
How many common jasper? How to maintain and reproduce?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are at least 1000 kinds of jasper plants all over the world. At present, there are 5 kinds of jasper plants used for flower cultivation in China, such as watermelon skin jasper, wrinkled leaf jasper, gray green jasper, flower leaf jasper, vine jasper, etc., all of which are small indoor potted flowers. They prefer high temperature and semi-shade environment, and the optimum temperature for growth is 25℃.

There are at least 1000 species of Jasper plants all over the world. At present, there are five kinds of flower cultivation in China, such as watermelon peel Jasper, wrinkled leaf Jasper, Grey Green Jasper, Flower Jasper, trailing Jasper and so on, all of which are small indoor ornamental potted flowers. They like high temperature and semi-shade environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 25 ℃. In winter, the room temperature must be kept above 10-15 ℃, otherwise the leaves will fall, and less than 8 ℃ will die by freezing.

Jasper is strong and easy to cultivate and maintain. It should be shaded in spring, summer and autumn, and oblique light can be seen in winter. Their leaves are thick, covered with a waxy layer, can store water, transpiration is small, and do not water too much. Attention should be paid to improving air humidity in dry spring and high room temperature in winter, and ventilation should be strengthened in muggy summer, otherwise it is easy to defoliate.

It is difficult for Jasper to bear fruit under pot conditions, so cutting propagation is carried out. Varieties with aboveground stems can cut stem segments and cut them. The cuttings are 5-6 cm long, with 1-2 leaves in each segment and inserted into plain sand. The varieties without aboveground stems can be inserted into leaves, cut off the thick leaves that grow and enrich, and insert a petiole 1 to 2 cm long into coarse sand or vermiculite. At room temperature of about 25 ℃, the petiole base takes root after 3 weeks, young leaves can sprout after 40 days, and the seedlings are divided into pots when 4 leaves are produced.

How to breed and cultivate Jasper

Jasper, also known as pepper grass, commonly cultivated varieties are flower and leaf Jasper, white leaf Jasper and so on. Jasper is native to tropical America and likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-28 ℃. In winter, room temperature should be kept between 10-15%, otherwise leaves will fall, and less than 10 ℃ will be frozen to death. It is appropriate to loosen the fertile and well-drained soil.

Under pot conditions, bean green is very difficult to bear fruit, so it is often propagated by cutting or split-plant method. Due to different species, some bean greens have aboveground stems, which can be cut from branches. The cuttings are 5 to 6 centimeters long, with two leaves in each section and inserted into the plain sand. If there is no stem above ground, the thick leaves can be cut, put on a petiole 1 to 2 cm long, and inserted into coarse sand or vermiculite. At room temperature of about 25 ℃, the base of petiole can take root for about 3 weeks, young leaves can sprout after 40 days, and the seedlings can be divided into pots when 4 leaves grow. Ramet should be carried out in spring and autumn.

If your Jasper is seeded, you might as well try sowing the seeds and cover the pot with a black plastic bag until the seeds germinate, otherwise the light will inhibit the germination and the seeds will not be unearthed for about 20 days.

Potted Jasper should choose 5 parts of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, 3 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of coarse sand mixed with sifted culture soil + watering according to different seasons and weather, grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, and avoid stagnant water in the basin; in dry climate and summer, it is advisable to spray clear water on stems and leaves once or twice a day to keep the leaves green. Rarefied liquid fertilizer is applied about every half month during the growth period. Jasper is more shady, the four seasons can be placed indoors with bright scattered light to cultivate, spring, autumn and winter can see more sunshine. A short cut was carried out every 2 ~ 3 years to promote the germination of new shoots.

Jasper plant shape plump, leaves as thick as beans, bright green four seasons: often used for interior decoration, such as in the study, bedroom, living room desk, several or desktop, green and bright, elegant and pleasant, quite loved by people.

How to cultivate potted Jasper? the breeding method of Jasper

Jasper, also known as Douban Green, watercress, Douban Ruyi, etc., is an herbaceous plant of the family Piperaceae. it is often cultivated in white plastic pots and white porcelain pots on coffee tables, decorative cabinets, ancient shelves, and desks. or any branches spread and hang in front of the indoor window or bathroom, which has a certain purification effect on formaldehyde, xylene, secondhand smoke and so on. Let's take a look at how to raise potted Jasper.

Growth habits of Jasper

Jasper originated in the West Indies, Panama, northern South America, and then introduced to China, is now produced in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and southern Gansu and southern Xizang and other places, like warm and humid environment, growth temperature about 25 ℃, the lowest not less than 10 ℃, not resistant to high temperature, higher air humidity, avoid direct sunlight, like loose fertile, moist soil with good drainage.

