, leaves droop, twigs will wither. It is required that loose and fertile humus soil grows poorly in cat soil, can tolerate light humus and slight acid, is not resistant to early, and grows normally in dry air.

In order to control the growth rate of the rubber tree, do not go to the big pot in the first place, change the soil once a year, cut off the surrounding roots, and still plant the original flowerpot, and replace the flowerpot of National people's Congress No. 1 three years later.

Rubber trees like big water and big fertilizer, and they will not rot or burn their roots because of large water, but too much water will cause branches to grow too long, and if the room temperature is lower in winter, the plant shape will be relatively loose, and the amount of water should be controlled; dry and wet between the growing seasons, dry and thoroughly watered in winter. If you can get horseshoe slices to give to the bottom of the pot or around, you don't have to fertilize it. There is more sunshine near the south window in winter.

The terminal bud of the rubber tree has strong germination power, but the lateral bud germination ability is weak. If not pruned, the terminal bud can germinate continuously, making the main branch grow longer, while the axillary bud is in a dormant state, so that it can not form a round crown and grow into a single culm, which is quite ugly. Therefore, when the cuttings grow to about so meters, the upper branches should be cut off and the dry height should be kept at 60 meters. After amputation, the axillary buds below can sprout quickly. If the trunk is strong, 5-6 lateral branches can sprout at the same time, which often appears to be too dense. It is best to leave only the lateral branches that extend in three different directions, and cut off the excess lateral branches. Let the remaining three lateral branches form the backbone branches of the tree, that is, the lateral main branches. After the lateral main branches grow for 2 years, the length can reach 60-80 cm. They should be cut short in time, and the length of the remaining branches should be 40 mi 60 m. Three secondary lateral branches are left at their apex net, and the excess axillary buds are erased, thus forming the second layer of backbone branches, thus forming the basic tree shape of "three rights and nine tops".

Second, the pruning season of rubber trees

The pruning of rubber trees should pay attention to "winter pruning, summer control side". That is, heavy pruning of strong trees and light pruning of weak trees in winter, with emphasis on pruning upright and strong competitive branches from the base. In summer, the pruning of rubber trees should be carried out to re-control the strong branches, control the strong and retain the weak, adjust the balance of the tree situation, and master the principles of strong side strike, heavy pruning of strong branches, light pruning of weak branches and more twigs, so as to achieve the pruning purpose of highlighting the trunk and promoting the growth of trees.

Third, the pruning height of rubber trees

The trimming cut of the rubber tree should be smooth and strictly prevent the wall from cracking. The suitable height of stubble is 1 m-2 m. Too high and too low will affect wound healing and tree growth. The suitable pruning season for rubber trees is early spring or late autumn and winter. It is suitable for early spring before the sap flows. If the tree is pruned when it sprouts, the water transpiration is fast, the water is lost, and a lot of nutrients are consumed, which is not conducive to the growth of the tree. If the rubber tree is pruned in summer, be careful not to prune on cloudy and rainy days, so as not to soak the wound and become infected with diseases.

Above for the rubber tree this common plant has been introduced, we have the understanding of rubber tree pruning, for rubber tree breeding more leisurely and confident, more busy friends, if you want to plant dress up, rubber tree is a good choice.