The breeding method of Jasper

Jasper is often propagated by cutting and dividing plants. The top branches of the cuttings are selected from April to May, the cuttings are about 5 cm long, and the upper part retains 1 or 2 leaves. After the cut is dried, it is inserted into the wet sand bed. Jasper can also be inserted into leaves, cut the leaves with petioles with a knife, dry them slightly, then insert them obliquely on the sand bed, and take root in 10-15 days. In the greenhouse with temperature control equipment, it can be carried out all the year round, and the ramet is mainly used for the reproduction of colored leaf varieties.

How to raise potted Jasper?

1. Soil: Jasper likes to grow in sandy soil that is loose and fertile, well drained and rich in humus, and is not suitable for growing in clay, so the matrix is usually mixed with rotten leaf soil, river sand and a small amount of mature organic fertilizer. a better substrate can be cultivated with optional peat soil and perlite.

2. Watering: Jasper prefers water and is not resistant to drought. It should be watered frequently during the growing period, and more water should be watered when the temperature is higher than 25 ℃ or Kongqi is dry, but it should also be prevented from waterlogging. When the temperature is below 25 ℃, the basin soil surface should be watered thoroughly when the temperature is less than 10 ℃. It can be dried for several days without watering.

3. Humidity: Jasper likes the moist growth environment, grows luxuriantly in the humid environment, and has bright leaves. When the temperature is high or Kongqi is dry, it is necessary to strengthen foliar spraying or sprinkle water in the growing environment to maintain high humidity of Kongqi, which is extremely beneficial to the growth of plants. It can also adapt to a short dry environment, but not for a long time, generally should be kept at about 70%.

4. Temperature: Jasper likes warm environment, the suitable temperature for growth is between 20 and 30 ℃, the overwintering temperature is better kept above 10 ℃, the growth stops below 10 ℃, and it is easy to freeze under 5 ℃. The change of temperature directly affects the color of leaves. The optimum temperature of colored leaves in winter is 18 ~ 20 ℃, and that of green leaves is about 15 ℃. If you are afraid of heat in hot summer, you can spray water under the shade to cool down, but it should be noted that overheating and humidity will cause stems and leaves to blacken and rot.

5. Lighting: Jasper likes semi-overcast or scattered light, except for sufficient light in winter, shading is needed in other seasons, especially in summer. If placed in a shady environment, it is easy to grow, grow between branches, and reduce ornamental, which is not advisable. Under the semi-overcast condition, the leaf color is brighter and the gloss is better, and the special variegated leaf variety has a slightly higher demand for sunlight.

6. Fertilization: Jasper needs a small amount of fertilizer when the temperature is higher than 18 ℃, less or no application when the temperature is lower than 18 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃, fertilization had better be carried out a few times, diluted fertilizer solution instead of clear water irrigation is the best, it is not tolerant to raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, and it is easy to cause fertilizer damage. Foliar spraying fertilizer solution can also be used for fertilization, and the effect is good. Fertilizers are mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, followed by phosphate fertilizer.

7. Pruning: Jasper has strong branching ability and grows rapidly. usually, we should pay attention to pruning, cutting off the branches that are too high and too dense, which can not only improve the air circulation between branches and stems, but also keep the plant shape beautiful. For newly propagated seedlings, it is necessary to pick the heart to increase the number of branches in the seedling height of about 10 centimeters, and the pruning of large plants is generally determined according to the growth.

Points for attention of Jasper

1. Jasper has fewer diseases and insect pests, and the general diseases are caused by improper nursing and environmental discomfort, which can be gradually recovered after adjustment. The pests are mainly harmed by red spiders, but they can be prevented when keeping high humidity. When they occur, they can be prevented by wiping leaves with wet cloth or spraying special pesticides.

2. Jasper aquaculture in summer should strengthen air convection so that the temperature in its body can be released, put it in semi-shade, or shade it by 50%. At the same time, spray properly, 2-3 times a day.

3. Jasper should move to a brightly lit place for maintenance when breeding in winter, and wrap it with a film outside for the winter, but uncover the film every two days when the temperature is high at noon and let it breathe.

4. Jasper has many requirements for fertilizer and water, but she is most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, and complete nutrition".

5. Jasper is afraid of bright light, so she needs to keep it in the semi-shade or give it 70% shade. For indoor maintenance, put it in a brightly lit place as far as possible, and move to outdoor semi-shade or shade every one or two months, so that it can accumulate nutrients and restore its growth.